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Maritime History / Navigation

Important guide to navigating the seas to the far reaches of Asia

HUDDART, Joseph. The oriental navigator; or, new directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, New Holland, &c. &c. &c. Also for the use of the country ships, trading in the Indian and China seas, Pacific Ocean, &c. &c. &c...
London, printed and published by Robert Laurie and James Whittle, map, chart, and printsellers, 1801. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece portrait of Huddart by James Stow after John Hoppner and small woodcut coastal views in the text. Contemporary tree calf. [2], XII, 656 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Around the world in 1180 days, with 2 folding maps and 31 steel-engraved views

LAPLACE, Cyrille Pierre Théodore. Campagne de circumnavigation de la frégate l'Artémise, pendant les annéees 1837, 1838, 1839 et 1840, ... Tome premier[-sixième].
Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1841-1854. 6 volumes. 8vo. With 2 large folding engraved maps and 31 steel-engraved views. With the maps coloured in outline or partly coloured, and with the routes indicated and coloured. Contemporary boards, covered with the publisher's original green printed paper. XXXIX, [1 blank], 343, [1 blank], [3], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 467, [1 blank], [3], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 548, [1], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 464, [3], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], III, [1 blank], 542, [2]; [3], [1 blank], 400 pp. Full description
€ 22,500
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First edition of Le Maires journal and first Dutch edition of Herreras description of the New World,
with 19 newly engraved maps, including the first two to show California as an island

LE MAIRE, Jacob. Spieghel der Australische navigatie, ...
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn, 1622. With an engraved world map on the title-page, engraved portrait of the author on the back of the title-page, 3 double-page engraved maps, 5 nearly full-page numbered engraved views on integral leaves.
(2) HERRERA Y TORDESILLAS, Antonio de. Nieuwe werelt, anders ghenaempt West-Indien. [engraved title-page:] Descriptio Indiae Occidentlis.
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn, 1622. With engraved Latin title-page and 14 numbered double-page engraved maps.
(3) ORDONEZ DE CEBALLOS, Pedro. Eyghentlijcke beschryvinghe van West-Indien: ...
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn, 1621. With a woodcut view on the title-page. 3 volumes bound as 1. Small folio (28.5 x 20 cm). 19th-century vellum. [16], 72 pp., 73-85 ll.; 8, 111, [1 blank]; 29, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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Battle of words over the best practical solution to the determination of longitude before Harrison's chronometer

LEY, Jan Hendrick Jarichs van der. Het gulden zeeghel des grooten zeevaerts, daerinne beschreven wordt de waerachtige grondt vande zeylstreken en platte pas-caerten ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham vanden Rade, 1615. Oblong 4to (16.5 x 22 cm). With an emblematic engraved device/navigational diagram on the title-page and 27 (of 28) woodcut figures: 18 printed on integral leaves and the others on 3 folding plates. 18th-century(?) half vellum, blue-green paper sides, with manuscript author and title on spine. 114, [2] pp. Full description
€ 55,000
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Seminal guide to the East and West Indies, with 42 double-page and folding plates, including 6 maps, all engravings beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand

LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huyghen van.

Histoire de la navigation ... aux Indes Orientales ... Avec annotations de B. Paludanus, ... Troixiesme edition augmentee.
LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huyghen van. Le grand routier de mer, ...
[LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huygen van]. Description de l'Amerique & des parties d'icelle, ...
Amsterdam, Evert Cloppenburg, 1638. Folio (32.5 x 21 cm). With 3 title-pages (2 from the same full-page engraving and 1 letterpress with an engraving of a ship in a cartouche with 4 inset city views), a nearly full-page engraved portrait of the author in a cartouche with 4 inset views, 42 engraved plates including 6 maps (31 double-page & 11 larger folding). All plates coloured by a contemporary hand. Near contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. [8], 206 pp.; [4], 181, [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank], “86” [= 80], [2 blank] pp.

Full description
€ 275,000
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Early 18th-century Dutch student's manuscript on navigation and mathematics

[MANUSCRIPT - NAVIGATION - DUTCH]. De schat kamer ofte de konst der stuurlieden.
[The Netherlands], [ca. 1702/13?]. Folio (33.5 x 21.5 cm). With more than 300 mathematical figures and illustrations, mainly full-, half- and quarter-circle diagrams. The Dutch text is written in a clearly legible, 18th-century cursive hand in brown ink. Contemporary flexible paperboards. [213], [4 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,850
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Tuscan cosmography in a local binding, with Augsburg gold-brocade cover papers

MARCHETTI, Angelo. Introduzione alla Cosmografia ... edizione seconda si aggiunge in fine un Succinto Trattato di Navigazione dell' istesso Autore.
Pistoia, Atto Bracali, 1738. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 3 folding half-page plates and 1 folding letterpress table, 2 full-page plates, and 17 additional woodcut diagrams in the text. Contemporary boards, covered with gold-brocade paper. [4], 137, [1 blank]; 33 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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