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Military History / Military History 19th & 20th Century

The first Italian War of Independence depicted by the Austrians

ADAM, [Eugen and Franz]. Erinnerungen an die Feldzüge der K. K. Oester. Armee in Italien in den Jahren 1848-49.
Munich, Cotta, [1851]. Royal oblong folio (62.5 x 45.5 cm). With tinted lithographed title, dedication leaf to Radetzky, preface and 24 lithographed plates. With 24 ll. of explanatory text printed on blue paper. Plates loose in a contemporary red cloth slipcase with a silk lining. [24] ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Rare Dutch description of Punjab with folding maps

BOER, Pieter A. de (D. de BOER, compilor). Krijgs- en geschiedkundig overzigt van den Punjab, de natie der Seiks en het rijk van Lahore. Van de vroegste tijden tot op de gebeurtenissen aan den Sutledje, in 1845 en 1846.
The Hague, K.W. Pickhardt (back of the title-page: printed by C.H. Susan junior), 1849. With a lithographed frontispiece and 4 folding maps, and 1 table.Contemporary half cloth, marbled sides. XXIX, [3], 444 pp. and 1 publications slip. Full description
€ 3,500
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Courageous pilots of Squadron 28 of the British Royal Air Force during the Afridi Redshirt Rebellion: an extensive and detailed photo archive by one of the pilots

[PHOTOGRAPHS - PAKISTAN & INDIA - BRITISH ROYAL AIR FORCE]. EADY, Thomas William George. [RAF aircraft, pilots, etc. during the Afridi Redshirt Rebellion on Indias North-West Frontier].
[India and Pakistan, especially their border region], 1929-1930. A collection of photographic silver-gelatin prints of aircraft, the squadron, aerial reconnaissance etc., made and compiled by Thomas William George Eady, flying officer of the no. 28 Squadron of the RAF. It comprises 3 photo albums (contemporary with the photos), 53 loose photos (20 x 15 cm, some with manuscript comments on the back), 5 related documents (dated 1928-1932) and a separate photographic portrait of Eady, in total nearly 2000 prints. The first and largest album, covers 1929, oblong folio (30 x 39.5 cm) in blue cloth with brown cord ties, contains 183 prints in various sizes, mounted on 16 brown paper leaves with India ink captions by Eady in English. The second album, oblong 4to (33.5 x 24 cm) in green cloth with brown cord ties, contains 72 prints made during the Afridi Redshirt Rebellion, in various sizes and mounted on 20 brown paper leaves with neat India ink captions in English by Eady. The small third album, oblong small 4to (19 x 27 cm), consisting of 4 brown paper leaves tied together with black cord ties, contains 33 prints in various sizes mounted on the leaves, some duplicating prints in the largest album, with larger captions in black ink, probably not by Eady. Full description
€ 12,500
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Authentic pictorial record of the first revolts of the Chinese Revolution of 1911

[CHINA - PHOTOGRAPHY - CHINESE REVOLUTION]. War scenes of the Chinese Revolution book 1.
Shanghai, Commercial Press, Limited, [1912?]. Oblong 8vo (15 x 22.5 cm). 160 black-and-white photographs, all protected by tissue paper guards. Original publisher's orange-brown pictorial cloth, marbled endpapers. [1], [1 blank], 40; 40; 40; 40, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Secret reports from the South China Command to the British War Office, with reconnaissance photos, written as Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek rose to power and veered toward civil war

[CHINA - SECRET BRITISH MILITARY REPORT]. Reports on Kwangtung and Fukien Provinces.
Hong Kong, British War Office, 1926-1928. Folio (22.5 x 35 cm). Five secret military reconnaissance reports totalling 138 numbered leaves in typescript (some in carbon copies or duplicated) with insertions and manuscript additions, with 47 original photographs (3.5 x 6 to 8 x 13 cm) mounted on the leaves (3 of the 47 are longer panoramas, each built up from 2 to 3 photos) and a folding blueprint plan (26 x 48.5 cm). Contemporary brown half cloth. [II], 11; [II], 12-35; [I], 36-60; [I], 61-101; [I], 103-138 ll. Full description
€ 36,000
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On the sales of arms and arms deals in the Middle East

COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS. New perspectives on the Persian Gulf. Hearings before the subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia of the committee on foreign affairs, house of representatives, ninety-third congress, first session. June 6, July 17, 23, 24, and November 28, 1973.
Washington, U.S. Government printing office, 1973. 8vo (23.5 x 15 cm). With a small map of the Persian Gulf. Original printed paper wrappers. VIII, [1], 227 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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On "the escalating level of arms sales to Gulf states"

COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The Persian Gulf, 1975: the continuing debate on arms sales. Hearings before the special subcommittee on investigations of the committee on international relations, house of representatives, ninety-fourth congress, first Session. June 10, 18, 24 and July 29, 1975.
Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. 8vo. Original printed paper wrappers. VI, 261 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Governor-General Daendel's rule in the Dutch East Indies

DAENDELS, Herman Willem. Staat der Nederlandsche Oostindische bezittingen, onder het bestuur van der gouverneur-generaal Herman Willem Daendels, ridder, luitenant-generaal, &c. in de jaren 1808-1811.
The Hague, (colophon: Hendrik van Teeckelenburgh and the Van Cleef brothers), 1814. 4 volumes. Folio. With a small portrait of Daendels mounted on the half-title of the first volume. Contemporary boards. [6], 128, [1 blank]; [334]; [596]; [488] pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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12 albumen prints showing Paris after the Franco-Prussian War, including 9 by the French photographer Disdéri

DISDÉRI, André. [Collection of 12 photographs of Paris and surroundings just after the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)].
[Paris], André Disdéri, 1871. Seven albumen prints by Disdéri (measuring 10/20 x 29 cm), mounted on blue stiff paper leaves, with a caption in pencil in the lower left corner; three albumen prints, each mounted on a white stiff paper leaf, including one by A. Serrault with printed text underneath; and two small portraits of carte de visite format (89 x 54 mm), probably by Disdéri, mounted together on one stiff paper leaf. Full description
€ 1,800
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General Dufour's report on his victory in the Sonderbund War

[DUFOUR, Guillaume Henri]. Rapport général du commandant en chef des troupes fédérales sur l'armement et la campagne de 1847.
Bern, Imprimerie Staempfli; Zurich, Fréd. Schulthess, 1848. 8vo. With 6 folding lithographed maps (3 with certain features hand-coloured as published, mostly to show troup locations, and with a key to the colour coding). Contemporary tanned half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [2], 81, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Exquisitely produced work on falconry and horse riding, with many coloured illustrations

ES, N.J.A.P.H. van. De hippische sport en het korps rijdende artillerie 1793-1908 ... 1e gedeelte [valkerij]. 2e gedeelte [hippische sport].
Arnhem, Coers & Roest and G.J. Thieme, [1913]. 2 volumes. Large 4to (37.5 x 31 cm). With ca. 80 lithographed plates and numerous illustrations and decorations in text, many beautifully coloured by hand and some highlighted with silver and/or gold. Original publisher's gold-blocked blue cloth, with a coloured hooded hawk on front boards, upper edges gilt, other edges untrimmed. [16], 172, [18], [2 blank]; [14], 221, [1 blank], [17], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Foreign military troops in French service

FIEFFE, Eugène. Geschichte der Fremd-Truppen im Dienste Frankreichs von ihrer Entstehung bis auf unsere Tage, sowie aller jener Regimenter welche in den eroberten Ländern unter der ersten Republik und dem Kaiserreiche ausgehoben wurden.
Munich, J. Descheler 1860. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 32 full-page hand-coloured plates. Contemporary blind-stamped red cloth, decorated gilt spine with title lettered in gold, gilt edges. XXI [1 blank], 560, [1, 1 blank], IV; [4], V, [1 blank], [3] - 664 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Manuscript plan of the "Stelling Den Helder": the oldest surviving defence line in Dutch military history, including the important marine shipyard Willemsoord

[FORTIFICATION PLAN - DEN HELDER - WILLEMSOORD]. KRAG, Rasmus. Kort over en deel af provindsen Nordholland med befestningen af de Helder, maritime & etablissementet Willemsoort samt en deel af den nye Nordhollandske Canal.
[The Netherlands?], 1825. Double Elephant 1mo sheet (92 x 63 cm). With a pen and ink-drawn fortification plan (ca. 85 x 55 cm) of the Den Helder fortifications and the marine shipyard Willemsoord, coloured by a contemporary hand, with a manuscript title, scales and a key in Danish, written in a fine and legible 19th-century hand surrounding the plan. On Whatman wove paper. Folded. [1] sheet. Full description
€ 1,800
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Everything you could possibly want to know about the Grenadier guards

