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Natural History / Reptiles & Amphibians

First edition of Brodtmann's zoological series containing 144 lithographed plates, seldom found complete

BRODTMANN, Karl Joseph. Naturhistorische Bilder-Gallerie aus dem Thierreiche.
[Zurich or Schaffhausen?], Brodtmann, [1816 and later] (title-page of the "ersten Heft": Lindau, 1816). Heft 1-33 including the supplements, bound in 1 volume. Large folio (46 x 38 cm). With a lithographed title-page and 144 lithographs drawn by Brodtmann himself showing humans, other mammals, reptiles and amphibians, birds, insects, etc. 19th-century brown marbled paper over boards. [8] (title and index) ll.; 36 (Heft 1-18); 16 (Heft 26-33); 6 (Heft 19-21); 10 (Heft 22-25); 4 (Supplement) pp. Full description
€ 18,500
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Rare, finely hand-coloured set of Buffon’s Histoire naturelle in its rarest and most luxurious form

BUFFON, Georges-Louis Leclerc de. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du cabinet du roi. Nouvelle édition.
Dordrecht, Abraham Blussé, 1766-1799. 38 parts in 21 volumes. Large 4to. With more than 1100 hand-coloured engraved plates, 10 maps, 1 folding engraved table, and an engraved portrait of Buffon (by Houbraken, with an extra-added uncoloured portrait pasted on the verso). Contemporary, uniform half tanned sheepskin. Full description
€ 125,000
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Complete fourth series (reptiles & amphibians) of Buffon's seminal work

[BUFFON, Georges Louis Leclerc and] Bernard Germain Étienne de la Ville-sur-Illon, comte de LACÉPÈDE. Histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes ovipares et des serpens [= Histoire naturelle, vols. XXXVII-XXXVIII].
Dordrecht, A. Blussé and son, 1799. 2 volumes. 4to. With 63 engraved plates. 19th-century uniform half calf, gold-tooled spines. 10, 276, [2]; 14, "280" [= 284] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Influential pharmacopoeia, choosing chemical pharmacy over Galenic pharmacy

CHARAS, Moyse. [Engraved title-page:] Pharmacopoea regia Galenice et chymica. [half-title]: Opera tribus tomis distincta: I. pharmacopoea regia galenica II. pharmacopoea regia chymica III. tractatus de theriaca & tractatus de vipera.
(1) CHARAS, Moyse. Pharmacopoea regia Galenica.(2) CHARAS, Moyse. Pharmacopoea regia chymica.(3) CHARAS, Moyse. Historiam naturalem animalium, plantarum et mineralium, theriacae andromachi compositionem ingredientium, cum experiments circa viperam
Geneva, Joannis Ludovici Du-Four, 1684. 3 works published as 1. 4to. With engraved general title-page, engraved author's portrait, 6 engraved plates and 3 engraved folding plates. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. [11], [1 blank], 496; [8], 449[=451], [1 blank], [28]; [4], 275, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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A natural history with 56 hand-coloured plates: the fossils, flora and fauna of the earth

HILL, John. A general natural history: or, new and accurate descriptions of the animals, vegetables, and minerals, of the different parts of the world; with their virtues and uses, as far as hitherto certainly known, in medicine and mechanics: ...
London, Printed for Thomas Osborne, 1748-1752. 3 volumes. Folio. With 56 hand-coloured plates (16 on plants, 28 on animals and 12 on fossils, some signed by B. Cole) and in volume 3 also 1 folding table.Contemporary green morocco, richly gold-tooled spines with red morocco labels, gold-tooled frames on the boards, marbled endpapers. Volumes misnumbered on the spines (vols. 1-3 labeled 3, 1 and 2 respectively). [12], 1-228, 333-592, *457-*592, 593-654, [6]; XXVI, 642; [7], [1 blank]; [8], 584, [4]; pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Zoological work including unicorns and dragons, with 95 engraved plates

