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Medicine & Pharmacy

First and only edition of this work on medicinal recipes

ELDIK, Cornelis van. Recept-boek voor genees- en heelkundigen; volgens de alphabetische orde van de oude klassieke namen der geneesmiddelen gerangschikt, met bijvoeging der nieuwe namen, die in de Pharmacopoea Batava en Belgica voorkomen.
Nijmegen, J. F. Thieme, 1825. 12mo (quires of 6). Engraved half title, vignette on title-page.
Half mottled calf, brown marbled papers over boards, red title label with title in gold, gold-tooling on spine, blue sprinkled edges. [6], III, [1], 416 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Practical synopsis of pharmacological knowledge for physicians and pharmacists.

ELDIK, Cornelis van. Recept-boek voor genees- en heelkundigen; volgens de alphabetische orde van de oude klassieke namen der geneesmiddelen gerangschikt, met bijvoeging der nieuwe namen, die in de Pharmacopoea Batava en Belgica voorkomen; door C. van Elkik, Med. et Art. Obst, Doct. Stads-Geneesheer te Nijmegen, Provinciaal Onderwijzer in de Verloskunde, Secretaris der Provinciale en Plaatselijke Geneeskundige Commissioen en Lid van eenige geleerde Genootschappen. Tweede, veel vermeerde druk.
Nijmegen, J. F. Thieme, 1834. In-12. Title page engraving with a portrait of Herman Boerhaave, cauldron, books and snake. Contemporary paper wrappers. [4], III, [1], 423. [1] pp. Full description
€ 450
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By one of the most important pioneers of medical biography

ELOY, N.F.J. Dictionnaire historique de la médecine ancienne et moderne. Ou mémoires disposés en ordre alphabétique pour server à lhistoire de cette science, et à celle des medecins, anatomistes, botanistes, chirurgiens, et chymistes de toutes nations.
Mons, H. Hoyois, 1778. 4 volumes. Large 4to. With engraved allegorical frontispiece; woodcut printers devices, engraved and typographical head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, red morocco spine label with title in gold, red edges, marbled endpapers [6], VIII, XII, 745, [2]; [4], 650; [4], 648; [4]; 626, [2] pp. Full description
€ 750
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2000-page pharmaceutical dictionary

ELZEVIER, Kornelis. Lexicon galeno-chymico-pharmaceuticum, of apothekers woordenboek.
Amsterdam, Gerrit de Groot and the widow of Salomon Schouten and sons, 1755. 2 volumes. Large 4to (27 x 21 cm). With engraved frontispiece and an engraving in text. 19th-century red calf. [20], 1105, [1 blank]; [4], 966 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Best edition of the collected works of Ettmüller, with attractive frontispiece

ETTMÜLLER, Michael. Opera medica theoretico-practica.
Frankfurt am Main, [heirs of Johann David Zunner the younger?], 1708. 2 volumes bound as 3. Folio. With interesting engraved frontispiece by Joseph Montalegre, title-page printed in red and black with engraved vignette, engraved plate and 5 engraved headpieces (incl. repeats). Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spines. [36], 1020; [1], [1 blank], 1108; [1], [1 blank], 848, [100] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Exceptionally rare Dutch edition of Eustachius' complete collection of anatomical plates

EUSTACHIUS, Bartolomaeus and Andreas BONN (editor). De ontleedkundige plaaten van B. Eustachius.
Amsterdam, Lodewijk van Es, [1798]. Folio (ca. 37 x 24.5 cm). With 47 engraved plates on 41 leaves. Early 19th-century quarter vellum, brown marbled paper sides, with the author in manuscript at the head of the spine. [2], [51] ll. and 47 engraved plates on 41 leaves. Full description
€ 1,500
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Two complementary works on benefits of the observation of human urine, the second with medications

EYGEL, Antonius. Apolegomena pro urinis humanis, of verantwoordingh voor de menschelicke wateren. Tegen alle kleyn-achters der selver ... Ten tweeden: een beschrijvingh der selver wateren ... Ten derden: een weder-leggingh tegen de schriften der wateren van de heeren Forestus, en Stratenius ...
Amsterdam, Sierick Paulisz for the author, 1672. With an engraved frontispiece.
With: (2) EYGEL, Antonius. Nieuwe genees-konst, of mantissa medicaminum, dat is, toegift van medicamenten, tegen de sieckten, aengewesen zijnde door t menschelick water in sijn drie voorgaande werken, dienende meerendeels voor menschen van 15, of 16 jaren tot 60, of 70.
Amsterdam, Sierick Paulisz for the author, 1673.
8vo. Overlapping vellum, manuscript title on spine. [30], 400, [8]; 108, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Important collection of case records by the "Father of German surgery"

FABRY, Wilhelm. Aanmerkingen ... rakende de genees ende heelkonst. Bestaande in zes deelen, yder deel in hondert geschiedenissen. Nevens een brief van een wonderlijk Lijf-moeders-scheurzel, daar de vrucht levendig uitgesneden is: beschreven door Michael Doringius: en beantwoort door Fabricius Hildanus.
Rotterdam, Arnout Leers, 1656. 4to. With full-page engraved portrait of the author and numerous woodcut illustrations in text. 19th-century half calf. [10], 358, [2 blank], 542 [= 540], [32] pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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Rare collection of 17 popular farcical texts

[FACETIAE]. Facetiae facetiarum, hoc est, jocoseriorum fasciculus novus, exhibens varia variorum autorum scripta, non tàm lectu jucunda & jocosa, amoena & amanda, quàm lectu verè digna & utilia, multisve moralibus ad mores seculi nostri accomodata, illustrata & adornata.
[Rostock, Augustin Ferber], 1627. 17 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With general title-page and 17 part-titles, some with woodcut ornaments or illustrations. Contemporary vellum. Full description
€ 4,500
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