HAMILTON, Frederick William. The origin and history of the first or Grenadier guards. From documents in the state paper office, war office, horse guards, contemporary history, regimental records, etc.
London, John Murray, 1874. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 17 portraits (3 serving as frontispieces), 60 maps and plans (3 folding), 7 chromolithographed plates and 1 view in total. Original publisher's red cloth. Each volume with a ticket of "Metchim & son...". XXXIV, [6], 458; XXXIV, 548; XVIII, 496 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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A manuscript manual on how to construct, load and detonate a mine to undermine fortifications
using exact mathematical calculations

[MANUSCRIPT - MILITARY ENGINEERING - HENNEQUIN, Johan Jacobus]. Twee beknopte handleidingen tot het berekenen der mijnladingen.
(preface:) Grave, 1 July 1828. Folio. Manuscript in a fine legible hand, written in brown ink on paper, with 2 large folding sheets with abstract mathematical figures depicting the range of exploding mines (45 x 67 cm and 54 x 75 cm) in blue/black and red ink, the second partly coloured (red watercolour), and 3 abstract mathematical figures and one table in the text. Contemporary marbled paper boards with a handwritten titleplate. [1], [1 blank], [1], [3 blank], 71, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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A summary of the reports on an exercise by the Dutch military engineers,
experimenting with mines to blow up fortifications

[MANUSCRIPT - MILITARY ENGINEERING] HENNEQUIN, Johan Jacobus. Bataillon mineurs en sappeurs. Exercitie polygoon van 1824 en 1825. Uittreksel uit de officiele rapporten der verrigte werkzaamheden welke door den hoogedelen gestrengen heer Abr. Eichholtz luitenant kolonel kommandant van genoemd bataillon opgemaakt en toegezonden zijn geworden aan zijne excellentie den heere Luit. Generaal Baron Krayenhoff, gouverneur van Amsterdam, inspecteur generaal der fortificatien en van het korps ingenieurs de mineurs en sappeurs benevens eenige aantekeningen betrekkelijk de gedaante werkzaamheden.
[preface signed:] Grave, 1 November 1828. Folio. Manuscript written in brown ink on paper in a fine legible hand, with 1 large folding illustration in blue, brown/black and red ink. Contemporary brown marbled paper over boards, manuscript title label mounted on the front board. [4], 15, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Detailed account of horses by a Dutch cavalry officer who served Prussia against Napoleon Bonaparte,
with 31 beautiful watercolour drawings (30 in colour) showing 32 horses

[HORSES - MILITARY]. Anecdoten van paarde kenners, paarde liefhebbers, ruijters en ross-kammers. Naar waarheid en eijge ondervinding opgesteld. Door een gepensioneerd cavallerie officier.
[The Netherlands, ca. 1815]. Folio (38 x 24 cm). Manuscript on paper written in brown ink in a readable Latin hand, with the title on p. 72, illustrated with 30 small watercolour drawings of horses mounted on the leaves (mostly about 8.5 x 11 cm), and a washed pen drawing with 5 caricature figures before a monument (9.5 x 16 cm), mounted above the dedication. Half vellum (1930s?), gold-tooled spine. [4 blank], 248, 251-254, 257-267, [9 blank] pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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[INDIA – ARMY, GENERAL STAFF BRANCH]. Operations in Waziristan 1919-1920. Confidential. Compiled by the General Staff, Army Headquarters, India, 1921.
Calcutta, Superintendent of Government Printing, 1921. 8vo. With frontispiece, 31 plates, 7 maps (3 in pocket on inside of back board), and 8 panoramas, mostly folding.Contemporary half calf, green cloth sides, gold-stamped red spine labels. X, 187, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,800
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First-hand account of the British military in India's Northwest

[PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA]. [W. RAHN (photographer).] [Album with photographs of the Tirah Expedition].
- Key [manuscript identifying sitters in 1 photograph in the album]. 2 loose leaves.
- [Manuscript list of captions to 10 photographs in the album]. 1 leaf.Kirkee (Pune, India), Sappers and Miners' Press, [1898]. Folio album (40 x 33 cm). A photo album with 53 photographic prints on 12 paperboard leaves, hinged to stubs with 3 cords. Including 9 large albumen prints from 21 x 26.5 cm to 13.5 x 29 cm, 43 gelatin silver prints from 12 x 18 cm. to 9 x 10.5 cm., and a loosely inserted large albumen print 21 x 28.5 cm on a similar paperboard support. Contemporary cloth with closing straps. Manuscripts loosely inserted in the album.
(2) PARK, Superintendent. 1898. Catalogue of photographs by Sergeant A.J. Clarke R.E. taken during Tirah Expedition, 1897-1898.
[Kirkee (Pune, India), Sappers and Miners' Press, 1898]. Small folio (22 x 14.5 cm), [4] pp. With a lithographed title-page. Loosely inserted in the album. Full description
€ 8,750
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T. E. Lawrence's anonymous account of the Arab movement in the Great War

[LAWRENCE, Thomas Edward]. Harry PIRIE-GORDON (editor). A brief record of the advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force under the command of General Sir Edmund H.H. Allenby. July 1917 to October 1918. Compiled from official sources and published by the Palestine News.
Cairo, Government Press and Survey of Egypt, 1919. Small folio (22.5 x 29.5 cm). With a frontispiece portrait of Allenby, mounted on cloth, and 56 coloured maps with explanatory texts on the facing pages. Contemporary half linen. [6], 113, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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Rare only edition of a Portuguese naval warfare handbook

LOPES DA COSTA ALMEIDA, Antonio. Compendio theorico-pratico de artilharia naval. Extractado, e redigido das obras dos mais celebres, e modernos authores e accomodado para servir de compendio lectivo ...
Lisbon, Royal Academy of Sciences, 1829. 4to. With 10 numbered folding lithographed plates. Contemporary gold-stamped red morocco with gold-stamped spine label. [4], VII, [1], 434, [4] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The most important British citizens of Madras gathered in one document

STEEL, Scudamore Winde (subject). To Major General Sir Scudamore Winde Steel K. C. B. late commander of the forces in Pegue &c ....
Madras, 10 April 1856. Manuscript in ink on a large single sheet of vellum (ca. 62 x 73 cm). With the hand drawn coat-of-arms of Scudamore Winde Steel in ink at the head of the text and with 106 signatures of British residents of Madras at the foot of the text. Folded. [1] leaf. Full description
€ 3,500
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Prussian fortification & artillery manual, with about 112 drawings

[MANUSCRIPT]. MAHLENDORFF. Fortification passagère et permanente [= Erstes Heft]. Artillerie. [=] Zweites Heft.
[Berlin?, ca. 1850?]. 2 volumes. Small 4to (21 x 17 cm). Manuscript in German, written in brown ink on paper in a cursive hand mixing Latin and gothic characteristics, the two volumes with about 100 and 12 drawings respectively (mostly pen and ink, but a few in pencil), mostly in the large fore-edge margins left for that purpose, but with 7 in vol. 1 on folding slips tipped onto the leaves. Most show fortification plans but there are also sections, elevations and a few other drawings, including diagrams. Contemporary uniform black half vellum. [2 blank], [1], [3 blank], [40], [8 blank], [314], [12 blank]; [2 blank], [1], [1 blank], [81], [3 blank], [177], [9 blank] pp., with the first and last leaf of each volume pasted down. Full description
€ 1,850
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Catalogue of the royal armoury, with notes on armourers, gunsmiths, swordsmiths, etc., and 10 plates showing 435 marks

MARCHESI, José María. Cataìlogo de la Real Armeriìa.
Madrid, Eusebio Aguado (royal printer), 1849. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With the arms of Queen Isabella II of Spain on the title-page and 10 numbered engraved plates with 435 marks of armourers, swordsmiths and others. Contemporary green half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. XX, 198, [2 blank], 119, [1] pp. plus 10 plates. Full description
€ 750
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Very rare important history on the recovery of Egypt from the French by Muhammad Ali Pasha

MENGIN, Felix. Geschiedenis van Egypte, onder de regering van Mohammed-Ali of verhaal der staatkundige en militaire gebeurtenissen, die plaats gehad hebben sedert het vertrek der Franschen tot in 1823.
Amsterdam, Johannes Christoffel van Kesteren, 1828. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 8 engraved plates and 2 engraved folding maps. Contemporary half sheepskin, marbled sides, red morocco spine label with title in gold. [2], XL, 462, [1], [1 blank]; [4], 515, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Field guide for officers during the Mesopotamian campaign (1914-1918), with a folding map

