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16th-century Jesuit letters from Japan

[JESUITS - JAPAN]. Cartas que los Padres y Hermanos de la Compañia de Iesus, que andan en los Reynos de Iapon ...
Alcalá [der Henares], Spain, Juan Iniguez de Lequerica, 1575. 4to in 8s. With woodcut of the Crucifixion on verso of the colophon (2R4v), woodcut Japanese characters in the text (I8v), and woodcut decorated initials throughout. Contemporary limp vellum, with ties. [6 (of 8)], 315, [5] ll. Full description
€ 18,000
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First edition in Arabic of the Samaritan book of Joshua

JUYNBOLL, Theodorus Willem Johannes. Chronicon Samaritanum, Arabice conscriptum cui titulus est liber Josuae. Ex unico codice Scaligeri nunc primum edidit, Latine vertit, annotatione instruxit, et dissertationem de codice, de chronico, et de quaestionibus, ...
Leiden, Samuel and Johannes Luchtmans, 1848. 4to. With a folding lithographed plate. Set in roman and italic types with the 55-page transcription in Arabic type and shorter passages in Hebrew, Samaritan and Syriac type. Modern half cloth, gold-tooled spine, marbled sides and decorated endpapers. XII, 369; [1], [1 blank], 55 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Rare work of the Basel Missionary Press in Mangalore

KITTEL, Ferdinand. Ueber den Ursprung des Lingakultus in Indien.
Mangalore, [printed by Stolz & Hirner, Basel Mission Press, Mangalore, for:] Basel mission book & tract depository, 1876. 8vo. With the title on the front wrapper in a printed decorative frame. Orange printed paper wrappers. [2], 48 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Rare work of the Basel Missionary Press in Mangalore

KITTEL, Ferdinand. Ueber den Ursprung des Lingakultus in Indien.
Mangalore, [printed by Stolz & Hirner, Basel Mission Press, Mangalore, for:] Basel mission book & tract depository, 1876. 8vo. With the title on the front wrapper in a printed decorative frame. Orange printed paper wrappers. [2], 48 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Primer in a Bantu dialect for the Finnish Lutheran mission in Namibia

KURVINEN, Pietari. Ondonga kielen ABD. Ensimäinen irja Ondonga kielellä . . . =ABD Moshindonga. Omukanda uatango koshindonga ua piangoa . . .
Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran [=Finnish Literature Society], 1876. 8vo. With 2 title-pages, the first in Finnish and the second in Ndonga, a brief preface in both languages, but with the sample texts in Ndonga. Contemporary brown textured cloth. [4], 32 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Freeing Christian slaves in Algiers and Tunis in 1720

[LA FAYE, Jean Baptiste de]. Voyage pour la redemption des captifs, aux royaumes d'Alger et de Tunis. Fait en 1720. Par les PP. François Comelin, Philemon de la Motte, & Joseph Bernard de l'Ordre de la sainte Trinité, dits Mathurins.Including: La tradition de l'eglise.
Paris, Louis-Anne Sevestre and Pierre-François Giffart, 1721. 2 parts in 1 volume. 12mo. With an engraved frontispiece portrait of Louis XV, engraved by P.F. Giffart, folding engraved plate of the court of the Dey (Regent) of Algiers, and a regular engraved plate in the second part. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [8], 169, [1 blank]; [10], LX, 306, [5], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,000
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A French voyage to the Levant

LA ROQUE, Jean de. Voyage de Syrie et du Mont-Liban.
Paris, André Cailleau, 1722. 2 volumes. 12mo. With 9 engraved plates (5 folding), including a folding map showing the course of the Orontes river; dedication with woodcut coat of arms of De Fleury. Contemporary sprinkled calf, gold-tooled spines with gilt-stamped crest of Henry Edward Bunbury. [12], 347, [1 blank]; [2], 321, [3] pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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South Africa at the beginning of the 19th century

LATROBE, Charles Ignatius. Journal of a visit to South Africa in 1815, and 1816. With some account of the missionary settlements of the United Brethren, near the Cape of Good Hope.
London, W. M'Dowall for L.B. Seeley and R. Ackermann, 1818. 4to. With folding map (53 x 27 cm), partly hand-coloured, showing the tracks of the expedition, 12 full-page hand-coloured aquatints, and 4 full-page engravings of coastal views. Later half calf. VII, [1], 406, [2] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Beautiful prints of early Christian hermits living in the desert

LEU, Thomas de (or de LEEUW) [drawn by Marten de VOS]. [engraved title:] Solitudo sive vitae patrum eremicolarum per antiquissimu[m] Patrem D. Hieronimu[m] eorundem primarium olim conscripta iam vero primum aeneis laminis. 1606. Thomas de Leu. excudit.
[Paris], Thomas de Leu, 1606. Small oblong folio (19 x 25.5 cm). With an engraved allegorical title-page including a 2-line quotation from Hebrews 11:37-38, and 29 engraved prints (plate size ca. 15 x 19 cm: mostly numbered, but a few unnumbered or irregularly numbered) illustrating the lives of the early Christian hermits living in the desert, 7 signed by Thomas de Leu as printer-publisher, in 2 cases accompanied by the monogram "NB" (the engraver Nicolaes de Bruyn). Gold-tooled blue goatskin morocco (ca. 1890?) by Bernard David (or his son Salvador David) in Paris (signed with a stamp - in sans-serif capitals - in the corner of the first free endleaf "DAVID"). [1], 29 engraved ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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Predicting the future: copy from the Broxbourne Library of the rare 1511 edition
of one of the most important prophetic astrologies of the 15th and 16th century

LICHTENBERGER, Johannes. Pronosticatio in latino rare & prius non audita: quae exponit & declarat nonnullos coeli ifluxus: & i[n]clinatione[m] certaru[m] constellationu[m] magne videlicet co[n]iunctionis & eclipsis: quae suera[n]t istis annis: quid boi maliue hoc tempore & in futuru[m] huic mu[n]do porte[n]dant: durabitq[uam] pluribus annis.
[colophon:] Venice, [Niccolò & Domenico dal Gesù = Nicolo & Domenico Sandri dal Jesus], 23 August [1511?]. 4to. With the large Dal Jesus white-on-black woodcut device, 45 half-page or nearly full-page woodcuts in the text, most with letterpress captions above or below, the first showing Ptolemy, Aristotle, the Sibyl, Birgitta of Sweden and Brother Reinhart receiving divine inspiration, with an explanation on the facing page in a 4-piece ornamental floral woodcut frame. Modern half red morocco. 39, [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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