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Medicine & Pharmacy

First edition of 127 lectures on medicine delivered at Leiden University in 1583 and 1584

DODOENS (DODONAEUS), Rembert. Praxis medica.
Amsterdam, Hendrick Laurensz. [printed by Jasper Tournay in Gouda], 1616.
With: (2) DODOENS (DODONAEUS), Rembert. Medicinalium observationum exempla rara. ....
Harderwijk, widow of Thomas Henricksz.; Amsterdam, Hendrik Laurensz., "M.D.XXI" [with a C added in manuscript to correct it to 1621]. 8vo. 2 editions in 1 volume. Contemporary vellum. [8], 618, [7], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,850
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Rare and old-fashioned pharmacopoeia of Douai

[DOUAI - PHARMACOPOEIA]. BRISSEAU, Michel, and others. Pharmacopoeia Duacena galeno-chymica nobilissima et amplissimi senatus authoritate et jussu munita & edita.
Douai, Jacques-François Willerval, 1732. Small folio (25.5 x 17 cm). With a woodcut of the then current Douai coat-of-arms (a shield with an arrow and eight drops of blood) on the title-page. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, richly gold-tooled spine. [1], [1 blank], [2], 180, [7], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Early 19th-century ideal kitchen inventory

[DOUARIAIRE VAN ATHLONE, née VAN TUYL VAN SEROOSKERKEN]. Voor de huishouding, ten nutte van alle standen, en van al de geenen, die voor de orde zyn, om eene gemaklyke en naauwkeurige rekening van de kosten hunner huidhouding te houden, door berekenings-tafelen te zamen gesteld; en op de ondervinding gestaafd.
The Hague, G. Bakhuysen, 1815. Small folio. With a woodcut title-vignette and elaborate woodcut head- and tailpieces. Original publisher's blue paper wrappers. [52] pp. Full description
€ 850
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Rare second French edition of an influential pharmacopoeia

DUBOIS, Jacques (Jacobus SYLVIUS), translated by André CAILLE. La pharmacopee. Qui est la maniere de bien choisir & preparer les simples, & de bien faires les compositions: despartie en trois livres ...
Lyon, Louis Cloquemin, 1580. 16mo (12.5 x 8 cm). With Cloquemin's woodcut device on the title-page. Recased in contemporary(?) sheepskin parchment. [26], 686, [6], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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1572 pharmaceutical work on medicines from the Greeks and Arabs

DU BOYS (SYLVIUS), Jean (Joannis de BOIS). In methodum miscendorum medicamentorum, quae in quotidiano sunt usu observationes, ex Graecic, Arabibus, & Neotericis.
Paris, Jaques Kerver, 1572. 8vo. With Kerver's woodcut device on title-page, depicting a unicorn with the family's arms, and a large cast ornament on the otherwise blank last page. Contemporary limp vellum, traces of ties. [8], 134, [10] ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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First edition of a leading medical-pharmaceutical work, with stunning woodcut headpieces and initials

DUPUIS (PUTEANUS), Guillaume. De medicamentorum quomodocunque purgantium facultatibus, nusquam anteà neque dictis, neque per ordinem digestis libri duo ...
Lyon, Macé Bonhomme, 1552. 4to. With a woodcut device on the title-page no doubt made for this edition (showing Hypocrates and Galenus, with motto, "In omnem terram exivit doctrina eorum"), finely executed arabesque woodcut headpieces and numerous woodcut initials with pictorial decoration (4 series, the two largest especially fine). Contemporary limp vellum with remnants of ties. [8], 179, [1] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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The third revised edition of William Lewis's authoritative The new dispensatory, edited by Andrew Duncan

[EDINBURGH - PHARMACOPOEIA] LEWIS, William. The Edinburgh new dispensatory. Containing, I. The elements of pharmaceutical chemistry. II. The materia medica ... III. The pharmaceutical preparations and medicinal compositions of the latest editions of the London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias. ...
Edinburgh, for William Ceech, 1791. Large 8vo. With 3 double-page engraved plates of furnaces and distilling equipment, each in two parts. Pp. 113-665 (Part 2-3) printed in two columns. Mottled calf, red morocco spine label. 665 [= 656] pp. Full description
€ 650
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First and only edition of this work on medicinal recipes

ELDIK, Cornelis van. Recept-boek voor genees- en heelkundigen; volgens de alphabetische orde van de oude klassieke namen der geneesmiddelen gerangschikt, met bijvoeging der nieuwe namen, die in de Pharmacopoea Batava en Belgica voorkomen.
Nijmegen, J. F. Thieme, 1825. 12mo (quires of 6). Engraved half title, vignette on title-page.
Half mottled calf, brown marbled papers over boards, red title label with title in gold, gold-tooling on spine, blue sprinkled edges. [6], III, [1], 416 pp. Full description
€ 650
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