[MESOPOTAMIA]. [Indian Army General Staff]. For official use only. Field notes. Mesopotamia. General staff, India. February 1917.Including: Index to field notes, Mesopotamia, 1917.
Calcutta, Superintended government printing, 1917. Small 8vo. With 1 folding heliozincographed map of "Lower Mesopotamia", with some routes in red, and three folding letterpress tables. Original green cloth. [3], [1], 326(=325), [1]; [1], [1 blank], XX pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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"For offical use only": mapping the Mesopotamian battlefields of WWI

[MESOPOTAMIAN CAMPAIGN]. Critical study of the campaign in Mesopotamia up to April 1917. Part II - Maps.
Calcutta, Government of India Press, 1925. 25 (of 26) folding maps, sketches etc., as always lacking the "Explanation of the Method of giving Map Co-ordinates adopted in Chapters XIII and XX". Original tan cloth map-case with original printed label to cover. 25 (of 26) folding ll. Full description
€ 3,500
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The basics for a foot soldier at the military school: very rare Japanese edition of a concise Dutch manual,
in a traditional Japanese binding

[MILITARIA - JAPAN]. De soldaten-school voor de Koninklijke Nederlandsche infanterie.
[copy imprint:] The Hague & Amsterdam, Gebroeders van Cleef, 1833 (last leaf: Tokyo, Juij Masuda, 1856). 8vo. Printed from woodblocks on Japanese paper in the traditional Japanese manner on the outside of double leaves with the fold at the fore-edge. With woodcut Japanese text on the half title and last leaf. With an illustrated title-page printed on paper which has been dyed red, facing the half-title, showing three soldiers. Contemporary Japanese brown paper covers, side stitched and oversewn through 4 holes (near the head and near the foot and 2 holes between them). In a modern Japanese gold brocade cloth chitsu (folding case) with 2 bone fastenings and a brown paper label. [15], 179, [6] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Rare 1st edition with 12 large hand-coloured plates of uniforms of Napoleon’s Dutch honour guard

[MILITARY UNIFORMS]. Uniformes des gardes d'honneur des différens corps dans les sept départemens de la Hollande; formés pour la réception de ... l'Empereur et Roi. ...| Uniformen van de gardes d'honneur, van de onderscheiden corpsen in de zeven départementen van Holland; opgericht tot de ontfangst van ... den Keizer en Koning.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, [1811]. Royal folio (42.5 x 32 cm). With 12 aquatint costume plates (plate size 32.5 x 23 cm), in the publisher's original hand-colouring, with the original tissue guard leaf tipped onto each plate. Recent boards, with the original plain paper wrappers laid down. Kept in a matching green half morocco clamshell box. [48] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Temporary and permanent fortifications, illustrated with 58 double-page plates

MILLER, Moriz von. Vorlesungen über die Feldverschanzungs-Kunst, in Verbindung mit dem Pionnier- und Pontonnier-Dienste, so wie über die stehende Befestigung und die Lehre des Angriffs und der Vertheidigung fester Plätze.
Karlsruhe and Freiburg, Herder, 1831. 2 volumes. 4to. With 58 double-page lithographed plates, each displaying several figures, and both with a double-page lithographed title-page. Contemporary tanned half sheepskin, marbled paper sides, marbled endpapers. [8], 218, XV, [1]; [2], 194, XII, [2] pp. Full description
€ 850
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Treatise on naval mines, by a leading French naval officer and military engineer

MONTGÉRY, Jacques-Philippe Mérigon de. Mémoire sur les mines flottantes et les petards flottans, ou machines infernales maritimes.
Paris, Bachlier, libraire pour la marine (printed by De Fain), 1819. 8vo. With a finely engraved folding copperplate of a ship being blown up by a mine (16.5 x 17.5 cm). Lacking the half-title and the final leaf with the publisher's list of books, but with the folding plate, often lacking. Contemporary half tree calf, stormont marbled sides. [2], 78 pp. Full description
€ 800
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Eyewitness account of the horrors of the Napoleonic campaigns:
Germany, Poland, Moldavia & Turkey in aquatint

NEALE, Adam. Travels through some parts of Germany, Poland, Moldavia, and Turkey.
London, (back of title-page: printed by A. Straham), 1818. 4to. With 15 hand-coloured aquatints on 11 plates by I. Clark after drawings by author. 19th-century half morocco (Root bookbinders, London), richly gold-tooled spine. XIII, 295 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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From India to Egypt, with 19 hand-coloured plates and 2 maps

NOÉ, Louis Pantaléon Jude Amédée, Comte de. Mémoires relatifs a l'expédition Anglaise partie du Bengale en 1800 pour aller combattre en Égypte l'armée d'orient.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale (back of half-title: [Auguste] Nepveu), 1826. 8vo. With 2 folding lithographed maps, partly coloured by hand, and 19 hand-coloured lithographed plates. Contemporary red half morocco, gold-tooled spine, marbled sides. [3], [1 blank], III, [1 bank], 288 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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"For Official Use Only."

