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History, Law & Philosophy / Women Studies

Album amicorum with many illustrated contributions (some hand-coloured),
particularly by women reflecting the rage for alba amicorum among 19th-century noble women

[ALBUM AMICORUM & SCRAPBOOK - THE NETHERLANDS]. [Album amicorum of a Miss van Boetzelaer (?)].
Heerenveen, 1831-1849. Oblong 4to. Manuscript with many contributions in French and English, a single contribution in Dutch and a four-line verse in German, mainly written in the same hand, probably of the owner of this album. With 45 mounted or occasionally loosely inserted drawings, paintings and prints in various formats, some coloured by contemporary hands. Contemporary gold- and blind-tooled brown morocco, each board richly decorated with frames and an oblong lozenge-shaped centrepiece, gilt edges. [96] ll. Full description
€ 3,850
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Important illustrated study of emblems, with a lengthy treatment of women's emblems

BARGAGLI, Scipione. Dell' imprese die Scipion Bargagli ... Alla prima parte, la seconda, e la terza nucoamente aggiunte.
Venice, Francesco de Franceschi, 1594. Small 4to (20.5 x 15 cm). With oval engraved device on title-page, full-page engraved portrait of Rudolf II, full-page engraved dedicatory emblem, and 138 engraved oval emblems in text. 19th-century half sheepskin parchment. [24], “573” [=604], [15], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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The erotic nature of original sin

[BEVERLAND, Adrianus van]. Peccatum originale ... sic nuncupatum, philologice ... elucubratum à Themidis alumno. Vera redit facies, dissimulata perit.
"Eleutheropoli" [= Leiden?], "extra plateam obscuram, sine privilegio auctoris, absque ubi & quando." (colophon: "In horto Hesperidem, typis Adami et Evae terrae filii", 1678). 8vo. Contemporary sheepskin parchment, with a gold-tooled frame of double fillets on each board. [10], 146, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Complete works of Anna Bijns, criticizing Martin Luther and Protestantism

BIJNS, Anna. Konstighe refereynen vol schoone schrifture ende leeringen, begrepen in drye verscheyde boecken, waer van de twee eerste wederlegghen de dolinghen comende uyt de Lutersche secte, ende abuysen deser tijden: het derde toont d'oorsaecken der plaghen, met veel seer stichtighe vermaninghen tot de deught.
Antwerp, Hieronymus Verdussen the younger, 1646. 3 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With the same woodcut printer's device on 3 individual title-pages. Contemporary vellum with manuscript title on spine, traces of ties. [24], 76; 91; 226, [10] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Strikingly hand-coloured humoristic lithographs of anthropomorphic fruits, nuts, and vegetables

BODENHEIM, Nelly (illustrator) en Lizzy ANSINGH. Een vruchtenmandje. Teekeningen van Nelly Bodenheim bij versjes van Lizzy Ansingh.
Amsterdam, De Spiegel, 1927. Folio (ca. 30 x 21.5 cm). All illustrations, including the illustrated front board, are lithographs designed by the illustrator herself on stone and coloured by hand by her as well. The verses by Lizzy Ansingh are written, in colour, by hand in a decorative, ornamental script (varying in style). Contemporary half green cloth portfolio with the original lithographed illustration on the front board, the back board contains the following verse: "Let op de pitten, die binnen in zitten". [1 blank], [24] ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Strikingly hand-coloured lithographs illustrating the humoristic tale of Aunt Beetle's birthday
together with 2 original drawings of scenes in the book by Bodenheim

BODENHEIM, Nelly (illustrator), Lizzy ANSINGH and Jean-Paul VROOM (lithographer). Tante Tor is jarig.
Utrecht, Stichting De Roos (printed in Amsterdam by Dieperink & Co.), 1950.
With: (2) [ORIGINAL DRAWINGS - BODENHEIM, Nelly]. [2 drawings: one featuring beetles, a maybeetle, and (Spanish) flies and another showing "Aunt Beetle" in bed being congratulated by her mosquito maid]. [ca. 1950].
4to (ca. 27 x 19.5 cm). All text and illustrations, including the illustrated front board, are lithographs by the famous Dutch artist Jean-Paul Vroom in facsimile after the text and illustrations by Lizzy Ansingh and Nelly Bodenheim. The lithographs are hand-coloured under supervision of Vroom. The work is printed on Simili Japon paper. Together with two original drawings by Bodenheim, hand-coloured and signed in her initials, mounted on a grey passepartout folder highlighting the scene with the beetles, maybeetle, and fly. The illustration of "Aunt Beetle" and her mosquito maid can be found on the back. Original hand-coloured lithographed paper over boards with the title stamped in decorative letters on the spine. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [25], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Rouen Book of Hours: written for the use of a noble woman, with a portrait of the owner

[BOOK OF HOURS]. [Book of Hours - use of Rouen].
Rouen, Normandy, France, ca. 1480. Small 4to (14.3 x 19.3 cm). Latin and French illuminated manuscript on vellum. Ruled in red ink for 14 lines per page (16 in the calendar). Gothic textura, major feasts in calendar in burnished gold, others alternately red or blue. Text pages illuminated with panel borders of flowers and plants on gold, and blue and gold stylised acanthus on a plain ground. Calendar has 24 small square miniatures set into panel borders; major text divisions marked by 12 large miniatures; 2 historiated initials; hundreds of smaller initials and line-fillers throughout. 18th-century French gold-tooled red calf over pasteboards, with the title lettered in gold on the spine, gilt edges, marbled endpapers. [160] ll. Full description
€ 165,000
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Finely executed botanical and pomological drawings, coloured with gouache by a pioneering female Swiss alpinist

BRUNNER, Elise. [Botanical and pomological drawings].
[Bern?], 1847-1848. Oblong 4to. Album with 25 botanical and pomological pencil drawings in various sizes, all coloured with gouache, apparently by the artist, and mostly signed by Elise Brunner. All these drawings are mounted on the album leaves of various colours. Also inserted is a black and white sketch in pencil signed by an unknown female artist "Marie Blau fec.". 19th-century half dark red morocco with lighter red morocco sides, gold-tooled spine. [61] album ll., 18 of the first 21 containing 25 colour drawings and 1 pencil sketch. Full description
€ 2,950
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Well-illustrated and comprehensive study of the orchids of Europe and the Mediterranean,
one of the few copies with the second part of the atlas coloured

CAMUS, Edmond Gustave and Aimée Antoinette CAMUS. Iconographie des orchidées d'Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen.
Paris, Paul Lechevalier (colophon: printed by Jouve et Cie (part 1), Winter, Heidelberg (part 2)), 1821-1929. 2 text parts (4to, bound in one volume) and an atlas (folio). With a photographical frontispiece portrait in the text volume and 133 lithographed plates, including 120 coloured by hand. Contemporary brown half morocco. 559, [1]; 72 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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