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Religion & Devotion / Islam & Qurans

Dutch translation of the Quran and the life of Mohammed, with 6 engraved plates by Caspar Luyken

[QURAN]. Mahomets Alkoran, door de hr. Du Ryer uit d'Arabische in de Fransche taal gestelt; benevens een tweevoudige beschyving van Mahomets leven; en een verhaal van des zelfs reis ten hemel, gelijk ook zyn samenspraak met de Jood Abdias.
Amsterdam, Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1698. 8vo. With an integral engraved title-page (dated 1696), engraved by J. Lamsvelt, and 6 engraved plates showing the Prophet Mohammed, engraved by Caspar Luyken. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. [12], 547, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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From a famous private collection

[MANUSCRIPT - QURAN]. [A splendid illuminated Quran manuscript].
Iran, AH 1204 [= 1783 AD]. 8vo (15 x 9 cm) Illuminated Arabic manuscript on paper, 19 lines per page, written in a neat naskh script in black ink with diacritics in red, margins ruled in gold and colours. Gold discs or florets between verses, sura headings written in white in gold cartouches flanked by panels with alternating floral motifs in gold and various colours. Brown morocco with a flap and gold-tooled borders and central ornaments. 243 ll. plus 2 end-leaves. Full description
€ 18,000
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Fourth editon of the first English Quran to be translated directly from the Arabic

[QURAN - ENGLISH]. SALE, George, (translator). The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed. Translated from the original Arabic with explanatory notes, taken from the most approved commentators to which is preffixed a preliminary discourse. A new edition.
Bath, Printed by S. Hazard for J. Johnson, Vernor and Hood, Ogilvy and Speare, J. Sewell, H. Gardner and C. and G. Kearsley, 1795. 2 vols. 8vo. Engraved fold-out map of Arabia, 3 genealogical tables of which two folding, 1 plate illustrating the Temple of Mecca, all taken from the first editon of 1735. Old calf. Full description
€ 3,500
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5 original glass lantern slides with the earliest photographs of Mecca and Medina

SADIQ BEY, Muhammad, Christiaan SNOUCK HURGRONJE and Al-Sayyid ‘Abd al-GHAFFÂR. [5 photographic lantern slides of Mecca and Medina (silver gelatin glass positives), taken in the years 1880 to 1889].
Stuttgart, Lichtbilderverlag Theodor Benzinger, [ca. 1910]. 5 glass positive lantern slides (8.5 x 10 cm), each with a black paper mask, paper tape around the edges, a letterpress slip at the foot giving the publisher's name and city, and a slip at the head with the manuscript title. Kept in a contemporary purpose-made wooden box with brass fittings, with the word "Mekka" on the top of the hinged lid. Full description
€ 35,000
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Summary of ideas from the Qu'ran in French: bibliophile production on wove paper, published in Paris and Constantinople

SAVARY, Claude-Etienne. Morale de Mahomet; ou recueil des plus pures maximes du Coran.
Constantinople, [no publisher's name]; Paris, Lamy, 1784. 18mo in 2s. With a woodcut flower ornament on the title-page, a woodcut rococco headpiece, small decorated roman capitals used as initials, decorative rules. Brown goatskin morocco (ca. 1865?), gold-tooled spine in 6 compartments, chemical marbled sides, nonpareil marbled endpapers. [4], 91, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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First edition of the Arabic Infancy Gospel, with text in Latin and Arabic

SIKE (SIECKE), Heinrich (editor). Evangelium infantiae. Vel liber apocryphus de infantia servatoris. Ex manuscripto edidit, ac latina versione & notis illustravit ...
Utrecht, François Halma, Willem vande Water, 1697. 8vo. With the main text in Arabic with a parallel Latin translation on the facing pages. Contemporary vellum. [22], 161, [7], 93, [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Attributes of the Prophet: Arabic manuscript in black and red with text and ruling in geometric patterns

[WASF AL-RUSUL]. [Kitab Wasf al-Rusul wa al-Imama].
[Near East, ca. 1820?] Small folio (ca. 21 x 30 cm). Arabic manuscript in a naskh script, written in black ink on paper, with headings, key words and short passages in red, ruled in red throughout (often in complex patterns to form tables and geometric shapes) and with a diagrammatic human body also in red, 2 leaves with circular diagrams, some ruled leaves blank (text never completed). Contemporary limp leather. 74 ll. Full description
€ 12,000
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