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Science & Technology

Two of the most important pharmacological and chemical publications
of the future Leiden professor of medicine Jacobus Le Mort, the predecessor of Boerhaave

MORT, Jacobus le. Pharmacia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus instructa, methodon Galenico-chymica adornata.Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. With a frontispiece engraved by Adriaan Schoonebeek (with an allegorical scene above and an apothecary and others at work below), originally dated 1684, changed to 1688, and Vander Aas herald angel device on title-page.
With: MORT, Jacobus Le. Chymia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus, iisque demonstrativis superstructa, in qua malevolorum calumniate modestè simul diluuntur.
Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. 8vo. With beautiful allegorical frontispiece (also by Adriaan Schoonebeek?), dated 1688, 2 folding engraved plates of furnaces and distilling equipment and utensils.
Contemporary vellum over boards, title in ink on spine: "Le Mort opera omnia".      [14], 256, [34]; [36], 366, [62] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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On the art of dyeing cotton

LE PILEUR D'APLIGNY, [Placide Auguste]. L'Art de la Teinture des Fils et Etoffes de coton, précédé D'une Théorie nouvelles des veritables causes de la fixité des couleurs de bon Teint, suivi Des Cultures du Pastel, de la Gaude et de la Garance, à l'usage des Cultivateurs et des Manufactures.
Paris, Chez Serviere, An VI - 1798. 12mo. Contemp. boards. XXXIII, 261 pp. Full description
€ 450
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Polemics on alchemy and early chemistry

LIBAVIUS, Andreas. Syntagmatis selectorum undiquaque et perspicue traditorum alchymiae arcanorum, tomus primus. [vol. 2:] Syntagmatis arcanorum chymicorum, ..., tomus secundus. [vol. 3:] Appendix necessaria syntagmatis arcanorum chymicorum.
Frankfurt, printed by Nikolaus Hoffmann for Peter Kopf, 1613-1615. 3 volumes. Folio. With the letterpress titles of volume 1 and 2 within the same engraved border (signed "G.Keller / 1605"), 1 woodcut plate, 3 double-page letterpress tables and numerous woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spines. [12], 480, [8]; [12], "453" [= 450], [15]; [12], 279, [13] pp. Full description
€ 16,000
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Predicting the future: copy from the Broxbourne Library of the rare 1511 edition
of one of the most important prophetic astrologies of the 15th and 16th century

LICHTENBERGER, Johannes. Pronosticatio in latino rare & prius non audita: quae exponit & declarat nonnullos coeli ifluxus: & i[n]clinatione[m] certaru[m] constellationu[m] magne videlicet co[n]iunctionis & eclipsis: quae suera[n]t istis annis: quid boi maliue hoc tempore & in futuru[m] huic mu[n]do porte[n]dant: durabitq[uam] pluribus annis.
[colophon:] Venice, [Niccolò & Domenico dal Gesù = Nicolo & Domenico Sandri dal Jesus], 23 August [1511?]. 4to. With the large Dal Jesus white-on-black woodcut device, 45 half-page or nearly full-page woodcuts in the text, most with letterpress captions above or below, the first showing Ptolemy, Aristotle, the Sibyl, Birgitta of Sweden and Brother Reinhart receiving divine inspiration, with an explanation on the facing page in a 4-piece ornamental floral woodcut frame. Modern half red morocco. 39, [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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Comprehensive scientific periodical, with articles on James Cook and Hawaii

LICHTENBERG, Georg Christoph and Georg FORSTER. Göttingisches Magazin der Wissenschaften und Litteratur.
Göttingen, Johann Christian Dieterich, 1780. 6 parts in 3 volumes. 8vo. With an engraved portrait of James Cook as frontispiece of part 2, 5 engraved plates (including one coloured by hand), 4 folding engraved plates (including one printed on blue paper and with highlights in silver) and one folding plate with letterpress music. Modern paste-paper boards. [8], 168; [1], [1 blank], 169-334; Full description
€ 4,750
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Mid-18th century scientific correspondence

[LIGNAC, Joseph Adrien Le Large de]. Lettres à un Amériquain sur l'histoire naturelle, générale et particuliere de monsieur de Buffon.
"Hambourg" [Paris?], 1751-1756. 9 volumes. 12mo. With woodcut initials, ornaments and decorative lettering. Contemporary uniform mottled calf, gold-tooled spines. [2], 127, [1], 50; [2], 66, [2], 66, [2]; [2], 31, [1], 96, 69, [1]; [2], 78, [2], 92; [2], 185, [1]; 238, [2]; [2], 238, [2]; [2], 258, [2]; [2], 276, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Crucial, state of the art research into new ways of storing oil and gas underground
at the beginning of the 1980s

LINDBLOM, Ulf and Wissam S. AL-HASHIMI (editors). First Arab seminar on underground storage of oil and gas.
Stockholm, 1981. Large 8vo. With approximately 150 figures, illustrations, photographs, maps, graphs, formulas and tables in the text, and 24 pages of Arabic text including a separate title-page at the end of the work. Original publisher's green cloth. XIX, [5], 261, [3], 22, [2] pp. Full description
€ 650
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Lively picture of seventeenth-century mining, with 16 double-page illustration plates

LÖHNEYSEN, Georg Engelhard von. Bericht vom Bergwerck, wie man dieselben bawen und in guten Wolstande bringen sol, sampt allen dazu gehörigen Arbeiten, Ordnung und rechtlichen Processen.
[Hamburg?], [ca. 1660?]. Folio. With an engraved title-page illustrated with people at work in a mine, with two putti holding a cloth with the title, engraved by Hieronymus von Hensbergen, and 16 double-page illustration plates engraved by Jochim Wichman. Contemporary calf, spine elegantly blind-tooled in compartments, sprinkled edges. [20], "343" [= 363], [1 blank] pp. plus engraved title-page and plates. Full description
€ 6,500
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Enlightened reflections on mining

LUCHET, Jean Pierre Louis de (= Marquis de LA ROCHE DU MAINE). Essais sur la minéralogie et la métallurgie.
Maestricht, J.E. Dufour & P. Roux, 1779. 3 parts in 1 volume. 8vo (22.5 x 13.5 cm). Contemporary decorated paper wrappers. [4], XXVII, [1], 232 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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363 books found / Show all