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Africa / Drawings, Photographs, Prints & Watercolours

Ethnography of the Xhosa people of South Africa, with the very rare album with four attractive hand-coloured aquatints

ALBERTI, Lodewyk and Ludwig Gottlieb PORTMAN. [Drop-title:] Zuid-Afrikaansche gezichten.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, [1810]. Oblong 1mo (45 x 60 cm). Letterpress text leaf and 4 large aquatint plates coloured by a contemporary hand, engraved by Ludwig Gottlieb Portman after drawings by Jacob Smies and Christopher Howen. Contemporary stiff, marbled paper wrappers, kept in a modern green half morocco clamshell box.
(2) ALBERTI, Lodewyk. De Kaffers aan de zuidkust van Afrika, natuur en geschiedkundig beschreven.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1810. 8vo. With engraved title-page, aquatint folding plan, with coastal view, of Algoa Bay, and 2 stipple-engraved plates, all but the title-page coloured by a contemporary hand. Contemporary gold-tooled calf; rebacked, with new endpapers.
(3) ALBERTI, Lodewyk. Description physique et historique des Cafres, sur la côte méridionale de l'Afrique ...
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1811. 8vo. With the same plan and 2 plates as ad. 2, also coloured by a contemporary hand. Contemporary gold-tooled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [1] l. text + 4 plates; [8], VIII, [4], 260, [1], [1 blank] pp.; XII, [4], 255, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Rare and extensive work on Algeria, spectacularly illustrated with 133 large plates, some in colour

BERBRUGGER, Louis Adrien. Algerie historique, pittoresque et monumentale, ou Recueil de vues, costumes et portraits faits d'après nature dans les provinces d'Alger, Bone, Constantine et Oran.
Paris, Delahaye (part-titles: printed by Dondey-Dupré), 1843. 5 parts in 3 volumes. Royal 1mo (57 x 42.5 cm). With chromo-lithographed general title-page, tinted lithographed frontispiece, 2 lithographed maps hand-coloured in outline, and 133 lithographed plates (image size up to 44.5 x 30.5 cm, nearly all non-botanical ones tinted and one with 2 chromolithographed and hand-coloured costume prints) by and after artists including Charles Bour, Eugène Flandin, Félix Emmanuel Henri Philippoteaux and Denis Auguste Marie Raffet. Also with lithographed views (and a few lithographed maps) printed in the tail margins at the ends of many chapters, and 45 white-on-black wood-engravings of coins (each with obverse and reverse) in the text. The 72 botanical illustrations on the last 10 lithographed plates are coloured by hand and highlighted with gum arabic. The non-botanical plates have the publisher's embossed stamp in the foot margin. Contemporary, uniform dark green half goatskin morocco with a gold-tooled spine. XIV, [3], [1 blank], 80; [3], [1 blank], 68; [3], [1 blank], 42; [3], [1 blank], 21, [1 blank], 18, 16, [1], [1 blank] pp. including the chromolithographed title-page. Full description
€ 28,500
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Fascinating large watercolour of an African lion by a well-known 19th-century French nature draughtsman

BEVALET, Antoine Germain. Lion dAfrique.
[France], 1839. Ca. 65 x 81 cm. Watercolour and ink drawing on wove paper (with a part of an unidentified watermark ["igant & C"] in the upper right corner). Titled Lion dAfrique, signed "Bevalet" and dated "1839" in black ink in the lower part. Full description
€ 6,500
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Hand coloured battle plan for the 1816 attack on Algiers

[BRITISH NAVY - BATTLE PLAN - ALGIERS]. Plan of the Bay and City of Algiers.
[London?, 1816]. 35 x 44. With an illustration of the plan of attack and a view of the fortifications on the Mole at Algiers. Full description
€ 1,750
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Very rare children's book on the peoples of the world, with 24 hand-coloured costume plates

[CHILDREN'S BOOK - GEOGRAPHY - ANTHROPOLOGY]. Kleine Völker-Gallerie für Kinder in unterhaltenden Erzählungen von den Sitten, Meinungen, Gebräuchen und Kleidungen fremder Nationen, mit vier und zwanzig kolorirten Kupfern.
Köln, 1811. 12mo. With 24 numbered engravings (7 x 3 cm) showing the peoples discussed in their traditional costumes, each mounted on a blank leaf. With the engravings coloured as published, as indicated on the title-page. Later gold-tooled half red morocco, red paper over boards, with the title in gold on the spine. 170, [4] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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"one of the most renowned nineteenth-century photobooks"

FRITH, Francis. Egypt and Palestine. Photographed and described.
London, James S. Virtue, [1858-1859]. 2 volumes. Folio (44.5 x 32.5 cm). With 76 photographs on plates by Francis Frith (ca. 14.5-16.5 x 21.5-23 cm), each with a separate leaf of text. Contemporary red morocco, gold-tooled spines and boards, marbled endpapers, gilt edges. Full description
€ 40,000
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First edition of Livingstone's account of his first mission to southern Africa, with 27 plates,
including the first published view of Victoria Falls

LIVINGSTONE, David. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa; including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the west coast; thence across the continent, down the river Zambesi, to the eastern ocean.
London, John Murray (back of title-page: W. Clowes and sons), 1857. 8vo. With a folding tinted lithographed plate as frontispiece, a wood-engraved illustration on the title-page, a lithographed portrait of Livingstone, 20 lithographed plates, 2 tinted lithographed plates, a folding lithographed plate with a geological cross section, a lithographed folding map of southern Africa, a lithographed folding map pasted on cloth, with Livingstone's route from west to east Africa highlighted in red, and many wood-engraved illustrations in text. Original publisher's blind-blocked brown cloth. IX, [1], 687, [1], 8 pp. Full description
€ 1,350
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Encompassing collection of turn-of-the-century Magic Lantern slides, many of cavalry horses

[MAGIC LANTERN SLIDES]. [Large collection of more than 400 glass positive magic lantern slides].
[Kopenhagen?], [early 20th century]. More than 400 glass slides depicting various motifs related to coal mining, chemical processes and astronomy, as well as topographical motifs from Asia, Africa, China, Europe and America. Housed in the original publisher's wooden boxes. Includes 2 original projectors and 1 camera. Full description
€ 15,000
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