PAGET, William Henry, MASON, A. H. & others (editors). Frontier and overseas expeditions from India. Compiled in the intelligence branch of the divisions of the chief of the staff army head quarters India. In six volumes. For official use only.
Simla, Government Monotype Press, 1907-1911. 8 volumes (6 plus 2 supplements). 8vo. With 43 maps and 8 plans.
Uniform contemporary half calf, green cloth sides, gold-stamped spine labels. Full description
€ 75,000
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Military expedition in the Nortwest Frontier of British India

[PHOTO ALBUM - PAKISTAN]. G.W. CURTIS (compiler). [Album of photographs documenting a British military tour on the Northwest Frontier].
Waziristan/Pakistan, 1923-1925. 4to album (22.5 x 17.5 cm). With 97 black & white photographs (each ca. 11 x 6.5 cm) inserted in "frames" on 24 paperboard leaves, with 2 "frames" on each page (1 frame has 2 photos in it). Contemporary cloth. [48] pp. with 97 photographs. Full description
€ 3,750
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Rare first and only edition of an 1800 revision of a 1792 treaty between Russia and Prussia

PAVEL (PAUL) I, Tsar. [Title in Russian followed on the same page by:] Traité d'alliance défensive conclu entre leurs majestés, Empereur de toutes les Russies et le Roi de Prusse le 16/28 Juillet 1800.
St Petersburg, Imperial Printing Office, 1801. Folio (29.5 x 21.5 cm). Treaty between Russia and Prussia in Russian and French in 2 parallel columns in cyrillic (left) and roman (right) types. Loose bifolia (and 1 singleton leaf). [13], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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A crucial moment in the history of the Russian expansion in Central Asia

[PEROVSKY, Vasily Aleksyeevic]. A narrative of the Russian military expedition to Khiva, under General Perofski in 1839.
Calcutta, Office of superintendent government printing, 1867. 8°. With 1 folding plate (plan of the camp, with the positions of the troops) and 1 folding map of the region Orenburg, Kazachstan. Original publishers green cloth; re-backed with original backstrip laid down. [2], ii, 182 pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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Bound by one of the best French binders of the 19th-century, for William I, the first King of the Netherlands

POISSONNIER-DESPERRIERES, Gabriel Adrien Marie. Vie politique et militaire du général A.M.G. Poissonnier-Desperrières ..., écrite par lui-même, et publiée de son vivant.
Paris, C.J. Trouvé, 1824. 8vo. With lithographed frontispiece-portrait of Dapuhin by Constans after a drawing by Eugénie Lebrun. Contemporary richly gold-tooled straight grained orange/brown morocco, gold- and blind-tooled boards with the arms of William I on each side, gold-tooled spine with plumed helmets, a dark-brown title-label and the name of the binder ("SIMIER.R.DU.ROI"), gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, gilt edges. XII, 512 pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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The First Anglo-Afghan War: an extraordinary snapshot of the North-West Frontier of British India
between 1840 en 1845.

[PUNJAB-BRITISH SECRETARIAT]. Press lists of old records in the Punjab Secretariat - Volume VII. - North-West Frontier Agency. Correspondence with Government, 1840-1845.
Lahore, printed by the superintendent, Government Printing, Punjab, 1915. 1 volume bound as 2. Folio. With an addendum slip facing p. 197. Brown calf, with "Book 1" and "Book 2" in gold on the spines. [2?], 993 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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How to use the foil in fencing

RODRIGUES DE CARVALHO, Theotonio. Tratado completo do jogo de florete, em o qual se estabelecem os principios certos dos exercicios offensivos, e defensivos desta arte; obra necessaria a's pessoas, que se destinão a's armas, e util a'quellas, que se querem aperfeiçoar.
Lisbon, Na impressão Regia, 1804. 4to. 8 folding engraved plates with 17 numbered figures. Later (ca. 1875/95?) gold-tooled green morocco,. 105, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Saint Petersburg fortification manual with 20 plates, dedicated to Czar Alexander I
one year before Napoleons invasion of Russia

