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Science & Technology

German translation of Euclid's "Elements"

EUCLID and Lucas BRUNN (translator). Elementa practica. Oder Ausszug aller Problematum und Handarbeiten auss den 15. Büchern Euclidis. Allen und jeden, des uhralten geometrischen nutzlichen Gebrauch, dess Cirkels Liebhabern ...
Nürnberg, Simon Halbmayer, [1625]. 4to. With the title set in an engraved border, and numerous woodcut mathematical figures in text. Contemporary limp vellum. [8], 92 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Monograph on rivers, torrents and inland navigation

FABRE, Jean Antoine. Essai sur la théorie des torrens et des rivières, contenant les moyens les plus simples d'en empêcher les ravages, d'en rétrécir le lit & d'en faciliter la navigation, le hallage & la flottaison. Accompagné d'une discussion sur la navigation intérieure de la France; et terminé par le projet de rendre Paris, port maritime en faisant remonter à la voile, par la Seine, les navires qui s'arrêtent à Rouen.
Paris, Bidault, 1797. 4to (29 x 21.5 cm). With 8 folding engraved plates, showing how to determine the drop of a river, the contents of water, how to change currents, how to create different effects with different dyke constructions, etc. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine, in the style of Bradel & Derôme. [4], XXXII, 284 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Classic of surveying & instrument-making

FABRI, Ottavio. L'uso della squadra mobile, con la quale per teorica, e pratica si misura geometricamente ogni distanza, altezza, e profondità; ... accresciuta in questa terza edizione di parecchie istruzioni, ..., ec. da Giovanni Vettori.
Trent, Stamparia Vescovile Paroniana [= Giambattista Parone, printer to the Diocese of Trent], 1753. 4to. With engraved architectural title-page, 1 unnumbered folding and 3 numbered illustration plates, 25 engraved illustrations in the text, engraved arms of the dedicatee, 1 engraved pictorial initial letter. Richly gold-tooled contemporary tanned sheepskin, silk ties, gilt edges. XII, 9-144 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Three works on metallurgy, chemistry and alchemy

FACHS, Modestin. Nunmehro zum neundten mahl herausgegebenes Probier-Büchlein. ...
Leipzig, Johann Grosse, 1689. With an engraved folding plate with the cross-section of an oven.
(2) HORN, Johann Bernhard & David KELLNER. Synopsis metallurgica oder kurze jedoch deutliche Anleitung zu der höchts nütz und ergätzlichen edlen Probier-Kunst verfasset in XV. Tabellen ...
[Schneeberg], Johann Christoph Weidner, 1690. With 15 tables (1 folding).
(3). KELLNER, David. Wohlangerichtetes aerarium chymicum antiquo-novum, oder alter neue und reichlichst vermehrte oder chymische Schatzkammer ...
Leipzig, printed by Koberstein for Joh. Herbord Kloss, 1702. With woodcut illustrations in text.
3 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary overlapping vellum, manuscript title on spine. [20], 185, [9]; 51, [1]; 173, [1 blank]; 69, [7], [3 blank]; 22, 104, [2]; [22], “389” [= 386]; [30] pp. Full description
€ 5,950
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Early bogus claim to have squared the circle, with the circle’s views on the matter

FALCO, Jacobus (Jaime Juan FALCÓ y SEGURA). Hanc circuli quadraturam invenit.
Antwerp, Petrus Bellerus (Peter Belaert), 1591. Small 4to (19.5 x 14 cm). With a woodcut of Euclid (or possibly Archimedes) with an enormous pair of dividers in his right hand and a book in his left, and between the two legs of the dividers a sceptre passing through a crown, and 29 woodcut diagrams. 20th-century half calf. 29, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Basalt as a product of volcanic action: a benchmark in the history of volcanology and mineralogy

FAUJAS DE SAINT-FOND, Barthelémy. Minéralogie des volcans ou description de toutes les substances produites ou rejetées par les feux souterrains.
Paris, Cuchet, 1784. 8vo. With 3 full-page engraved plates.Contemporary goatskin, gold-tooled spine with a yellow-brown morocco spine label, sprinkled edges. XV, 16-20, 511, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Engraved portrait of the important mathematician Johann Faulhaber

[FAULHABER, Johann]. Aigendtliche Bildnuß deß Ehrnvösten und weitberühmbten Herren Johannis Faulhabern, bestelten Mathematici inn Ulm seines Alters fünff und dreyssig Jar.
Augsburg, printed by David Francken for Steffan Müchelspacher, 1615. Folio (28.5 x 15 cm). Engraved portrait (plate size 12.5 x 10 cm), drawn from life and engraved by Lucas Kilian in Augsburg, with letterpress drop-title and a list of Faulhaber's printed works, within a frame built up of arabesque fleurons. Set in fraktur types with incidental schwabacher. [1] leaf. Full description
€ 1,500
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