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Proposal for reinforcing the dykes of West-Friesland

LAKENMAN, Seger. Ontwerp van een onkostbaar en zeker middel, om de Westvriesche zeedyken... te stellen buiten eenig gevaar van doorbrake...
Amsterdam, heirs of Johannes Ratelband and company and Hendrik de Leth, 1733. Folio. With 2 folding engraved plates, including a map of North-Holland. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers, preserved in a blue cloth chemise. [4], 23, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,875
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Well-illustrated treatise on sundials, by a Dutch defender of Copernicus

LANSBERGE, Philip van. Horologiographia plana: in qua omne genus sciotericorum horologiorum, quae plano cuilibet inscribi possunt, certis evidentibusq[ue]; . . .
Middelburg, Zacharias Roman, 1663. Small folio (28.5×17.5 cm). With 61 woodcuts in the text (1 repeated on the title-page, illustrating a sundial), many more than half-page, including both sundials and diagrams illustrating how they work. With extensive 19th-century manuscript notes on the back of the title-page. Lacking 2 leaves containing Roman's dedication. Modern paper-covered boards. [2], 53 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Richly illustrated collection of writings on aerial photography and photogrammetry, by a pioneer in the field.

LAUSSEDAT, Aimé. Recherches sur les instruments, le méthodes et le dessin topographiques, ... Tome I. Aperçu historique sur les instruments et les méthodes. La topographie dans tous les temps. Tome II. Première partie: Iconométrie et métrophotogravure. Tome II. Deuxième partie: Développement et progrès de la métrophotographie à l'étranger et en France.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1898-1903. 3 parts in 2 volumes. Large 8vo. With more than 300 illustrations in the text, several photographic, and 47 mostly folding or double-page maps, plans, profiles and plates. Contemporary half sheepskin. XI, [1 blank], 449, [1]; [4], 198; [4], 287, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Extremely rare Dutch translation of one of the most frequently printed works
on demonology by Ludwig Lavater

LAVATER, Ludwig and Sibrandus VOMELIUS (translator). Een boeck vande spoocken ofte nacht-gheesten ...
Amsterdam, Jan Evertsz. Cloppenburgh, 1610. 8vo. With an oval woodcut vignette on the title page, a large 8-line woodcut decorated initial at the start of the preface and smaller woodcut decorated initials throughout. Contemporary vellum, sewn on three tapes laced through the joints, with the manuscript title and a precious shelfmark(?) in brown ink on the spine, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [14], 287, [1 blank], [8] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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On arithmetics and clocks

LECHNER, Johann Baptista. Facillima artis arithmeticae methodus, das ist: sehr leichter Unterricht und Lehr-Art, der höchst-nothwendigen und nutzbaristen Rechen-Kunst ... zum neunten mal in den Druck gegeben.
Augsburg and Innsbruck, Joseph Wolff, 1752. 8vo. Contemporary calf. 347, [3, 1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 500
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A "short but weighty treatise" on protozoa and spermatozoa, with a section on microscopes and 6 plates

LEDERMÜLLER, Martin Frobenius. Versuch zu einer grundlichen Vertheidigung derer Saamenthiergen; nebst einer kurzen Beschreibung derer Leeuwenhoeckischen Mikroskopien und einem Entwurf zu einer vollständigern Geschichte des Sonnenmikroskops, als der besten Rechtfertigung derer Leeuwenhoeckischen Beobachtungen.
Nürnberg, George Peter Monath, 1758. 4to. With 6 engraved plates. Modern boards. [12], 52 pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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Beautifully illustrated work on microscopy by the famous naturalist Ledermüller

LEDERMÜLLER, Martin Frobenius and J.C. HARREPETER (translator).

Versuch, beÿ angehender Frühlings-Zeit die Vergrößerungs Werckzeuge zum nützlich u[nd] angenehmen Zeitvertreib anzuwenden. Von dem Verfasser der Mikroskopischen Gemüths u[nd] Augen Ergözung. | Essai d'employer les instruments microscopiques avec utilité et plaisir dans la saison du printems par l'auteur des amusements microscopiques tant des yeux que de l'esprit.
Nuremberg, A.L. Wirsing, 1764. Folio. With an engraved hand-coloured title-page and 12 full-page hand-coloured engraved plates, numbered I-XII (bound VII-XII, I-VI). Contemporary blue-ish grey paper boards, with a large white paper title-label on the front board with in manuscript "Amusements Microscopiques par Harrepeter. 1764" and with the manuscript title ("Mikroscope") on the spine. 48 pp.

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€ 9,500
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Energy-saving in the 18th century

LEHMANN, Johann Christian. Allgemeine oeconomische Holzspahrkunst ... darinnen bey 70 Arten verbesserter Oefen beschrieben .... mehr als die Hälfte Holz erspahret werden könne ... Neue Auflage.
Leipzig, Grotzische Handlung, 1754. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 10 folding engraved plates with stoves, ovens and chimneys. Contemporary half, tanned sheepskin, with gold-tooled red morocco title-label on spine. [4], 162; 128, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,000
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Astronomical, atmospheric and riverine physics by King Louis XV’s favourite astronomer

LE MONNIER, Pierre-Charles. Mémoires concernant diverses questions d'astronomie et de physique. Lûs & communiqués à l'Académie Royale des Sciences, &c.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1781. 4to. With woodcut vignette on title-page (with an armillary sphere and other instruments), and an engraved folding plate with 3 illustrations of eclipses engraved by Y. le Gouaz. Near contemporary half mottled calf. VIII, XXIV, 34 pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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