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Natural History

Extremely rare hand-coloured copy of the first and only Dutch edition of Jonston's famous zoological encyclopaedia

JONSTON, Johannes (Matthias GRAUS, translator). Naeukeurige beschryving van de natuur der vier-voetige dieren, vissen en bloedlooze water-dieren, vogelen, kronkel-dieren, slangen en draken.
Amsterdam, Jan Jacobsz. Schipper, 1660. 6 parts (issued as 4) in 1 volume. Folio. With a general letterpress title-page without imprint, 2 letterpress part-titles without imprint, 4 hand-coloured engraved part-titles and with 250 expertly engraved plates, 249 coloured by a contemporary hand. Further with woodcut decorated initials, coloured by hand with the letters themselves in gold. 18th-century(?) blind-tooled vellum. [8], 194; [6], 179, [1]; 56; 181, [3]; [4], "152" [= 154]; [1], [1 blank], 39, [1] pp. Full description
€ 27,500
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The most extensive, precise and complete descriptions of Java ca. 1850, beautifully illustrated

JUNGHUHN, Franz Wilhelm. Java, zijne gedaante, zijn plantentooi en inwendige bouw. ... Tweede verbeterde uitgave.
Including: JUNGHUHN, Franz Wilhelm. Atlas van platen, bevattende elf pittoreske gezigten. − Behoorende tot het werk Java, zijne gedaante, zijn plantentooi en inwendige bouw.
Den Haag, C.W. Mieling, 1853-1854. 4 text volumes and 1 plates volume. Large 8vo (26 x 17.5 cm: text volumes 1-4) and large folio (44 x 31.5 cm: plates volume). Each text volume with a lithographic title-page, vol. 1 with the text blue on white and vols. 2-4 with the text white on buff; the plates volume with a double-page letterpress title-page. Further with 12 double-page chromolithographed or double-tinted lithographed views: 1 as frontispiece to vol. 1 and 11 (43 x 58 cm; image 31 x 43 cm to 38 x 54 cm, 5 numbered VII, VIII, X, XI & XV) in the atlas volume; most in black, buff and blue and at least most drawn by Junghuhn and lithographed by Mieling (all but the frontispiece signed by the latter), and 51 black and white lithographic plates (45 folding) with topographic maps, views, cross-sections, etc. Contemporary half red sheepskin(?), (text vols.) and goatskin morocco (atlas vol.), gold-tooled spines. Bound by Hendrik Willem Ywema (1828-1905) in Utrecht. 16, VIII, 17-671; XII, 538; 539-1432; VIII, 498 pp. plus title-pages & plates. Full description
€ 32,500
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Japanese plants depicted for the first time in the West

KAEMPFER, Engelbert (Sir Joseph BANKS, ed.). Icones selectæ plantarum, quas in Japonia collegit et delineavit.
London, [Library of the British Museum], 1791. Folio (42 x 26.5 cm.). With 59 etched plates, (8 are double-page), by Daniel Mackenzie. Slightly later half calf, marbled sides, gold-tooled monogram AL on spine. [4], 3, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 38,000
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Artist's book on trees, the sixth publication of the Kaldewey Press

KALDEWEY, Gunnar A. Trees.
(colophon: Poestenkill, New York, Kaldewey Press), 1988. Very large oblong folio (48 x 61 cm). With 17 artists prints (the artist calls them "linecut-monoprint illustrations") on hand-coloured backgrounds. Spine of Brazilian rosewood. Kept in a wooden box as published with two ties, and an illustrated printed paper label on the front. One of an edition of 51 copies, signed by the author-artist-printer. 7 ll. Full description
€ 1,950
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Beautiful, detailed and accurate Japanese colour drawings, mostly botanical, on 85 double-page spreads

KEIEN. Kengyu-ka shasei [= Morning glory sketches].
Japan, Meiji 31?, 34-36 [=1898?, 1901-1903]. Very large 8vo? (28 x 20.5 cm). With 85 double-page (mostly botanical) drawings in black ink on Japanese paper, each showing 1, 2 or 3 figures, sometimes with additional detail drawings, nearly all coloured in watercolour and/or gouache and most with captions identifying the subject and/or giving the date. Front wrapper with the title in Japanese in black ink. Wrapper-title plus [85] double-page spreads. Full description
€ 6,500
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Rare practical manual for cultivating bulbous plants

