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Medicine & Pharmacy

Rare edition of two medical works, on the mystery of the golden tooth and sleepwalking

HORSTIUS, Jacob. De aureo dente Maxillari Pueri Silesii, primum, utrum eius generatio naturalis fuerit, nec ne; deinde an digna eius interpretatio dari queat.
Including: HORSTIUS, Jacob. De natura differentiis et causis eorum, qui dormientes ambulant, vigilantium opera, eaq.
Leipzig, Valentinus Voegelinus (colophon: printed by Michael Lanzenberger), 1595. 2 parts in 1 volume. Small 8vo (14 x 9 cm). With woodcut printers device on title-page (repeated above the colophon). 19th-century half vellum. [12] 318, [14] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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10 Mediaeval works on health, medicine, food and wine in a rare early edition, including notes by Ibn Sina

IBN SINA (AVICENNA), Maynus de MAYNIS, Arnaldus de VILLANOVA, [Roger BACON] et al. Regimen sanitatis Magnini Mediolanensis ... Insuper opusculu[m] De flebothomia editum ... Reginaldo de Villa Nova. Additur quoq[ue] Astronomia Hippocratis ... de variis egritudinibus et morbis. Item Secreta Hippogratis. Item Averrois De venenis. Ite[m] Quid pro quo apothecariorum ... Nicolaum ... Cum no[n]nullis insuper Avicenne: ...
[Lyon, Barthélemy Trot] (colophon: Lyon, printed by Jacques Myt, 6 February 1517). Small 4to (19 x 14 cm). With title-page in red and black with Trot's woodcut publisher's device, 12 decorated woodcut initials plus 3 repeats. 17th-century(?) calf, gold-tooled spine; rebacked with the original backstrip laid down. CI, [3] ll. Full description
€ 25,000
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First edition of Mantino's Latin translation of book 1, part 4 of Ibn Sina's magnum opus The Canon of Medicine

IBN SINA (AVICENNA) (and Jacob MANTINO, translator). Avicennae quarta fen primi libri de universali ratione medendi: nunc primum. m. Iacob Mantini medici hebrei: opera Latinate donata.
(colophon:) Venice, Lucantonio Giunti, 8 April 1530. 8vo. With Giunti's printer's device on the title page (a Florentine lily with the L. A. initials). Later vellum with more recent end leaves. 60 ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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A commentary on Ibn Sina

[IBN SINA (AVICENNA)]. ODDIS, Oddus de (Oddo degli ODDI). In primam totam fen primi libri canonis Avicenn[a]e dilucidissima & expectatissima expositio. Nunc primum in lucem edita, illustrata, & completa assiduo labore, & longo studio Marci Oddi medici eiusdem filii.
Venice, Paolo and Antonio Meietti, 1575. 4to. With woodcut device on title-page, a woodcut headpiece, 3 large and 17 smaller woodcut decorated initials, and a small woodcut decoration (plus 1 repeat). Contemporary limp vellum, with manuscript title on spine. [8], 499, [33] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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A Dutch medical and pharmacological handbook for the poor

[JACOBSZ, Heyman]. Schat der armen, of huismedicyn boekje van veelerhande medicamenten, om met kleine kosten zyn eigen doctor te zyn, en velerleye ziektens te genezen. Benevens eene aanwyzing, hoe men de gezondheid lang bewaren kan. ...
Rotterdam, Hermanus Kentlink, 1749.
With: (2) SIMONS, Guillaume. Den troost der armen; behelzende lichte en souvereine remedien, tegen verscheide ziekten, wonden, gezwellen, en andere kwalen des lichaams van den van den mensch ...
Rotterdam, Hermanus Kentlink, 1749.
2 works in 1 volume, the first in 2 parts. 8vo. Title-page of ad 1 in red and black and one ornamental tail-piece on p. 207. Both works with woodcut initials and small ornaments on both title-pages. Marbled paper over boards, manuscript title label on spine. [8], 211, [1]; 48 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Fourth edition of an English cookery book especially devoted to desserts

JARRIN, Guillermo A. The Italian confectioner; or complete economy of desserts, according to the most modern and approved practice. ... New edition, revised and enlarged.
London, John Ebers & Co. (back of title-page: printed by William Clowes), 1829. 12mo. With lithographed frontispiece and 2 folding engraved plates. Contemporary half calf. [2], VIII, [2], IX-XXX, 240 pp. Full description
€ 550
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