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Cartography & Exploration / Atlases, Charts, Maps & Globes

Pocket atlas of the Low Countries with the world and the continents,
coloured by a contemporary hand

ELWE, Jan Barend. Compleete zak-atlas, van de zeventien Nederlandsche provinciën, begreepen in XXXI ... in 't koper gebragte kaarten.
Amsterdam, Jan Barend Elwe and Dirk Meland Langeveld, 1786. 8vo. With double-page engraved title-page, 29 folding engraved maps and 2 folding engraved tables, all coloured by a contemporary hand. Contemporary half calf, rebacked with the original gold-tooled backstrip. 243, [1] pp. text Full description
€ 2,950
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The division of Oregon Country between Britain and the United States of America

FÉDIX, P.A. L'Orégon et les côtes de l'Océan Pacifique du Nord, aperçu géographique, statistique et politique, avec une carte du pays d'après les documens les plus récens.
Paris, Librairie de Amyot (printed by Éd. Proux et Cie), 1846. 8vo. With a large folding map (40 x 52.5 cm) depicting what the United States called Oregon Country, dated 1846 and partly coloured in outline. Modern maroon half morocco. 258 pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Europe fortified: the fortifications of Marolois, Stevin and Vauban, beautifully mapped,
together with an atlas of the coasts of France, also with fortifications

FER, Nicolas de. Les forces de l' Europe, ou description des principales villes; avec leurs fortifications. . . .
Paris, "chez l'auteur" [=Nicolas de Fer, a false imprint], 1695-1696 [printed in Amsterdam, for Pieter Mortier, 1695-ca. 1702]. 10 parts in 1 volume. With 234 beautifully engraved plates (a few folding) with 366 maps and views of fortified cities.
With: (2) FER, Nicolas de. Costes de France, sur l' ocean & sur la Mer Mediterranée &c. avec leurs fortifications. . . .
Paris, "Nicolas de Fer" [a false imprint], 1695. [printed in Amsterdam, for Pieter Mortier]. With engraved title-page and 40 engraved plates (including 2 folding). 2 works in 12 parts or volumes, bound as 1 volume. Oblong 1mo (30×37 cm). Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. Full description
€ 17,500
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Accurately revised, corrected, and enlarged edition of Flamsteed's celestial atlas,
the first celestial atlas since Tycho Brahe and Hevelius

FLAMSTEED, John and Jean FORTIN (editor). Atlas céleste de Flamstéed ...
Paris, Le citoyen Lamarche, successeur de Robert de Vaugondy & J. Fortin, "L'an IIIe de la République Françoise" [= 1795]. Small 4to. With beautifully designed engraved maps of the celestial globe, including all astronomical constellations, on 30 double-page plates, versos blank, including 2 maps of the celestial hemispheres, and 2 maps of the celestial planisphere, one after a design by Abbé de La Caille with the plans of the southern constellations, all maps engraved by C. E. Voisard after Flamsteed, and the text written on the maps by Beaublé. With the title and text set within a simple woodcut frame. Contemporary half calf, black morocco title label lettered in gold on the spine, brown sprinkled paper sides, marbled edges. IX, [1] pp.; 30 double-page engraved plates; 47, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Collection of 6 maps of the Beemster polder 1644-1979

[MAP - NETHERLANDS - BEEMSTER]. FLORISZ. VAN BERCKENRODE, Balthasar and Daniel van BREEN. Beemsterlants caerte... [with a second title at the head:] Ware afbeeldinge vande bedyckte Beemster-landen... M.DC.XLIIII.
Amsterdam, 1644 [reprinted ca. 1769?]. Engraved map in 6 sheets (each 56 x 44 cm).
(2) [FLORISZ. VAN BERCKENRODE, Balthasar] and Daniel van BREEN. Beemsterlants caerte...
Amsterdam, 1658. Engraved map (43.5 x 58 cm).
(3) Beemster landts kaarte, aenwijsende de hoogte vande ringhdyck.
[Amsterdam(?), ca. 1696]. Engraved map (28 x 35.5 cm).
(4) DORLAND, C. [2 maps of the Beemster].
Amsterdam, Tresling & Co., March 1908. 2 nearly identical chromolithographed maps (ca. 28 x 36 cm), the first partly and the second wholly coloured.
(5) Waterschap de Beemster.
February 1970, updated to 1979. Large map (64 x 50 cm).
Collection of 6 maps (the first in 6 sheets). Bound in modern cloth (57.5 x 47 cm). Full description
€ 3,750
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Well-illustrated encyclopaedia of astronomical and surveying instruments from the time of Galileo,
with a world map in two hemispheres, and 3 volvelles

GALLUCCI, Giovanni Paolo. Della fabrica et uso di diversi stromenti di astronomia, et cosmografia, ove si vede la somma della teorica, et pratica di queste due nobilissime scienze.
Venice, Roberto Meietti, 1598. 4to (22 x 16.5 cm). With engraved title-page, folding woodcut plate, 3 woodcut volvelles with moving parts, and numerous woodcut illustrations in text. Including a world map in two hemispheres (incl. America and a scattering of islands at the location of Australia) on two facing pages, they reappear with volvelle attachments on both sides of leaf 149 and leaf 153. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [8], 228 ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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A Portuguese expedition to the Kingdom of Kazemba

GAMITTO, Antonio Candido Pedroso. O Muata Cazembe e os povos Maraves, Cheva, Muiza, Muembas, Lundas e outros da Africa austral.
Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional, 1854. 8vo. With 22 hand-coloured lithographed plates, and a folding lithographed map (45 x 28 cm), hand-coloured in outline. Contemporary straight-grained, gold-tooled black sheepskin, gilt edges. XXV, [1 blank], 501, [1 blank], [2] pp. Full description
€ 9,000
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Mexico in the 1880s, with atlas volume including 13 chromolithographed maps and 1 general map of Mexico

GARCIA CUBAS, Antonio. Cuadro geográfico, estadístico, descriptivo é histórico de los estados unidos Mexicanos. Obra que sirve de texto al Atlas pintoresco.
Including: Atlas Pintoresco e Historico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos.
México, Fomento & Debray, 1885. 2 volumes. 8vo and oblong large folio (64.5 x 82 cm). With 2 folding tables and 2 full-page plates in the text volume and in the atlas 13 chromolithographed maps (52 x 69 cm), and a full-page chromolithographed map of Mexico at the end. Contemporary black cloth with gold lettering on front board (text); contemporary red half morocco, title and ornaments in gold on spine (atlas). IV, 474, [3] pp. text. Full description
€ 11,000
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The most accurate map of India and the Gulf region to its time

[GASTALDI, Giacomo]. Seconda tavola.
[Venice], Ferrando Bertelli, 1565 [printed ca. 1570]. Engraved map of the Indian Ocean, Indian subcontinent and most of the Gulf region (28 x 39 cm; margins extended to 50 x 66.5 cm), at a scale of about 1:13,500,000 with north at the foot, with 3 sea monsters, a spouting whale and 3 ships in the ocean; and on the land elephants, lions and 2 people on horseback carrying spears. Although printed from a single copper plate, the present map image is divided into two parts, with a 7 mm gap between the right and left halves, so that nothing would be lost if the map were bound as a double-page plate. Full description
€ 18,000
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