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Military History / Military History 19th & 20th Century

"For Official Use Only."

PAGET, William Henry, MASON, A. H. & others (editors). Frontier and overseas expeditions from India. Compiled in the intelligence branch of the divisions of the chief of the staff army head quarters India. In six volumes. For official use only.
Simla, Government Monotype Press, 1907-1911. 8 volumes (6 plus 2 supplements). 8vo. With 43 maps and 8 plans.
Uniform contemporary half calf, green cloth sides, gold-stamped spine labels. Full description
€ 75,000
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Military expedition in the Nortwest Frontier of British India

[PHOTO ALBUM - PAKISTAN]. G.W. CURTIS (compiler). [Album of photographs documenting a British military tour on the Northwest Frontier].
Waziristan/Pakistan, 1923-1925. 4to album (22.5 x 17.5 cm). With 97 black & white photographs (each ca. 11 x 6.5 cm) inserted in "frames" on 24 paperboard leaves, with 2 "frames" on each page (1 frame has 2 photos in it). Contemporary cloth. [48] pp. with 97 photographs. Full description
€ 3,750
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Rare first and only edition of an 1800 revision of a 1792 treaty between Russia and Prussia

PAVEL (PAUL) I, Tsar. [Title in Russian followed on the same page by:] Traité d'alliance défensive conclu entre leurs majestés, Empereur de toutes les Russies et le Roi de Prusse le 16/28 Juillet 1800.
St Petersburg, Imperial Printing Office, 1801. Folio (29.5 x 21.5 cm). Treaty between Russia and Prussia in Russian and French in 2 parallel columns in cyrillic (left) and roman (right) types. Loose bifolia (and 1 singleton leaf). [13], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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A crucial moment in the history of the Russian expansion in Central Asia

[PEROVSKY, Vasily Aleksyeevic]. A narrative of the Russian military expedition to Khiva, under General Perofski in 1839.
Calcutta, Office of superintendent government printing, 1867. 8°. With 1 folding plate (plan of the camp, with the positions of the troops) and 1 folding map of the region Orenburg, Kazachstan. Original publishers green cloth; re-backed with original backstrip laid down. [2], ii, 182 pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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Bound by one of the best French binders of the 19th-century, for William I, the first King of the Netherlands

POISSONNIER-DESPERRIERES, Gabriel Adrien Marie. Vie politique et militaire du général A.M.G. Poissonnier-Desperrières ..., écrite par lui-même, et publiée de son vivant.
Paris, C.J. Trouvé, 1824. 8vo. With lithographed frontispiece-portrait of Dapuhin by Constans after a drawing by Eugénie Lebrun. Contemporary richly gold-tooled straight grained orange/brown morocco, gold- and blind-tooled boards with the arms of William I on each side, gold-tooled spine with plumed helmets, a dark-brown title-label and the name of the binder ("SIMIER.R.DU.ROI"), gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, gilt edges. XII, 512 pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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The First Anglo-Afghan War: an extraordinary snapshot of the North-West Frontier of British India
between 1840 en 1845.

[PUNJAB-BRITISH SECRETARIAT]. Press lists of old records in the Punjab Secretariat - Volume VII. - North-West Frontier Agency. Correspondence with Government, 1840-1845.
Lahore, printed by the superintendent, Government Printing, Punjab, 1915. 1 volume bound as 2. Folio. With an addendum slip facing p. 197. Brown calf, with "Book 1" and "Book 2" in gold on the spines. [2?], 993 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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How to use the foil in fencing

RODRIGUES DE CARVALHO, Theotonio. Tratado completo do jogo de florete, em o qual se estabelecem os principios certos dos exercicios offensivos, e defensivos desta arte; obra necessaria a's pessoas, que se destinão a's armas, e util a'quellas, que se querem aperfeiçoar.
Lisbon, Na impressão Regia, 1804. 4to. 8 folding engraved plates with 17 numbered figures. Later (ca. 1875/95?) gold-tooled green morocco,. 105, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Saint Petersburg fortification manual with 20 plates, dedicated to Czar Alexander I
one year before Napoleons invasion of Russia

SÉA. Mémoire sur la fortification permanente, pour servir a la construction d'un front de fortification sur le terrain, ... Nouvelle édition.
Saint Petersburg, Pluchart et comp., 1818. 2 volumes. Large 4to (26 x 21.5 cm & 27.5 x 22 cm). With 20 (of 21?) engraved plates (13 double-page and 7 large folding), and 3 full-page tables. Contemporary half-calf, gold-tooled spines. [12], XIX, [1 blank], 284, [3], [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 1,500
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Finely illustrated manuscript handbook for architects, engineers, etc.

[MANUSCRIPT - APPLIED MATHEMATICS]. SIMMONDS, J. Hints, tables &ca [for mining, military engineering, architecture, etc.].
[England], 1840. (16.5 x 12 cm). Manuscript in ink on paper, in English, with numerous architectural and other illustrations in pencil and ink, many with grey and/or pink washes, on 30 pages, numerous manuscript tables. Written and illustrated partly on rectos only and partly on both rectos and versos. Contemporary English dark green gold-tooled calf, gold-tooled board edges, gold fillets on turn-ins, green ribbon marker, gilt edges. Rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down. [61] ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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