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Medicine & Pharmacy

Second edition of the official pharmacopoeia of Spain

[PHARMACOPEIA - MADRID]. Pharmacopoeia Matritensis regii, ac supremi Hispaniarum protomedicatus auctoriate, jussu atque auspiciis elaborata. Editio secunda locupletior, en longè emendatior.
Madrid, Antonio Perez de Soto, 1762. 4to. Title printed in red and black with a title-engraving with a view on Madrid engraved by Crutz, with a small portrait in a roundel of the dedicatee, King Carlos III, also engraved by Crutz, and woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, red morocco spine label with title in gold, marbled endpapers and paste-downs, red edges. [32], 556 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Beautiful copy with the coats of arms of the city Haarlem on front and back cover

Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1805. Large 8vo. With 2 folding tables. Prize-book of the Latin School at Haarlem: polished mottled calf with gilt panel of the city-virgin of Haarlem holding the coat-of-arms of the city as her shield; underneath the motto: Vicit vim virtus, on both sides, ornamental gilt border along the edges of both sides, spine gilt with orange title label lettered in gold, gilt binding edges, green ties. Complete with the dedication of the Latin school, presenting the book to Jacob Warning, dated Haarlem, 17 Dec. 1817 and signed by the rector and teachers of the school, bound in before the first fly-leaf. [2], L, 304, 34, [13] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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First edition of the German translation of the important Pharmacopoeia Austriaco-Provincialis (1774)

[AUSTRIA - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Oesterreichische provinzial-Pharmakopee...
Vienna, Johan Thomas Edlen von Trattnern, 1776. 8vo. With a woodcut coat-of-arms on the title-page and typographical head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, light brown morocco spine label with title in gold, red sprinkled edges. [10], 384, [18] pp. Full description
€ 300
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Second edition of the Bremen/Leipzig edition of the famous Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia of 1756.
With the only edition outside Britain of the Edinburg Pharmacopoeia for the poor

[PHARMACOPOEIA - EDINBURGH] Pharmacopoeia collegii regii medicorum Edinburgensis. Secundum editionis Edinburgensis. Novissimae exemplar recusa. In usum praelectionum academicarum.
Bremen and Leipzig, Georg Ludewig Förster, 1766. With engraved emblematical vignette with the motto Nemo me impune lacessit in the title-page, typographical headpieces and curious tailpiece.
(2) Pharmacopoeia pauperum, in usum Nosocomii Regii Edinburgensis.
Frankfurt a/M & Leipzig, Officina Fleischeriana, 1760. 8vo.
With engraved oval vignette with the coat-of-arms and seal of the Edinburgh hospital and its motto Patet omnibus in an oval, title in ornamental frame. With two added handwritten receipts. 8vo. Calf over boards, ribbed spine gilt in compartments. XII, 146, (18); IV, 76 pp. Full description
€ 650
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First and only edition of the pharmacopeia of Liege

[LIEGE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Leodiensis, in qua describuntur medicamenta tam simplicia quam composita, ordine sequenti in tres partes distributa... Cum adjuncta taxa & indice.
Liege, Everard Kints, 1741. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of Liege and an engraved coat of arms of the dedicatee prince-bishop George (II) Louis of Bergen, printed on a separate leaf. Contemporary marbled paper over boards. [18], 244, [12] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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First edition of a pharmacological recipe book in Dutch,
for apprentices and pharmacists who can't read Latin

[PHARMACY - RECIPES]. Nieuwe Nederduitsche apotheek. Op eene klaare en verstaanbaare wyze onderwys gevende omtrent de beste dagelyks gebruikt wordende geneeskundige bereidingen; waar in inzonderheid de scheikundige bewerkingen, volgens de gronden der vermaarde heeren Boerhave, Geoffroy en andere beroemde mannen, zoo duidelyk beschreeven worden, als tot nog toe in geene andere apotheeken geschied is.
Leiden, Pieter van der Eyk, 1753. 8vo. Modern orange paper wrappers. [10], 440, [38] pp. Full description
€ 650
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Dutch translation of an immensely popular book of secrets

PIEDMONT, Alexis of (Girolamo RUSCELLI). De secreeten ... inhoudende seer excellente ende wel geapprobeerde remedien, tegen veelderhande krancheden, wonden ende andere accidenten: met de maniere van distilleren, perfumeren, confituyren maecken, te verwen, coloeuren ende gieten.
Amsterdam, Hendrick Laurensz., 1636. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Modern sheepskin. 260, [12]; 164, [11], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 600
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An elaborate compilation of available literature on horsemanship, with 26 engraved plates

PINTER VON DER AU, Johann Christoph. Neuer, vollkommener, verbesserter und ergäntzter Pferd-Schatz.
Frankfurt am Main, Johann Philipp Andrea for Georg Heinrich Oehrling, 1688. 2 parts in 1 volume. Small folio (31.5 x 20.5 cm). With engraved frontispiece and 25 engraved folding plates (with figures numbered 1-40). 19th-century half calf. [2], 456, [8] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Detailed studies of plague outbreaks in the Middle East

[PLAGUE]. Papers relating to the modern history and recent progress of Levantine plague; prepared from time to time by direction of the president to the local government board, with other papers. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, 1879. C.-2262.
London, George Edward Eyre & William Spottiswoode, 1879. Folio. With two folding lithographed maps, one centered on the Middle East and the other detailing the seats of the plague in Mesopotamia and south-west Persia.Original publishers blue printed paper wrappers. [2], 76 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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