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Horses, Hunting, Sport & Games

Splendid ceremonies at the Württemberg court at Stuttgart

HULSEN, Esaias von. Aigentliche Wahrhaffte Delineatio[n] unnd Abbildung aller Fürstlichen Auffzüg und Rütterspilen ....
[Stuttgart], Esaias von Hulsen, [1617]. With an engraved allegorical title-page and 91 (out of 92) numbered engraved plates.
With: (2) WECKHERLIN, Georg Rodolf. Kurtze Beschreibung dess zu Stutgarten, bey den fürstlichen Kindtauf und Hochzeit jüngst-gehaltenen Frewden-Fests. Tübingen, Dietrich Werlin, 1618. An extra leaf is bound between pp. 4 and 5: "Cartel, und Articul beym Ringrennen". 2 volumes in 1. Oblong folio (28 x 35 cm). Contemporary richly blind-tooled pigskin, remnants of ties. [2], 1-50, 52-92 ll.; [2], 4, [2], 71, [1] pp. Full description
€ 19,500
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Unique photo album of a hunting club in British India, including photographs of the first flight
of the Indian Transcontinental Airways

[PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA - HUNTING]. [Photograph album showing hunting society in Britsh India].
[Cambridge, Mumbai, New Delhi], Scott & Wilkinson, Clifton & Co, Hamilton Studios and Kinsey Bros., [ca. 1933-1935]. With 105 photographs mounted in the album (ranging from 16 x 28 cm to 4 x 6 cm), 2 photographs loosely inserted and a watercolour mounted at the back (11.5 x 21 cm). Oblong half morocco photograph album by W. Johnson & sons, London. 53 ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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Practical illustrated 19th-century animal hunting guide on animal traps, hunting with dogs and shotguns

JOURDAIN, François Xavier Félix. Traité général des chasses a courre et a tir; contenant des principes sûrs pour la propagation du gibier, et la destruction des animaux nuisibles; enfin l'histoire naturelle des animaux qui se trouvent en France, et la manière de les chasser; suivi d'un vocabulaire explicatif des termes usités par les chasseurs, et des nouvelles fanfares que l'on sonne en chasse.Paris, Audot, 1822.
With: (2) [M. KRESZ]. Traité des chasses aux pièges. Supplément au traité général de toutes les chasses. Contenant. La description de tous les pièges, et la manière de prendre les lièvres et lapins, et les diverses espèces d'oiseaux qui se trouvent en France.Paris, Audot, 1822. 2 works, each in 2 volumes. 8vo. Ad 1 with 20 engravings and 16 aquatints (1 folding) by Susemihl, showing shotguns, sporting dogs and hunting scenes with the dogs, and 12 engraved pages at the end of vol. 1 containing the music for "33" [= 32] short calls, fanfares and other tunes associated with the hunt. Ad 2 with 58 engravings and 2 aquatints by Susemihl, showing several animal traps and birds. Both works bound in contemporary half calf. [4], XIV, 311; [3]; [4], 24, 323, [3]; VII, [1], 192; [4], 24, 175, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,250
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Horses, horsemanship, the horse trade, horse carriages etc., with 3 early lithographed plates

KEGEL, Karl and Seufert von TENECKER. Mittheilungen aus dem Umfange der Pferdezucht, Pferdekenntnis, Reitkunst und denen dahin einschlagenden Wissenschaften, ...
Bamberg, for the author by Johann Friedrich Schmidt, 1820. 8vo. With 3 lithographed folding plates, the first two depicting a horse led by a man on foot, and the third a lithographed folding table. Contemporary blue boards, gold-tooled spine, gilt edges. [14], 311, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Rare heraldic game for young noblemen, improving and displaying their knowledge
of the genealogy, heraldry, geography and history of the main regions of Europe

KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Vermakelyk wapen-kundig, geographisch, en historisch spel, betreffende de voornaamste heerschende staten in Europa. En dienende om de jonge lieden, inzonderheid die van een meer als gemeene geboorte of educatie zyn, de wapen-kunde, geographie en historie gelyk als speelender wyze te leeren.
Amsterdam, David Klippink, 1768. 8vo. With a full-page engraved armorial plate with the coat-of-arms of the British chivalric Order of the Garter with their motto "Honi soit qui mal y pense" and small woodcut hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds in a card game in the text. 19th-century brown cloth, yellow endpapers. [24], 203, [5] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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The education of a prince

KOLBE VON WARTENBERG, Johann Casimir. Väterliche Instruction an seine Kinder, nummehr zum dritten mahl auffgeleget,...
Berlin, Johann Michael Rüdiger, 1704. With richly engraved allegorical frontispiece by I.W. Heckemaur, title-page printed in red and black, full-page engraved portrait of the author, and woodcut vignette on separate title for the genealogy of the House of Kolbe von Wartenberg.
With: (2) WAGENSEIL, Johann Christoph. Erziehung eines jungen Prinzen, der vor allen studieren einen Abscheu hat, dass er dennoch gelehrt und geschickt werde. Leipzig, Johann Heinichens Wittwe, 1705. With title-page printed in red and black and fine engraved headpiece to the text. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary vellum. [88], 296, [24] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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The Royal Württemberg stud, the first Arabian stud in Europe, with 18 views of its horses

KUNTZ, Rudolf. Abbildungen Königlich Württembergischer Gestütts Pferde von orientalischen Racen
Stuttgart, Ebner, 1823-1824. Oblong folio. With a lithographed title-page, lithographed dedication and 18 tinted chalk lithographs by L. Ekeman-Allesson after R. Kuntz, accompanied by 3 pages of letterpress text. Stored in a modern suede leather case. Full description
€ 65,000
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Preventing people from drowning: on the practical use of a newly invented life jacket

LA CHAPELLE, Jean Baptista de (Cornelis van ENGELEN, transl.). De scaphander of de konst om in de diepste wateren dryvende te gaan en allerhande werk te verrigten.
Amsterdam, G. Warners & Harlingen, Volkert van der Plaats, 1777. 8vo. With 4 engraved plates on 2 large folded sheets by B. de Bakker after the plates in the original French edition, charmingly illustrating the water-jacket and water-pants discussed in the text. Contemporary brown sprinkled paper wrappers. [2], VIII, 139, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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Encyclopedia of games, with 13 engraved plates

[LACOMBE, Jacques]. Encyclopédie méthodique. Dictionaire des jeux avec les planches relatives, faisant suite aux amusemens des sciences mathématiques &c.
Padua, 1800. Large 4to (31 x 23 cm). With engraved illustration on title-page, and 13 engraved plates (5 folding) by P. Scattaglia. Contemporary stiff paper wrappers. IV, 247, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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