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War of words on perspective, conic sections, cutting architectural stones and making sundials:
the Jesuit versus the Cartesian

[DUBREUIL, Jean] and others. Advis charitables sur les diverses oeuvres, et feuilles volantes du Sr. Girard Desargues Lyonois. Publiees sous les titres.
I. De Brouïllon Projet d'une atteinte aux evenements des rencontres du cone avec un plan: ...
II. De Brouïllon Projet d'exemple d'une maniere universelle, touchant la pratique du traict a preuves, pour la couppe des pierres en l'architecture.
III. D'une maniere de tracer tous quadrans d'heures égales au soleil, au moyen du style posé: ...
Mis au jour. ...
With: [DUBREUIL, Jean]. Diverses methodes universelles, et nouvelles, en tout ou en partie pour faire des perspectives. ... Tirees pour la plus-part du contenu du livre de La perspective pratique. Ce qui servira de plus de response aux deux affiches du Sieur Desargues, contre ladite Perspective pratique.
Paris, Melchior Tavernier, François l'Anglois, dit Chartres, 1642. 2 works (4 & 2 parts) in 1 volume. 4to (25.5 x 18 cm). The first work in 4 parts. It lacks two small engraved plates. The second work with 10 full-page engravings on integral leaves. Half white sheepskin parchment (ca. 1900?). Ad 1: [4], [4]; 10; 14, [2 blank]; 17, [3 blank] pp.; Ad 2: [15] pp., 10 double-page spreads, [1 blank] p. Full description
€ 22,500
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Best English translation of a 1642 French handbook of perspective,
used by artisans in many fields, with 152 engraved illustrations

[DUBREUIL, Jean]. The practice of perspective: or, an easy method of representing natural objects according to the rules of art. ... The third edition.
London, Thomas and John Bowles, 1749. 4to. With 2 folding engraved plates and 150 numbered full-page engravings on integral leaves.. Half calf (ca. 1985), gold-tooled spine. XIII, [5], 16, [1] pp., 18, [1], 19-41, [1], 42-121, [1], 122-128, [1], 129-150 double-page spreads, [1 blank] p. Full description
€ 3,950
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On earthquakes in Africa and Lisbon in 1751, just four years before the devastating earthquake of 1755

[EARTHQUAKES]. Nova relação das grandes mortandades, ruinas, e assolações, que tem causado os grandes, e horriveis terremotos, que tem havido neste presente anno de 1751, em Africa. Como consta em certeza por huma carta, que hum sujeito escreveo do Reino de Perú a hum seu amigo Hespanhol, a quem sendo entregue em Sevilha, veio remettida a esta real, e nobre corte de Lisboa, e ultimamente trasladada em Portuguez.
Lisbon, Miguel Manescal da Costa, 1751. 4to. Later decorated paper wrappers. 16 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Rare first edition of an important work by one of the foremost metallurgists of the 17th century

ECKER, Lazarus and John PETTUS (translator). Fleta minor. The laws of art and nature ... of confin'd metals.
London, printed, for the author, by Thomas Dawks, 1683. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With an engraved portrait of the author as a frontispiece, a separate title-page for part 2, and 43 large engravings in text on mining, distilling, and working metals (41 in part 1 and 2 in part 2). Further with elaborately decorated woodcut initials throughout. Contemporary mottled calf, rebacked with lighter brown calf, spine elaborately gold-tooled and with a red morocco title label lettered in gold, gold-tooled board edges, red sprinkled edges. [44], 345, [1 blank]; [8], 133, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Catalogue of the fossil fish in the two largest and finest collections of the time

EGERTON, Philip Grey. A systematic and stratigraphical catalogue of the fossil fish in the cabinets of Lord Cole and Sir Philip Grey Egerton; together with an alphabetical and stratigraphical catalogue of the same species, with references to their published figures and descriptions.
London, Richard & John E. Taylor, 1837. Large 4to (28.5 x 22.5 cm). Contemporary blue wrappers. [22] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Ocean waves, flooding & hydraulic engineering, well-illustrated

EMY, Amand Rose. Ueber die Bewegung der Wellen und über den Bau am Meere und im Meere. ... Mit 10 Kupfertafeln [sic].
Vienna, Ludwig Förster's artistischer Anstalt (on reverse of title-page: printed by J.P. Sollinger), 1839. 8vo. With 10 folding lithographic plates (23 x 39 to 54 cm) with 75 figures showing diagrams of wave forms and motions, and plans and cross-sections of coasts, man-made barriers, buildings, hydraulic devices, etc. 19-century blue cloth. [2], XIV, 242, [2] pp. Full description
€ 350
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Best edition of the collected works of Ettmüller, with attractive frontispiece

ETTMÜLLER, Michael. Opera medica theoretico-practica.
Frankfurt am Main, [heirs of Johann David Zunner the younger?], 1708. 2 volumes bound as 3. Folio. With interesting engraved frontispiece by Joseph Montalegre, title-page printed in red and black with engraved vignette, engraved plate and 5 engraved headpieces (incl. repeats). Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spines. [36], 1020; [1], [1 blank], 1108; [1], [1 blank], 848, [100] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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