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Religion & Devotion / Islam & Qurans

Standard work on Hindu and Muslim law

MACNAGHTEN, William Hay (Girish Chandra TARKALANKAR, ed.). Principles of Hindu and Mahomedan law.
Calcutta, Sreenauth Banerjee and brothers (back of the title-page: printed by B.M. Sen, "Tomohur" Press, Serampore), 1873. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 8vo. 20th-century half black morocco, black cloth sides, title and author in gold on spine, new endpapers. [6], LXIII, [1 blank], [10], 139, [1 blank]; [4], 88, XX pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Muslim prayerbook from Quanzhou, glossed in xiaojing script

[MANUSCRIPT - CHINESE MUSLIM PRAYERBOOK]. Al-salaam alaykum. [= Peace be unto you].
Quanzhou, 990 AH [= 1582 CE]. Folio (ca. 20.5 x 30 cm). Arabic manuscript on paper. Black sini script in nine lines with red verse markers, titles in red, glossing in black. With beautifully illuminated full-page 'Unwan with Chinese influence on designs, in gold, blue, red, green, and black. 18th-century cloth and paper wrappers. 46 ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Unrecorded trilingual Hong Kong publication of Ya Sin, the chapter that is considered to be "the heart of the Qur'an"

[QUR'AN]. MA TAT NG, Imam Muhammad Yaqub bin Ibrahim, editor. Ya-Sin. A chapter in the Holy Quran.
Hong Kong, [on the back wrapper:] Hong Kong Muslim Press, 1385 AH [= 1965 CE]. 8vo (19 x 13 cm). With the upper half of each page opening with the text in Arabic, followed by a transliteration in the Latin alphabet and the Chinese, while the lower half has 2 columns of text: translations into English (right column) and Chinese (left column). With a small overview of the system of transliteration on the inside of the front wrapper and a vignette of the Hong Kong Muslim Press on the back wrapper. Original publisher's orange printed wrappers. [1], 26, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Life (and death in Morocco) of King Sebastião I of Portugal (1554-1578)

MESA, Sebastian de. Jornada de Africa por el Rey Don Sebastian y union del reyno de Portugal a la corona de Castilla.
Barcelona, Pedro Lacavalleria, 1630. 4to. Each page framed with thin printed rules. Contemporary gold-tooled leather (blackened and flaking), each board with the helmed and mantled arms of the Mazarin family in the centre. [2], 169, [1] ll. Full description
€ 12,000
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Best edition of a standard work on Islam

MILLS, Charles. An history of Muhammedanism: comprising the life and character of the Arabian prophet, and succinct accounts of the empires founded by the Muhammedan arms: an inquiry into the theology, morality, laws, literature, and usages of the Muselmans, and a view of the present state and extent of the Muhammedan religion.
London, Printed for Black, Kingsbury, Parbury, and Allen, booksellers (back of title-page: printed by Cox and Baylis), 1818. 8vo. Contemporary red half sheepskin. [2], XXI, [1 blank], 484, [12 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Standard work on Islam

MILLS, Charles. Histoire du Mahométisme ... traduite de l´Anglais sur la deuxième édition ...
Paris, Boulland et Cie, 1825. 8vo. With hand-coloured lithographed frontispiece (''L'Evèque ou Wladika''). Late 19th-century textured cloth, gilt edges. [2], IV, 544 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Ottoman ambassador's audiences before the Emperor Charles VI and Prince Eugene of Savoy

[OTTOMAN EMPIRE]. [Drop-title:] Distinto ragguaglio della solenne udienza che alli 4. Settembre ebbe dall' Augustissimo Imperatore Carlo VI. re della Spagne, d'Ungheria &c. a Vienna nel Palazzo Cesareo della Favorita l'ecc[ellentissi]mo sig[nor]. grande ambasciatore Ottomano visire Mückerem Ibrahim Pascia, ...
Racconto della solenne visita, che alli 7. Di Settembre 1719. Il Sig[nor]. Grande Ambasciatore Ottomano Ibrahim Pascià diede al Seren[issimo]. Prencipe Eugenio di Savoja, ...
(Colophon: Rome, Giovanni Francesco Chracas, 1719). 4to. With a hatched roman capital used as an initial. Set in roman types with extensive italic. Modern boards covered with chemical-marbled paper, black morocco spine label. 8 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Unusually favourable introduction to Islam and the Ottoman Empire

POSTEL, Guilliaume. De la republique des Turcs: & là ou l'occasion s'offrera, des meurs & loy de tous Muhamedistes, ...
-Histoire et consideration de l'origine, loy, et coustume des Tartares, Persiens, Arabes, Turcs, & tous autres Ismaelites ou Muhamediques, dits par nous Mahometains, ou Sarrazins.
-La tierce partie des orientales histoires, ou est exposee la condition, ... de l'empire Turquesque: ...
Poitiers, Enguilbert de Marnef, 1560. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With Marnef's printer's device on title-page (repeated on the 2 part-titles). Contemporary blind- and gold-tooled calf, restored and rebacked with a large part of the original backstrip laid-down, modern endpapers. [8], 127, [1 blank]; 57, [3 blank]; [8], 90 pp. Full description
€ 22,500
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Dutch translation of the Quran and the life of Mohammed, with 6 engraved plates by Caspar Luyken

[QURAN]. Mahomets Alkoran, door de hr. Du Ryer uit d'Arabische in de Fransche taal gestelt; benevens een tweevoudige beschrijving van Mahomets leven; en een verhaal van des zelfs reis ten hemel, gelijk ook zyn samenspraak met de Jood Abdias.
Amsterdam, Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1696. 8vo. With an integral engraved title-page, and 6 engraved plates showing the Prophet Mohammed, engraved by Caspar Luyken. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine. [12], 547, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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First accurate printed Quran (both the Arabic text and the Latin translation), with extensive valuable notes
from Islamic commentaries and anti-Islamic "refutations" of every sura! plus a life of Muhammed

[QURAN - ARABIC & LATIN]. MARRACCI, Ludovico (editor). Alcorani textus universus ex correctioribus Arabum exemplaribus summa fide, ... Eadem fide, ... in Latinum translatus; appositis unicuique capiti notis, atque refutatione: ...
[vol. 2 title:] Refutatio Alcorani, in qua ad Mahumetanicae superstitionis radicem securis apponitur; ...
Padova, Typographia Seminaria, 1698. 2 volumes bound as 1. Folio (35.5 x 25 cm). Blind-tooled vellum (ca. 1800?), reusing and retooling vellum from a slightly earlier blind-tooled binding. [5], [1 blank], 45, [2], [1 blank], 46, [2], 81, [3], 94, [10], 126, [3] [1 blank] [13], [1 blank]; [8], 17, [3], “838” [= 836], [11], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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