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Natural History / Herbals & Medical Plants

Rare album of exotic flora & fauna

AA, Pieter van der (compiler). Icones arborum, fruticum et herbarum exoticarum quarundam a Rajo, Mentzelio, aliisque botanophilis quidem descriptarum, ast non delineatarum. Ut et animalium peregrinorum rarissimorum, tam volatilium, quam quadrupedum ac aquatilium, in extremis oris et desertis Indiarum et aliis locis repertorum.
Leiden, Pieter van der Aa, [ca. 1720]. Oblong 4to (22.5 x 27 cm). With an engraved, illustrated title-page, letterpress dedication and note to the reader (the latter with a woodcut decorated initial) and 80 etched and engraved plates (9 folding).Contemporary half calf, paste-paper sides, gold-tooled spine. engr. title-page + [2] pp. plus 80 plates. Full description
€ 18,000
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Rare early edition of a popular book of botanical, mineralogical and zoological wonders,
with a large woodcut of the author among his books

ALBERTUS MAGNUS (pseudo). Liber secretorum ... De virtutibus herbarum: & animalium quorundam. Eiusdemq[ue] liber De mirabilibus mundi: & etiam de quibusdam effectibus causatis a quibusdam animalibus &c.
(Colophon: Venice, Johan Baptist Sessa, 12 February 1502). Small 4to (21 x 15.5 cm). With a large woodcut portrait of the author at his desk. Gold-tooled maroon morocco (ca. 1870/90?) for James Carnegie, 9th Earl of Southesk (1827-1905), gilt edges. 16 ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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One of the first European works on Egyptian medicine

ALPINUS, Prosper and Jacob de BONDT. Medicina Aegyptiorum. Accessit huic editione ejusdem auctoris liber de balsamo ut et Jacobi Bontii medicina Indorum. Editio nova.
(2) ALPINUS, Prosper. De balsamo dialogus.
Leiden, Cornelis Boutesteyn, 1718.
(3) BONTIUS, Jacobus. De medicina Indorum.
Leiden, Cornelis Boutesteyn, 1718.
(4) ALPINUS, Prosper. De rhapontico.
Leiden, ex officina Boutesteiniana, 1718.
Leiden, ex officina Boutesteiniana, 1718-1719. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With a general title page printed in red and black, 7 engravings (1 folding, 5 full-page, 1 in the text), divisional titles for each part with an engraved vignette, 18 decorated woodcut initials, 13 woodcut headpieces, and 12 woodcut tailpieces. Contemporary vellum with the manuscript title on the spine, red and blue sprinkled edges. [24], 325, [47]; [4], 3-44, [4]; 109, [2], [1 blank]; 25, [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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First Latin edition, printed by Plantin, of Belon's illutrated oriental travel account, with 43 woodcuts

BELON, Pierre. Plurimarum singularium & memorabilium rerum in Graecia, Asia, Aegypto, Judaea, Arabia, aliisq. exteris provinciis ab ipso conspectarum observationes, tribus libris expressae.
(2) BELON, Pierre. De neglecta stirpium cultura, atque earum cognitione libellus: edocens qua ratione silvestres arbores cicurari & mitescere queant. Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1589. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With Plantins woodcut compasses device on each title-page, 43 woodcuts in text (6 full-page), woodcut decorated initials. With an unrecorded 2-page corrigenda leaf. Contemporary overlapping limp vellum. [16], 495, [1 blank]; "78" [= 87], [1 blank], [2] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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Important for modern medicine

BERGEN, Heinrich von. Versuch einer Monographie der China.
Hamburg, Hartwig &Muller, 1826. 2 volumes. Text volume 4to & atlas volume in royal folio. With 8 hand coloured engraved plates by Gustav Andreas Forsmann, and 5 leaves with 10 folding tables in the atlas volume. Uniform original blue boards, the atlas volume is a portfolio with the plates loosely inserted and remnants of blue closing ties. XI, [1], 348 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Attractively illustrated and popular medical work

BEVERWIJCK, Johan van and Jacob CATS. Wercken der genees-konste.
Amsterdam, (widow of) Jan Jacobsz. Schipper, 1672. 3 volumes bound as 1. 4to. With engraved frontispiece, 28 engravings in volume one, 29 engravings in volume two (including one on the title-page) and 20 engravings (including one on the title-page) plus 1 woodcut in volume three. Contemporary vellum. [18], 252; [8], 127, [1], 328, 48; [8], “278”[=276], [12] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Plants and dyes

DE BEUNIE, Joannes Baptista. Antwoord op de vraege welk zyn de profytelykste planten van dit land, ende welk is hun gebruyk zoo in de medicynen als in andere konsten.
(2) DU RONDEAU, François. Mémoires sur la question: quelles sont les plantes les plus utiles des Pays-Bas, & que lest leur usage dans la medicine & dans les arts.
(3) DE BEUNIE, Joannes Baptista. Antwoord op de vraege welk is de beste ende onkostbaerste maniere van vlasse gaeren ende andere vegitabile stoffen swert te verwen, ...
Brussels, Antonius dOurs, 1772. 3 works in 1 volume. 4to. Modern blue paper wrappers. 70; 18; 30 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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