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Radical Anabaptism: The Münster Rebellion and the Amsterdam Riots

HORTENSIUS, Lambertus. Het boeck van den oproer der Weder-dooperen. Eerst int Latijn beschreven, ende ghedruckt tot Basel ... Ende nu in Nederlandts overgheset. ...
Enkhuizen, Jacob Lenaertsz Meyn, 1614. Folio. With 1 half-page and 8 full-page engraved plates in text (one repeat). Contemporary vellum. [4], 26 ll. Full description
€ 1,950
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Rare Dutch translation of a work on the origin of temples and churches

HOSPINIANUS, Rodolphus. Van de tempelen: dat is vijf boecken van den oorspronck, voortganck, ghebruyck en de misbruyck der tempelen ende gheheelijck aller dinghen, die tot de tempelen behooren.
Amsterdam, Jan Evertsz. Cloppenburch, 1606. 4to. With Cloppenburch's printer's device on title-page and one page (O1) rubricated in red. Contemporary vellum. [12], 400, 99, [6] ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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333 very interesting genealogical tables of all reigning houses and noble families of Europe

HÜBNER, Johann. Drey hundert und drey und dreyßig Genealogische Tabellen, nebst denen darzu gehörigen Genealogischen Fragen, zur Erläuterung der Politischen Historie...
Leipzig, Johann Friedrich Gleditsch & Sohn, 1712. Oblong folio. With the title-page printed in red and black, 1 large woodcut gothic decorated initial. Set primarily in fraktur type. Contemporary half sheepskin, marbled sides. [8] pp., [333] ll. with tables, [7] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Celebrating Gustav Adolf II, 'The Lion of the North' and champion of Protestantism,
magnificently illustrated by Crispijn vande Passe II

HULSIUS, Bartholomaeus. Den onderganck des Roomschen Arents, door den Noordschen Leeuw. Af-ghebeeldt in verscheyden konstige figuren, met sin-rijcke verklaringhen der selver, beydes in en buyten rijm, vertoonende, in 't kort, de gedenckwaerdighste saken, die van den beginne, tot noch toe, in dese oorlogen zyn omgegaen. Met een verhael van den doodt des Koninghs. Hier zyn noch by ghevoeght de victorien der Croon Sweden, sedert de doodt des auteurs vercreghen.
Amsterdam, Crispijn vande Passe, 1642. 4to. Engraved allegorical title-page with engraved title in a central panel below Fame sitting on a swan. Beautifully bound in 19thcentury light brown gold-tooled calf (1850s or 1860s?), each board with triple along the edges, decorated spine with red and green labels lettered in gold, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins , marbled endpapers, signed "PETIT SUCCr DE SIMIER": Charles Petit operated a Paris bindery from 1848 to 1873 as successor to René Simier (1772-1843), relieur du roi from 1815, and his son. [12], 91, [1 blank] pp. plus engraved title-page. Full description
€ 15,000
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Rare first edition, printed in Calcutta, of an attempt to reconcile Biblical Creation
with geological science as 19th-century liberal views on earths history and species development emerged

HUTTON, Thomas. The chronology of creation; or, geology and scripture reconciled.
Calcutta, W. Thacker and Co. (back of title-page and colophon: printed by J.C. Sherriff, Bengal Military Orphan Press), 1850. Large 8vo. With a coloured lithographic frontispiece of a camel, lithographed by T. Black at the Asiatic Lithographic Press in Calcutta, and 3 coloured lithographic plates illustrating Huttons theories about the creation of the earth (2 orthographic azimuthal projections and 1 cross-section). Contemporary green cloth. [2], XVI, [2], 503, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Plantin edition of an early Christian classic

IGNATIUS of ANTIOCH. [In Greek:] Toi en agiois ieromartiros ignatioi archiepiskopioi antiocheias, epistolai. (In Greek).- Antiochiae, & martyris epistolae, prosus apostolicae. (In Latin).
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin (ad 1 colophon: 8 August), 1566. Small 8vo. With Plantins woodcut compasses device on each title-page and a couple decorated woodcut initials. Set in italic and Greek type.
With: IDEM. Antiochiae, & martyris epistolae, prorsus apostolicae.
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1566. Contemporary calf. 69, [1 blank]; 78 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Letters about Saint Jerome, by the first printer in Blaubeuren (near Ulm) ca. 1475/77

JEROME (HIERONYMUS), Saint (subject). Epistola Beati Euseby ad Damasium Portunensem Episcopum & ad Theodomum senatorem Romanum de morte gloriosi Hieronimi doctoris eximy.
[d7:] Epistola Beati Augustini Episcopi ad Cirillum venerabilem Archiepiscopium Hierosolimitanum de vita obitu & miraculis Beatissimi Hieronimi prespiteri & doctoris eximy.
[e5:] Epistola Cirilli Archiepiscopi ad Beatimi Augustinum Episcopium de miraculis gloriosi Hieronimi necnon & de morte Beati Euseby discipuli Sancti Hieronimi.
[Blaubeuren, Conrad Mancz, ca. 1475/77]. Small folio (27.5 x 20 cm). Set in what is sometimes called a gotico-antiqua type (119 mm/20 lines, with 31 lines per page), in this case mixing some roman influences into what is largely a rotunda gothic type. With about 150 "Lombardic" initials in red ink: 2 4-line, 4 3-line, about 140 2-line (1 with pen-work decorations in brown ink) and 4 1-line, in spaces left for that purpose and capitals rubricated throughout.Modern parchment. [130] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Foundational work on the study of the Chinese customs and language

[JESUITS]. INTORCETTA, Prospero. R.P. Prosperi Intorcetta societatis Jesu missionarii sinensis testimonium de cultu sinensi, datum anno 1668.
Paris, Nicolas Pepié, 1700. 8vo. With a small woodcut ornamental vignette on the title-page and some head- and tail-pieces built up from typographical ornaments Contemporary vellum. [2], 318, [10] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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