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Natural History

13th-century treatise on falconry, in the original Turkish with a German translation, with two other early falconry treatises

HAMMER-PURGSTALL, Joseph von. Falknerklee, bestehend in drey ungedruckten Werken über die Falknerey. ...
Pest (now part of Budapest), Conrad Adolf Hartleben (verso of title-page: [Vienna], printed by the widow of Anton Strauß), 1840. 8vo. With lithographed frontispiece, elaborately decorated Turkish title-page and opening page. Set in fraktur, Arabic and Greek types with incidental roman. With a modern index of ornithological, zoological and botanical names. Later 19th-century half tanned sheepskin, with the publisher's original tinted lithographed wrappers bound in; the modern index is separately bound in modern goatskin, designed to match the main volume. Frontispiece plus [8], XXXII, [2], 115, [2], [1 blank] pp.; 48 ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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With 8 woodcuts made for the 1634 edition (a hunting scene using falcons, and 7 birds of prey)

HARMONT, Pierre. Le miroir de fauconnerie, ou se verra l'instruction pour choisit, nourrir, & traicter, dresser & faire voler toute sorte d'oyseaux, ...
Rouen, Clément Malassis, 1650. 4to (23 x 16.5 cm). With a woodcut illustration of a hunt using falcons on the title-page (9 x 9.5 cm) and 7 nearly full-page woodcut illustrations of birds of prey on integral leaves. Half red goatskin morocco (1930s?) signed on the free endleaf "F. SAULTIER REL.". 38, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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"By far the best work" on the Guyana's and Surinam

HARTSINCK, Jan Jacob. Beschryving van Guiana, of de wilde kust, in Zuid-America ...
Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg, 1770. 2 volumes. 4to. With 6 engraved folding maps and plans, 6 engraved full page plates, and 2 engraved folding views, 1 engraving in text. Contemporary three quarter calf, black speckled light brown paper sides, richly gold-tooled spines with a red morocco title label and an oval green morocco volume label, both lettered in gold. 1 blank, [2], XII, [4], 520; [2], 521-962, [16] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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12 fine portraits of horses from the stables of Queen Victoria

HARVEY, William. Selections from the Royal stud, being portraits taken in October 1837, at Hampton Court, from life by William Harvey. Drawn on stone by and under the direction of R.J. Lane A.R.A. lithographer to Her Majesty.
London, Thomas McLean (printed by Alfred Ducôte and J. Graf), 1838. 1mo (55.5 x 38 cm). With lithographed title-page, lithographed list of plates, and 12 tinted lithographed plates by Richard James Lane and W.J. Giles after William Harvey. Contemporary cloth, gold title on front board ("The royal stud at Hampton Court"); rebacked in modern, brown half sheepskin. Full description
€ 35,000
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Important work on the natural history of Palastine

HASSELQUIST, Friedrich and Carl LINNAEUS. Reise nach Palästina in den Jahren von 1749 bis 1752. auf Befehl ihro Majestät der Königinn von Schweden herausgegeben vond Carl Linnäus aus em Schwedischen.
Rostock, Johann Christian Koppe, 1762 (colophon: Leipzig, Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf, 1761). 8vo. With woodcut tailpieces. Contemporary half vellum. [18], 606 pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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On the relation between plants and minerals

HENCKEL (HENKEL), Johann Friedrich. Flora saturnizans, die Verwandtschafft des Pflanzen mit dem Mineral-Reich, nach der Natural-Historie und Chymie aus vielen Anmerckungen und Proben ...
Leipzig, Johann Christian Martini, 1722. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece showing a mining operation, and 9 engraved plates. 18th-century vellum. [10], 671, [17] pp. Full description
€ 2,800
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Rare herbal intended for apothecaries

[HERBAL]. Nöthige, zuverlässige und kurze Nachricht von denenjenigen Stücken aus dem Pflanzenreiche, welche in den Apotheken der meisten Länder Europens aufbehalten werden müssen, zum Gebrauche der Apotheken verfertiget und dem Drucke übergeben.
Dresden, Johann Nikolaus Gerlach and son, 1764. 8vo. With an engraved plate showing the annual flowering plant Chenopodium botrys. Contemporary boards, spine strengthened with marbled paper. [8], 724, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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