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Natural History

Extremely rare first edition of a paleontological work on the fossil remains of an elk found in Maslów (Poland)

HERMANN, Leonard David. Relatio historico-antiquaria de sceleto seu ossibus alcis maslae detectis. Das ist: historischer Bericht aus der Antiquitaet von einem Elends-Thier-Körper oder Knochen ...
Hirschberg, Dietrich Krahn, 1729. 4to. With 1 full-page engraved plate showing in the upper part a reconstructed image of the elk and below some of its bones, antlers and other fossil remains. 19th-century red-pink decorated paper over stiff paperboards, new endpapers. [14] ll. Full description
€ 3,750
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Rare ornithological work with 117 birds in 21 coloured plates

HERMANS, H. Jr. Beknopte natuurlijke geschiedenis der zeldzaamste en meest belangrijkste in- en uitlandsche vogelen, met honderd zestien [= 117!] naauwkeurig naar het leven gekleurde afbeeldingen.
Amsterdam, Gebroeders Van Arum, [1828]. 2 volumes. 8vo (text) & oblong folio (plates). With 117 figures on 21 engraved plates (16.5 x 24-29 cm), drawn by Jan Caspar Philips ca. 1762-1763. Coloured by a contemporary hand, as published. Modern cloth and half cloth. [6], 52 pp. + 21 plates. Full description
€ 3,500
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Flower watercolour with insects, by the daughter of Maria Sibylla Merian

HEROLT, Johanna Helena. [Watercolour of a branch of a French roses, with several flowers and insects].
[Amsterdam, ca. 1700]. Watercolour drawing (38.5 x 29 cm) on extremely fine white parchment, said to be uterine lamb, showing a branch of French roses with three fully opened flowers, five buds or partly opened flowers, four ants (with and without wings) and probably a hover fly. Framed. Full description
€ 79,500
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Flower watercolour with moths, larvae and pupae, by the daughter of Maria Sibylla Merian

HEROLT, Johanna Helena. [Watercolour of a wallflower and a double hyacinth, with inchworm moths, larvae and pupae].
[Amsterdam, ca. 1700]. Watercolour drawing (38 x 29 cm) on extremely fine white parchment, said to be uterine lamb, showing a wallflower and a double hyacinth with two inchworm moths in the air (2 different species) and two inchworms and two pupae on the leaves and flowers. Framed. Full description
€ 79,500
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"The first ever monograph on canaries"

HERVIEUX DE CHANTELOUP, Joseph-Charles. Nouveau traité des serins de canarie, contenant la maniere de les élever & les appareiller pour en avoir de belles races; avec des remarques sur les signes & causes de leurs maladies, & plusieurs secrets pour les guérir. ... Nouvelle edition, revûe, corrigée & augmentée ...
Paris, Saugrain Fils, 1745. 8vo. With 1 engraved plate, 2 pages with woodcut music scores, and 1 folding engraved plate with music scores on both sides. Contemporary mottled, tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [2], XXXVIII, [6], 368, [16] pp. Full description
€ 300
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Classic description of beetles, with 1854 species in 40 coloured plates

HEYNE, Alexander and Otto TASCHENBERG. Die exotischen Käfer in Wort und Bild.
Esslingen & München, J.F. Schreiber (back of title-page: printed by G. Reusche, Leipzig), [1893-]1908. Large 4to (33.5 x 26.5 cm). With 40 chromolithographed plates (lithographed by Max Brüggemann, Leipzig, and printed by F.A. Brockhaus). Publishers original decorated cloth.
With: (2) HEYNE, Alexander. Systematisches und alphabetisches Verzeichnis der bis 1892 beschriebenen exotischen Cicindelidae.
Leipzig, Ernst Heyne, 1894. Large 8vo (27 x 17.5 cm). Contemporary half cloth. [8], VII, [1 blank], 262, L pp.; 36, [2] ll. Full description
€ 700
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A natural history with 56 hand-coloured plates: the fossils, flora and fauna of the earth

HILL, John. A general natural history: or, new and accurate descriptions of the animals, vegetables, and minerals, of the different parts of the world; with their virtues and uses, as far as hitherto certainly known, in medicine and mechanics: ...
London, Printed for Thomas Osborne, 1748-1752. 3 volumes. Folio. With 56 hand-coloured plates (16 on plants, 28 on animals and 12 on fossils, some signed by B. Cole) and in volume 3 also 1 folding table.Contemporary green morocco, richly gold-tooled spines with red morocco labels, gold-tooled frames on the boards, marbled endpapers. Volumes misnumbered on the spines (vols. 1-3 labeled 3, 1 and 2 respectively). [12], 1-228, 333-592, *457-*592, 593-654, [6]; XXVI, 642; [7], [1 blank]; [8], 584, [4]; pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Both volumes of a famous monograph on willows, rarely found together

HOFFMANN, Georg Franz. Historia salicum iconibus illustrata.
Leipzig, Siegfried Leberecht Crusius, vol. 1: 1785-1787, vol. 2: 1791. 2 volumes. Folio. With 24 engraved plates in vol. 1 (numbered 1-24) and 6 engraved plates in vol. 2 (numbered 25-29, 31: all published), all signed by I. Nuszbiegel after originals by the author, except plate 31, which is signed by Johann Stephan Capieux.Blue sprinkled paper over boards (vol. 1) and limp grey paper wrappers, stab-sewn through the wrappers (vol. 2). Preserved in a professionaly handmade box, made for this book. 66, [4], 67-78; 12 pp. Full description
€ 14,500
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Important work on European butterflies

[HOFMANN, Ernst] and Arnold Spuler (editor). Die Schmetterlinge Europas. Dritte Auflage.
Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1908-1910. 4 volumes. 4to. With 155 chromolithographed plates. Contemporary half sheepskin (not matching: vols. 1-3 red and vol. 4 brown). [8], CXXVIII, 385, [1 blank], [6]; [6], 523, [1 blank], [4]; [6] pp. 95 ll. + 95 plates; XVII, [1 blank], 60 ll. + 60 plates. Full description
€ 750
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