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Medicine & Pharmacy

One of the most popular 17th-century authors on health and sickness,
with a remarkably modern societal approach

BEVERWIJCK, Johannes van. Alle de wercken. Zo in de medicyne als chirurgie.
Amsterdam, Jan Jacobsz Schipper, [1656]. 4 works (some with subdivisions) in 1 volume. Large 4to.(27 x 20.5 cm). With a richly engraved illustrated title-page (with general title and undated imprint for the whole collection) drawn by Crispijn van de Passe the younger and engraved by Cornelis van Dalen, and 8 letterpress title-pages for the 4 separate publications (also issued separately), all dated 1656, plus 2 divisional title-pages without imprint. With 55 engravings in the text and 3 full-page engraved human anatomical plates, woodcut tailpieces and woodcut decorated initials. Set in roman type with incidental italic and textura, plus occasional words in Greek. Containing:
(1) Schat der gesontheydt.
Amsterdam, Jan Jacobsz. Schipper, 1656. In 2 volumes.
(2) Schat der ongesontheydt, ofte genees-konste van de sieckten.
Amsterdam, (vol. 1 only: Jan Jacobsz. Schipper), 1656. In 2 volumes (title-page of vol. 2, on (i)2r, while (i)1v, the last page of vol. 1, has a catchword pointing to (i)2r). Each of the 3 appendices at the end has its own divisional title, without imprint.
(3) Inleydinge tot de Hollandtsche genees-middelen. Ofte Kort bericht, dat elck landt ghenoegh heeft tot onderhoudt van het leven ende de gesondtheydt der inwoonders.
[and with its own title-page on C4r and continuing the same series of page numbers:] Steen-stuck. Aenwijsende den oorspronck, teyckenen, t voorkomen, en ghenesen van steen en graveel.
Amsterdam, Jan Jacobsz. Schipper, 1656.
(4) Heel-konste, ofte derde deel van de genees-konste, om de uytwendige gebreken te heelen. Met alderhande historien verlicht, ende met nieuwe curieuse platen verçiert. De platen van de aderen, slagh-aderen, ende zenuwen, &c. die in den voorgaenden druck seer onordentelijck zijn gestelt: midtsgaders de rekeningen die op deselve platen seer sloridgh aengewesen hebben geweest, zijn nu alle op haer bequame ordre gebracht, followed by Vervolgh van de heel-konste, verhandelende wonden, gehardtheydt, oorsponck van bus-poeder, ende geschut, kout-vyer, ontleden, ende gebroke beenderen. Met alderhande historien verlicht.
18th-century sprinkled half calf, sewn on 5 supports laced into the boards, sprinkled paper sides, black morocco spine label. [8], 200; [8], 207, [1 blank]; [4], 124; [2], 46; [6], 154, [8] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Attractively illustrated and popular medical work

BEVERWIJCK, Johan van and Jacob CATS. Wercken der genees-konste.
Amsterdam, (widow of) Jan Jacobsz. Schipper, 1672. 3 volumes bound as 1. 4to. With engraved frontispiece, 28 engravings in volume one, 29 engravings in volume two (including one on the title-page) and 20 engravings (including one on the title-page) plus 1 woodcut in volume three. Contemporary vellum. [18], 252; [8], 127, [1], 328, 48; [8], “278”[=276], [12] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Early work of Johannes van Beverwijck bound with an account of the waters of the city of Spa

BEVERWIJCK, Johannes van. Idea medicinae veterum.
Leiden, Officina Elzeviriorum, 1637. Title-page in red and black with the Elzeviers' "non solus" tree, grape vine and man device, a woodcut headpiece (plus 1 repeat) and woodcut decorated initials. With: (2) HEER(S), Henrick de. Spadacrene ultimis curis polita: hoc est Fons Spadanus accuratissimè descriptus, acidas bibendi modus Medicamina oxypotis necessaria.
Liège, Johannes Ouwerx, 1635. With Ouwerx's woodcut device on the title-page, woodcut headpieces, tailpieces and decorated initials.
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary vellum. [8], 390, [10]; [24], 128 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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A famous Dutch physician in praise of his trade

[BEVERWIJCK, Jan van]. Lof der medicine, ofte genees-konste.
[Dordrecht, Hendrick van Esch, 1642?]. Small 8vo. With Van Esch's woodcut Maid of Dordrecht device on the title-page, a woodcut tail-piece, a woodcut factotum and 2 woodcut decorative initials. Wrappers (ca. 1800?) made from laid paper coloured green and glazed on the outer surface. 152 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Two popular medical works in the vernacular by the famous city physician of Dordrecht

