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Natural History

Javanese fruits & flowers, with 40 large chromolithographs

HOOLA VAN NOOTEN, Berthe. Fleurs fruits et feuillages choisis de l'ile de Java ... Troisième édition.
Brussels, Leipzig, Librairie Européenne C. Muquardt (printed by Weissenbruch, Brussels), [1880]. 1mo (56.5 x 42 cm). With 40 chromolithographed plates by P. Depannemaeker in Ghent after Hoola van Nooten's original paintings, each accompanied by a page of letterpress text (English and French), giving a description as well as information on the plant's culinary, medical, religious and other uses. Contemporary red half goatskin; rebacked with modern endpapers. [44] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Extremely rare botanical print series of flowers and fruits

HUET Jean-Baptiste (the younger); Benoît-Louis or Jean-Louis PRÉVOST. Fleurs & fruits des quatre parties du monde desseine par Prévost & gravé par J.B. Huet.
Paris, Dauty, [ca. 1837/1838]. Folio (ca. 35 x 26.5 cm). With an engraved title-page and 11 (of 23) engraved botanical prints: 4 showing 5 kinds of fruits each, 3 showing 9 types of flowers each and 4 showing flower bouquets. All prints are stipple engravings and coloured by a contemporary hand, some parts glazed with egg white. Contemporary half sheepskin. [12] ll. Full description
€ 3,250
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Rare first edition, printed in Calcutta, of an attempt to reconcile Biblical Creation
with geological science as 19th-century liberal views on earths history and species development emerged

HUTTON, Thomas. The chronology of creation; or, geology and scripture reconciled.
Calcutta, W. Thacker and Co. (back of title-page and colophon: printed by J.C. Sherriff, Bengal Military Orphan Press), 1850. Large 8vo. With a coloured lithographic frontispiece of a camel, lithographed by T. Black at the Asiatic Lithographic Press in Calcutta, and 3 coloured lithographic plates illustrating Huttons theories about the creation of the earth (2 orthographic azimuthal projections and 1 cross-section). Contemporary green cloth. [2], XVI, [2], 503, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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The discovery of photosynthesis

INGEN-HOUSZ, Jan. Expériences sur les végétaux, spécialement sur la propriété qu'ils possèdent à un haut degré, soit d'améliorer l'air quand ils sont au soleil, soit de le corrompre la nuit, ou lorsqu'ils sont à l'ombre; auxquelles on a joint une méthode nouvelle de juger du degré de sa salubrité de l'atmosphère ... Traduit de l'anglois, par l'auteur.
Paris, P.F. Didot le jeune, 1780. 8vo. With a folded engraved plate. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. LXVIII, 333, [2], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 425
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Plants in the vicinity of Vienna, by the director of the Schönbrunn royal gardens

JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph von. Enumeratio stirpium plerarumque, quae sponte crescunt in agro Vindobonensi, montibusque confinibus.
Vienna, Johann Paul Krauss, 1762. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device and 9 folding etched plates depicting plants (branches and leaves of trees and other plants). Contemporary half calf with marbled sides and new backstrip. [4], 315, [7] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Beautiful work on Austrian plants and fungi, with a pioneering article on Stapelieae

[JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph von; Joachim Friedrich Plappart; Joseph Sonnauer]. Miscellanea Austriaca ad botanicam, chemiam, et historiam naturalem spectantia, cum figuris partim coloratis.
Vienna, ex officina Krausiana, 1778-1781. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. With 44 contemporary hand coloured, full-page copper-engraved plates of flowering plants, fungi and lichen. All plates are numbered and a few are signed ("J. Adam sculp."). Later gold-tooled quarter mottled calf. [4], 212; 423, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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24 Japanese colour drawings of lilies, with their romanized Japanese names, and prices of the bulbs

[NURSERY CATALOGUE - JAPAN]. Yuri hana shashin [= Drawings of lily flowers, from life].
[Yokohama?, ca. 1875?]. Very large 4to (39.5 x 27.5 cm). 24 Japanese flower drawings in black and grey ink with watercolour and gouaches, on Japanese (kozo/paper mulberry?) paper, with the romanized Japanese name, and the price of the bulbs (in francs and centimes) and sometimes colours or other information in French. Contemporary brown Japanese paste-paper wrappers with a bird and flower motif, stab-sewn at the head. [24] ll. Full description
€ 4,950
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