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Military History / Military History 19th & 20th Century

The first Italian War of Independence depicted by the Austrians

ADAM, [Eugen and Franz]. Erinnerungen an die Feldzüge der K. K. Oester. Armee in Italien in den Jahren 1848-49.
Munich, Cotta, [1851]. Royal oblong folio (62.5 x 45.5 cm). With tinted lithographed title, dedication leaf to Radetzky, preface and 24 lithographed plates. With 24 ll. of explanatory text printed on blue paper. Plates loose in a contemporary red cloth slipcase with a silk lining. [24] ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Rare Dutch description of Punjab with folding maps

BOER, Pieter A. de (D. de BOER, compilor). Krijgs- en geschiedkundig overzigt van den Punjab, de natie der Seiks en het rijk van Lahore. Van de vroegste tijden tot op de gebeurtenissen aan den Sutledje, in 1845 en 1846.
The Hague, K.W. Pickhardt (back of the title-page: printed by C.H. Susan junior), 1849. With a lithographed frontispiece and 4 folding maps, and 1 table.Contemporary half cloth, marbled sides. XXIX, [3], 444 pp. and 1 publications slip. Full description
€ 3,500
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Courageous pilots of Squadron 28 of the British Royal Air Force during the Afridi Redshirt Rebellion: an extensive and detailed photo archive by one of the pilots

[PHOTOGRAPHS - PAKISTAN & INDIA - BRITISH ROYAL AIR FORCE]. EADY, Thomas William George. [RAF aircraft, pilots, etc. during the Afridi Redshirt Rebellion on Indias North-West Frontier].
[India and Pakistan, especially their border region], 1929-1930. A collection of photographic silver-gelatin prints of aircraft, the squadron, aerial reconnaissance etc., made and compiled by Thomas William George Eady, flying officer of the no. 28 Squadron of the RAF. It comprises 3 photo albums (contemporary with the photos), 53 loose photos (20 x 15 cm, some with manuscript comments on the back), 5 related documents (dated 1928-1932) and a separate photographic portrait of Eady, in total nearly 2000 prints. The first and largest album, covers 1929, oblong folio (30 x 39.5 cm) in blue cloth with brown cord ties, contains 183 prints in various sizes, mounted on 16 brown paper leaves with India ink captions by Eady in English. The second album, oblong 4to (33.5 x 24 cm) in green cloth with brown cord ties, contains 72 prints made during the Afridi Redshirt Rebellion, in various sizes and mounted on 20 brown paper leaves with neat India ink captions in English by Eady. The small third album, oblong small 4to (19 x 27 cm), consisting of 4 brown paper leaves tied together with black cord ties, contains 33 prints in various sizes mounted on the leaves, some duplicating prints in the largest album, with larger captions in black ink, probably not by Eady. Full description
€ 12,500
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Napoleon Bonaparte's ambitions in the East

Jean CHANLAIRE, Pierre Gregoire and Edme MENTELLE. Carte du théâtre de la Guerre en Orient.
Paris, Chanlaire & Mentelle, 1798-1799. Original outline colour. Dissected and laid on linen in two sections, 880 x 940 mm & 660 x 940 mm. Full description
€ 28,000
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Authentic pictorial record of the first revolts of the Chinese Revolution of 1911

[CHINA - PHOTOGRAPHY - CHINESE REVOLUTION]. War scenes of the Chinese Revolution book 1.
Shanghai, Commercial Press, Limited, [1912?]. Oblong 8vo (15 x 22.5 cm). 160 black-and-white photographs, all protected by tissue paper guards. Original publisher's orange-brown pictorial cloth, marbled endpapers. [1], [1 blank], 40; 40; 40; 40, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Secret reports from the South China Command to the British War Office, with reconnaissance photos, written as Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek rose to power and veered toward civil war

[CHINA - SECRET BRITISH MILITARY REPORT]. Reports on Kwangtung and Fukien Provinces.
Hong Kong, British War Office, 1926-1928. Folio (22.5 x 35 cm). Five secret military reconnaissance reports totalling 138 numbered leaves in typescript (some in carbon copies or duplicated) with insertions and manuscript additions, with 47 original photographs (3.5 x 6 to 8 x 13 cm) mounted on the leaves (3 of the 47 are longer panoramas, each built up from 2 to 3 photos) and a folding blueprint plan (26 x 48.5 cm). Contemporary brown half cloth. [II], 11; [II], 12-35; [I], 36-60; [I], 61-101; [I], 103-138 ll. Full description
€ 36,000
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On the sales of arms and arms deals in the Middle East

COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS. New perspectives on the Persian Gulf. Hearings before the subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia of the committee on foreign affairs, house of representatives, ninety-third congress, first session. June 6, July 17, 23, 24, and November 28, 1973.
Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1973. 8vo (23.5 x 15 cm). With a small map of the Persian Gulf. Original printed paper wrappers. VIII, [1], 227 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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On "the escalating level of arms sales to Gulf states"

COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The Persian Gulf, 1975: the continuing debate on arms sales. Hearings before the special subcommittee on investigations of the committee on international relations, house of representatives, ninety-fourth congress, first Session. June 10, 18, 24 and July 29, 1975.
Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. 8vo. Original printed paper wrappers. VI, 261 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Governor-General Daendel's rule in the Dutch East Indies

DAENDELS, Herman Willem. Staat der Nederlandsche Oostindische bezittingen, onder het bestuur van der gouverneur-generaal Herman Willem Daendels, ridder, luitenant-generaal, &c. in de jaren 1808-1811.
The Hague, (colophon: Hendrik van Teeckelenburgh and the Van Cleef brothers), 1814. 4 volumes. Folio. With a small portrait of Daendels mounted on the half-title of the first volume. Contemporary boards. [6], 128, [1 blank]; [334]; [596]; [488] pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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55 books found / Show all