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Medicine & Pharmacy

First work on pharmaceutical chemistry written in Spanish, with 5 engraved plates

PALACIOS, Felix. Palestra pharmaceutica, chymico-galenica, en la qual se trata de la eleccion de los simples, sus preparaciones chymicas, y galenicas, y de las mas selectas composiciones antiguas, y modernas, usuales, tanto en Madrid, como en toda Europa, descritas por los antiguos, y modernos, con las anotaciones necesarias, y mas nuevas, que hasta lo presente se han escrito, tocantes à su perfecta elaboracion, virtudes, y mejor aplicacion en los enfermos. Obra muy util, y necesaria para todos los profesores de la medicina, medicos, cirujanos, y en particular boticarios; muy anadida en esta tercera impression.
Madrid, heirs of Juan Garcia Infanzon, 1737. Folio. With the title-page in a border built up from cast fleurons, and 5 engraved plates.Contemporary sheepskin parchment; recased, with later endpapers. [12], 708, [28] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Pills, cheese and medical ethics in the 15th-century

PANTALEONE DI CONFIENZA (CONFLUENTIA). Pillularium omnibus medicis quam necessarium ... Summa lacticiniorum completa omnibus idonea.
Including: ZERBI, Gabriele. Cautele medicorum no[n] inutiles.
(Colophon: Lyon, Antoine Blanchard [and Laurent Hyllaire], 7 January 1525[=1526]). Small 4to (20 x 14 cm). Title-page with a 4-piece woodcut border (using material from Laurent Hylaire). Modern limp sheepskin parchment. XXXVIII, [2] ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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Fourth edition of the important Parisian pharmacopoeia

[PARIS - PHARMACOPOEIA]. MARTINENQ, Jean Baptiste Thomas. Codex medicamentarius, seu pharmacopoea Parisiensis, ex mandato facultatis medicinae Parisiensis in lucem edita M. Joanne-Baptista-Thoma Martinenq, Decano. Editio auctior & emendatior.
Paris, widow of Pierre Mergé for Guillaume Cavelier Sr., 1748. Large 4to. With a woodcut title-vignette, an ornamental typographical headpiece and some woodcut initials. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with title in gold, marbled endpapers and paste-downs, red edges. [16], CXXXII, 268, XXXIV, [6] pp. Full description
€ 250
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4 editions (1528-1531) containing 6 works on pharmacology, herbal medicine and magical gems,
in blind-tooled pigskin (near Freiburg ca. 1570?)

PAULUS OF AEGINA (ed. by Otto BRUNFELS and Wilhelm KOPP). Pharmaca simplicia, Orthone Brunfelsio interprete.
Including: De ratione victus Gukielmo Copo Basiliensi interprete.
(Colophon: Strasbourg, Georg Ulricher, September 1531). With a finely executed woodcut on the title-page repeated on the verso of the otherwise blank last leaf.
(2) VALLA, Giorgio. De simplicium natura liber unus.
Strasbourg, Heinrich Sybold, (colophon: August 1528). With the title in a woodcut architectural frame.
(3) ODO OF MEUNG (misattributed to Aemilius MACER). De herbarum virtutibus, cum Joannis Atrociani co[m]mentariis, ...
Including: STRABO, Walafrid. Hortulus vernantissimus.
Freiburg im Breisgau, (colophon: Johann Faber, 1530).
(4) MARBOD OF ANJOU (with notes and additions by Georg PICTORIUS). De lapidibus pretiosis encheridion, cum scholiis Pictorii Villingensis. Eiusdem Pictorii De lapide molari carmen.
[Freiburg im Breisgau], [Johan Faber], 1531. With a woodcut initial with pictorial decoration. Set in an Aldine-style italic.
4 editions containing 6 works, in 1 volume. 8vo (16.5 x 11 cm). Blind -tooled pigskin (Freibrug or vicinity? ca. 1570?) over tapered wooden boards, each board with fields edged by multiple fillets, the outer field containing a frame made from a large roll with allegorical female figures representing the four theological virtues. The front board with owner's initials "A W", and with 2 engraved brass fastenings. [12], 86, [1 blank], [1]; [104]; [4], 108; 55, [1] ll. Full description
€ 45,000
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A series of lectures by Nobel Prize laureate Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

PAVLOV, Ivan Petrovitch. Lektsii o rabote bolshikh polushary golovnogo mozga [Lectures on the function of the cerebral hemispheres].
Moscow, Leningrad, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo, 1927. 8vo. Title-page in red and black, with the publisher's logo on the title-page and half-title, a small cartouche with publication data on the back of the title-page, and 1 graph in the text showing the results of experiments. Original publisher's paper wrappers, letterpress-printed in 2 colours. 372 pp. Full description
€ 685
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Enlarged Plantin issue of a pioneering classic of botany, with about 307 excellent woodcuts

PENA, Pierre and Matthias de LOBEL. Nova stirpium adversaria.
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1576. Small folio, index large 4to (29 x 20 cm). Title-page with an elaborately decorated woodcut architectural frame and about 307 (of about 317) woodcut botanical illustrations. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [4], 471, [1 blank], 15, [1 blank], 24, [12 (of 16)] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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