BEVERWIJCK, Johan van. Heel-konste, ofte derde deel van de genees-konste, om de uytwendige gebreken te heelen.
Dordrecht, Hendrick van Esch for Pieter Looymans and Maerten de Bot, 1645. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Finely engraved architectural frontispiece, 8 half-page and 11 full-page engravings on integral leaves, 1 with an emblematic image of Fortuna in the preface, 5 illustrating herbs and other plants with botanical details (2 appear in views of Marseille and the city of Orange in Provence, and another includes a view of Cairo at the head) and 13 human anatomical views, including the vascular system and the musculature, woodcut initials.
(2) IDEM. Lof der medicine, ofte genees-konste.
Dordrecht, [Hendrick van Esch for Jasper Gorrisz., 1644]. 8vo. With Van Eschs woodcut device on the title-page.
Contemporary vellum, early manuscript title on spine, red edges. [44], 487, [7]; 152 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Is hair alive or not?

BEVERWIJCK, Johannes van. Heel-konste, ofte derde deel van de genees-konste, om de uytwendige gebreken te heelen.
Dordrecht, Hendrick van Esch for Pieter Looymans and Maerten de Bot, 1645.
With: PLEMPIUS (PLEMP), Fortunatus. Verhandeling der spieren. ...
Dordrecht, Hendrick van Esch for Pieter Loymans and Maerten de Bot, 1645.
Small 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, an emblematic engraving in the preliminaries, 5 engravings of herbs and plants, including 3 with views of Granada, Orange and Cairo, 2 anatomical engravings in the text and 11 full-page engraved anatomical plates. Original overlapping vellum, manuscript title on spine, red edges. [44], 487, [7]; [6], 176 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Unrecorded work for pregnant women in a beautifully embroidered silk binding

[BINDING - EMBROIDERED]. Esercizio da premettersi dalle donne in stato di gravidanza per conseguire da dio per l'intercessione del glorioso San Torello protettore insigne l'essenzione da tutti i pericoli e felicità nel prossimo parto.
Florence, Stamperià Arcivescovile alla Croce Rossa, 1822. 8vo. Beautifully embroidered contemporary pink silk over paperboards, with flowers and a border along the edges of both sides, and the initials "CM" in centre of front cover, preserved in a modern marbled slipcase. 39 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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First known edition of a successful apothecarys manual for students,
mirroring the general knowledge of pharmacology in the mid-17th century

[BISSCHOP, Jan]. Pharmacia Galenica & chymica, dat is: apotheker ende alchymiste ofte distilleer-konste. Begrijpende de beginselen ende fondamenten der selver. [Additional title and imprint on the frontispiece:] Nieu licht der apothekers en distilleerkonst. ... tAmsteldam by Joannes van Ravesteyn op t Water.
Amsterdam, Johannes van Ravesteyn, 1657. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece showing the interior of an apothecarys shop, Van Ravesteyns woodcut device on title-page (Elijah and the ravens); 3 half-page woodcut illustrations of distilling equipment (pp. 339, 343 and 387); woodcut decorated initials and tailpieces. Contemporary overlapping vellum over boards. [8], 460, [12] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The fourth edition of a successful apothecarys manual for students,
mirroring the general knowledge of pharmacy in the middle of the 17th century

[BISSCHOP, Jan]. Pharmacia Galenica & Chymica, dat is: de vermeerderde ende verbeterde Apotheker en Alchymiste licht ende distilleer-konst. Begrijpende de beginselen ende fondamenten der selver. ... en verrijckt met een kort Examen der Chirurgie, benevens een tractaet van de kennisse der Droogen. Den vierden druck.
Amsterdam, Johannes van Ravesteyn, 1662. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece of the interior of an apothecarys shop: Het Nieu verbetert en vermeerdert licht der Apothekers en distilleerkonst. TAmsteldam by Joannes van Ravesteyn den [ ink: tienden] druck 16[.. in ink: 1662]; woodcut printers device on title; 3 half-page woodcut illustrations of distilling equipment (pp. 343, 347 and 391); woodcut initials and endpieces. Contemporary overlapping vellum over boards with title in ink on spine. [16], 466, [14], 54 pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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