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Low Countries / Natural History & Science

Well-illustrated historical and regional study of Dutch gardens

BIENFAIT, Anna G. Oude Hollandsche tuinen... Met medewerking van Marg. Kossmann en een voorwoord van Prof.dr. J.Q. van Regteren Altena.
The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1943. Text (8vo) and atlas (obling folio) volume. With the title-pages printed in green and black, 3 plates and 4 illustrations in text; atlas with 317 plates showing 372 illustrations. Original publisher's decorated green cloth. XII, 301, [1]; XV, [1] pp. Full description
€ 375
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Extensive work discussing hundreds of plant species suitable for cultivation in Dutch gardens

[BOTANY - HORTICULTURE]. Bloemkundig woordenboek bevattende eene beschrijving van meer dan 2200 gewassen, (waaronder 170 van de mooiste heiden) zoo boomen, heesters als planten...
Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp & zoon, [1821]. 8vo. Contemporary red sprinkled paper wrappers, with a printed paper title-label on the spine. [2], L, 521, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Very rare description of the author’s own botanical garden in Amsterdam

CUNO, Johann Christian, David Sigmund BÜTTNER and Friedrich WAGNER (transl.) Ode über seinen Garten: Nachmahls Besser. Amsterdam, Jacob Cornelis Schoots van Cappelle, 1750. 8vo. With a folding engraved allegorical title-plate, an engraved printers device on the title-page, an elaborate engraved coat-of-arms on the dedication page and 11 engraved plates (1 folding). Further numerous woodcut allegorical capitals. Contemporary calf. [34], 260 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Definitive edition of a classic Dutch herbal

DODONAEUS (DODOENS), Rembertus. Cruydt-Boeck ...
Antwerp, Balthasar II Moretus in the Plantin printing office, 1644. Large folio (ca. 25 x 41 cm). With an integral, richly engraved title-page, with 1470 botanical woodcuts in the text, woodcut decorated initials, woodcut tailpiece with the Plantin compasses device at the end of the index and larger woodcut publishers device with the compasses and motto on the last, otherwise blank leaf. Set in textura types with extensive roman, italic and civilité. Contemporary gold- and blind-tooled calf over boards, with brass catch- and anchor-plates and one brass clasp. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [32], 1492, [59], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Frisian flora and plants of northwestern Europe: a detailed description

GABBEMA, Simon Abbes. Friesche lust-gaarde ofte Boom-heester-bloem- en kruyd-waarande, bestaande uyt der gewassen beschrijvinge, die in Hoog- en Neder-duyds-land en de aangrenzende land-schappen bekent zijn.
Leeuwarden, Hendrik Rintjes, 1686 (second title-page after preliminaries: 1687). 4to. With an engraved allegorical frontispiece, ascribed to Jan Luyken. Contemporary vellum, sprinkled edges, new endpapers. [1], [1 blank], [44], 660, [60] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Second known copy of a 19th-century list for recording the yearly evolution of certain plants and flowers

GENOOTSCHAP VOOR LANDBOUW EN KRUIDKUNDE TE UTRECHT. Lijst der planten voor de jaarlijksche waarnemingen.
Including: Lijst der planten voor de dagelijksche waarnemingen der bloemen.
Utrecht, W.F. Schultze, 19th century [after 1841]. Large 4to (28.5 x 23.5 cm). Contemporary blue paper wrappers, stitched through 3 holes. [12] pp. Full description
€ 650
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Rare science manual from Venlo

GEUNS, Petrus. Memoire sur les aimans. Ou description succinte de tout ce qui est necessaire pour la construction de toute sorte d'aiman imaginable; le changement de pôles suivant l'axe ou suivant les cotés de la pierre d'aiman. La construction & trempe des aiguilles de boussole. Une mémoire sur l'engrenage pour les horloger & autre artisans. Et pour les amateurs de l'histoire naturelle deux méthodes pour fermer les bocaux contre evaporation de l'esprit de vin.
Venlo, au dépens de l'Auteur, 1768. 8vo. With a folding engraved table and 5 folding engraved plates with technical illustrations and figures. Contemporary calf. XXIV, 143, [7] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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12 original photographs of the Leiden Hortus Botanicus in the 1860s

GOEDELJEE, Jan. [Title on front cover:] Photographische gezichten in s Rijks Akademietuin te Leiden. 1866.
Leiden, 1866. Oblong folio. 12 original photographic albumen prints (ca. 19.5 x 25 cm) with rounded corners, mounted on paperboard leaves (30.5 x 37 cm), with tissue guard leaves. Contemporary blind-tooled green cloth with title in gold on the front board, silk endpapers. [12] ll. Full description
€ 4,250
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