SÉA. Mémoire sur la fortification permanente, pour servir a la construction d'un front de fortification sur le terrain, ... Nouvelle édition.
Saint Petersburg, Pluchart et comp., 1818. 2 volumes. Large 4to (26 x 21.5 cm & 27.5 x 22 cm). With 20 (of 21?) engraved plates (13 double-page and 7 large folding), and 3 full-page tables. Contemporary half-calf, gold-tooled spines. [12], XIX, [1 blank], 284, [3], [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 1,500
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Finely illustrated manuscript handbook for architects, engineers, etc.

[MANUSCRIPT - APPLIED MATHEMATICS]. SIMMONDS, J. Hints, tables &ca [for mining, military engineering, architecture, etc.].
[England], 1840. (16.5 x 12 cm). Manuscript in ink on paper, in English, with numerous architectural and other illustrations in pencil and ink, many with grey and/or pink washes, on 30 pages, numerous manuscript tables. Written and illustrated partly on rectos only and partly on both rectos and versos. Contemporary English dark green gold-tooled calf, gold-tooled board edges, gold fillets on turn-ins, green ribbon marker, gilt edges. Rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down. [61] ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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Signed authors presentation copy of a detailed eye-witness account of Senegal ca. 1880,
not for sale: with 2 chromolithographed maps, 3 original albumen prints and 4 wood-engraved views
in a fine presentation binding by Lucien Magnin in Lyon

SZYMANSKI, Félix. Essai sur la guerre dans le Soudan.
Lyon, Imprimerie Mougin-Rusand, 1888. Large 8vo (24.5 x 16 cm). With 2 large folding chromolithographed maps (50 x 60 cm; map images 44 x 58 cm; scale 1: 1,000,000), 4 wood-engraved illustrations in the text and 3 original photographic albumen prints (10.5 x 13 cm) mounted on paperboard plates. Contemporary gold-tooled, black goatskin morocco (signed at the foot of the front turn-in by Lucien Magnin in Lyon), richly gold-tooled spine, richly gold-tooled turn-ins, double fillets on board edges, gilt edges. [4], 184 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Rare illustrated work on fencing

THOMASE, Eualdo. Tratado de esgrima a pie y a caballo, en que se enseña por principios el menajo del Florete ó juego de la espada. Que se usa en el dia, adornado con diez y seis laminas gravadas en conbre.
Barcelona, Narcisa Dorca, 1823. 8vo. 16 full-page engraved plates. Contemporary wrappers. 71 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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On General Sir Edmund Allenby's time in Arabia

THOMAS, Lowell and Kenneth Brown COLLINGS. With Allenby in the Holy Land.
London, Toronto, Melbourne and Sydney, Cassell and Company Ltd., [1938]. 8vo. With a half-tone photographed portrait of Allenby (signed F.A. Swaine) as a frontispiece. Original publisher's black cloth, with the title in red on the spine and the head edge red. [6], 202 pp. Full description
€ 400
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How to defeat the Ottoman army

VALENTINI, Georg Wilhelm von. Précis des dernières guerres des Russes contre les Turcs...
Paris, Firmin Didot, Anseling & Pochard, Ponthieu, 1825. 8vo. With 5 irregularly numbered maps with battle and siege plans on 4 folding engraved plates and several diagrams in the text showing troop formations. Contemporary tan half calf, the spine alternating areas of blind-tooled tan and gold-tooled dark brown, one including the title, marbled sides, light gray endpapers, turquoise sprinkled edges. VI, [2], 240, [2] pp. Full description
€ 650
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Russia, Germany and the Netherlands revolting against the yoke of Napoleon

VENTURINI, Karl Heinrich Georg (Martinus Gerardus ENGELMAN, transl.). Geschiedenis van den oorlog, in de jaren 1812-1815.
Amsterdam, C. & H. Timmer, 1816-1819. 8 parts in 4 volumes. 8vo. Each volume with an engraved vignette showing a different scene from the Northern Liberation War, by P. Velijn. Contemporary half calf. [2], IV, 313; [4], 310; [2], 342; [4], 346; [2], 312; [4], 318; [2], 334; [4], 333 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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