KLEEMANN, C.H, Johannes Augustinus Bernardus KUYPER VAN WASCHPENNING, transl. Kort en grondig onderwijs, in het kweeken der meest gezochte bolgewassen. Gevolgd naar het Hoogduitsch van C.H. Kleeman, systematisch gerangschikt, met de geslachts- en soortkenmerken en eenige bolgewassen vermeerderd door J.A.B. Kuijper van Wäschpenning, voorafgegaan van het geslachtsstelsel van Linnaeus.
Breda, F.P. Sterk, 1829. 8vo. Original publishers printed stiff paper wrappers. [2 blank], [4], III, [1 blank], V, [1 blank], 127, [1] pp. Full description
€ 950
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102 splendid views of Prince Eugene of Savoy's Belvedere palace, including baroque interiors and the animals in his menagerie

KLEINER, Salomon. Residences memorables de l'incomparable heros de nôtre siecle ou Representation exacte de edifices et jardins de ... le Prince Eugene Francois Duc de Savoye et de Piemont, ... | Wunder würdiges Kriegs- und Siegs-lager ... oder Eigentliche vor und abbildungen der Hoff- Lust- und Garten-gebäude ...
Augsburg, heirs of Jeremias Wolff, 1731-1740.
With: (2) KLEINER, Salomon. Representation des animaux de la menagerie de ... la Prince Eugene François de Savoye et de Piemont ..., avec plusieurs plantes etrangeres du dit jardin ...
Vorbildung aller ausländischen Thiere, so in dem Thier-garten Sr. Hochfürst. Durchl. Eugenii Francisci ...
Augsburg, heirs of Jeremias Wolff, 1734. With 11 engraved title-pages, 2 engraved dedication leaves and 102 engraved illustration plates (11 folding). 2 works (the first in 10 parts) in 1 volume. Oblong Royal folio (32 x 46 cm). 19th-century calf. [3], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9; [1], 9, 3 engraved ll. Full description
€ 29,500
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Descriptions of entomological specimens from Brazil

KLUG, Johann Christoph Friedrich. Entomologiae Brasilianae specimen.
[Bonn, Wolfgang Schwarzkopf, 1821]. With 3 hand-coloured engraved plates, by Franz after S. Weber.
With: (2) KLUG, Johann Christoph Friedrich. Entomologiae Brasilianae specimen alterum, sistens insectorum coleopterorum nondum descriptorum centuriam.
[Bonn, Wolfgang Schwarzkopf, 1825]. With 5 hand-coloured engraved plates by S. Weber. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Modern boards. 277-324; 419-476 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Rare complete set of first editions of four major Dutch works on the planting and cultivation of (fruit-) trees

KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Pomologia ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda, 1758.
(2) [IDEM]. Fructologia ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda and Gerrit Tresling, 1763.
(3) [IDEM]. Dendrologia ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda and Gerrit Tresling, 1763.
(4) [IDEM]. Beschryving van de moes- en keuken-tuin ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda and Gerrit Tresling, 1769.
4 works in 2 volumes. (1-3 together, 4 separate). Folio. With all 4 title-pages with an ornamental woodcut frame printed in red. Ad 1 with an engraved coat-of-arms at the start of the dedication and 20 hand-coloured full-page engraved plates depicting apples (numbered 1-12) and pears (numbered 1-8), woodcut decorated initials and ornamental woodcut tail pieces. Ad 2 with 19 hand-coloured full-page engraved plates with illustrations of peaches, plums, cherries, berries, etc., 1 woodcut decorated initial, and ornamental woodcut tail pieces. Ads 3 and 4 with woodcut decorated initials and ornamental woodcut tail pieces. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine with (remnants) of title labels lettered in gold, brown sprinkled paper sides. [1], [1 blank], [2], 86, [1], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank], [2], 132; [1], [1 blank], [2], 168, [4]; [1], [1 blank], 235, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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