MERCKLEIN, Georg Abraham. Neu ausgefertigtes historisch-medicinisches Thier-Buch in vier besonderen Theilen verabfasset; ... Wobei verschiedene, wieder allerhand Kranckheiten bewehrte Geness-Mittel: angezeiget.
Nuremberg, Johan Friedrich Rüdiger, 1714. 8vo. With a double-page engraved frontispiece, engraved by Johan Lorentz Hönnig, a double-page letterpress title-page printed in red and black, and 95 engraved plates, each depicting several animals. Contemporary vellum. [26], 732, [72] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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A scientific study of the natural history of Norway, including its sea monsters

PONTOPPIDAN, Erich. The natural history of Norway ...
London, printed for A. Linde, 1755. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With a large folding engraved map of Norway by Johann Baptist Homann, and 28 engraved plates depicting minerals, shells, fishes, birds, mammals, plants, and the inhabitants of Norway. Contemporary gold- and blind-tooled calf, with gold-tooled corner edges of the boards, gold-tooled turn-ins and marbled edges. XXIV, 206; VIII, 291, [12] pp. Full description
€ 5,850
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German textbook on zoology, printed in Pottsville, Pennsylvania

REUBELT, John Adam. Kurzgefaßtes Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Enthaltend wissenschaftliche und populäre Beschreibungen von dem Menschen, den Säugethieren, Vögeln, Amphibien, Fischen, Weich- und Gliederthieren.
Pottsville [Pennsylvania], C.W. Günther and the author, 1848. 8vo. With numerous woodcuts in text, depicting men and animals. Contemporary black half sheepskin. 392 pp. Full description
€ 375
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The frogs and toads of Germany in the manner of Maria Sybilla Merian

RÖSEL VON ROSENHOF, August Johann. Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium in qua omnes earum proprietates, praesertim quae ad generationem ipsarum pertinent, fusius enarrantur. | Die natürliche Historie der Frösche hiesigen Landes worinnen alle Eigenschaften derselben, sonderlich aber ihre Fortpflanzung, umständlich beschrieben werden.
Nuremberg, Johann Joseph Fleischmann, [1753]-1758. 2 parts in 1 volume. Royal folio (48 x 33 cm). With hand-coloured engraved frontispiece and 2 sets of the 24 engraved plates. Each of the 24 plates is present twice: beautifully hand-coloured with the figures still unnumbered, and in black and white with the figures numbered (and key letters added) but with Rösel's name erased. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. [2], VIII, [6], 116 pp. Full description
€ 22,500
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A newly discovered lizard and a strange plant-animal, both with a coloured illustration

SCHLOSSER, Johan Albert. Epistola ad virum expertissimum, peritissimumque Ferdinandum Dejean, ... de Lacerta Amboinensi, novae plane hujus speciei, pulcherrimae et hucusque fere incognitae, accuratam descriptionem ac fidelem a peritis artificibus elaboratam delineationem aeri incisam, sistens. - Brief ... Behelzende eene naauwkeurige beschrijving der Amboinsche haagdis. Benevens eene zeer wel-gelijkende afbeelding deezer vostrekt-nieuwe, fraaije en tot heden toe genoegzaam onbekende soort, door bekwaame kunstenaars vervaardigd.
Amsterdam, for the author, 1768. With a beautiful large hand-coloured engraved folding plate (28.5 x 49.5 cm) of an Ambonese lizard by Simon Fokke after Gerrit Dadelbeek.
With: (2) BOLTEN, Joachim Frederick. Ad illustrem sytematis naturae authorem Carolum a Linné ... epistola de novo quodam zoophytorum genere. - Uitvoerige beschryving en naauwkeurige natuurlyk gekleurde afbeelding van een nieuwelyks ontdekt geheel onbekend plant-dier. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald.
Amsterdam, Jan Christiaan Sepp, 1771. With a large folding engraved plate (43 x 27.3 cm), hand-coloured and printed in gold, by Franz Nikolaus Rolffsen after H. Fischer. 2 works in 1 volume. Royal 4to (29 x 24 cm). Contemporary calf. [4], 18 ll.; [2], 11, [1 blank], 8 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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