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Horses, Hunting, Sport & Games

Comprehensive 12th-century Arabic treatise on agriculture

ABU ZAKARIYA ibn al-AWWAM. Libro de agricultura. ... Tomo I[-II].
BROECK, Victor van den. Catecismo de agricultura.
VILLE, Georges. Abonos químicos conferencias agrícolas.
Seville, Biblioteca Científico Literaria; Madrid, Victoriano Suarez (colophon: printed by Salvador Acuña y Comp., Seville), 1878. 2 volumes. Imperial 16mo (18 x 11.5 cm). Later half turquoise sheepskin. 512; 552 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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The first Italian War of Independence depicted by the Austrians

ADAM, [Eugen and Franz]. Erinnerungen an die Feldzüge der K. K. Oester. Armee in Italien in den Jahren 1848-49.
Munich, Cotta, [1851]. Royal oblong folio (62.5 x 45.5 cm). With tinted lithographed title, dedication leaf to Radetzky, preface and 24 lithographed plates. With 24 ll. of explanatory text printed on blue paper. Plates loose in a contemporary red cloth slipcase with a silk lining. [24] ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Horse racing

ADAM, Victor. [L'hippodrome au coin du feu].
Paris, A. de Vresse, [ca. 1845?]. Oblong 1mo (full-sheet leaves) or oblong Royal folio (30 x 42 cm). With 16 hand-coloured lithographed plates, each with a caption and decorative border. Lacking the title-page.Original publishers gold-blocked blue cloth. With a bookseller's ticket. [16] ll. Full description
€ 6,000
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Encyclopaedic work on horses with movable anatomical plates

ALIX, Eugène and Édouard CUYER. Le cheval extérieur ...
Paris, J-B. Baillière & Sons, 1886. 2 volumes. 4to. With 16 lithographed plates in the atlas volume showing the anatomy of horses, including 13 with movable parts, all in colour, the text volume contains 172 illustrations in the text by Édouard Cuyer. Contemporary half blue calf (or sheepskin?), marbled sides, with the title lettered in gold on the spine. XXIV, 703, [1 blank]; 44, [4] pp. and 16 lithographed plates. Full description
€ 2,500
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The funny side of riding

ALKEN, Henry. Qualified horses and unqualified riders, or the reverse of sporting phrases taken from the work entitled Indispensable accomplishments.
London, S. & J. Fuller, 1815 [-1819]. Oblong folio (25 x 34.4 cm). With engraved title-page, 7 hand-coloured engraved plates by Alken, including plate 5 with a J. Whatman 1819 watermark. Later red hard-grained half morocco, spine and front board lettered in gold. Re-backed preserving the original spine. Full description
€ 8,000
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Ugly horses

ALKEN, Henry. The beauties and defects in the figure of the horse.
London, S. & J. Fuller, [1816]. 4to. With an engraved title-page with a circular vignette and 18 hand-coloured etched plates. Original boards. Untrimmed. Engraved title-page plus 2, [18] pp. plus 18 plates. Full description
€ 3,500
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Remarkable "extra illustrated" edition of fencing master Henry Angelo's memoirs

ANGELO, Henry, Lord HOWARD DE WALDEN and Hamilton LAVERS-SMITH. The reminiscences of Henry Angelo ...
London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Ltd., 1904. 4 volumes. Large 8vo (27.5 x 19 cm). The "extra illustrated" edition with 350 illustrations on 345 leaves; many illustrations are printed in colour.. Red cloth, with a gold-blocked image of Robineau's depiction of the celebrated fencing match between the Chevalier de Saint-Georges and Chevalier d'Eon in 1787 on the front board and gold lettering on spine, top edges gilt. XVI, 202; [2], 203-438, [2]; XXVI, 192; [2], 193-447, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Remarkable extra illustrated edition of a collection of anecdotes about London's high society
by fencing master Henry Angelo

ANGELO, Henry and Rev. Charles SWYNNERTON. Angelo's pic nic with twenty-four illustrations from contemporary drawings and prints in the collection of Joseph Grego with a prefatory note on the Angelo family.
London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co Ltd., 1905. 2 vols. Large-8vo. With a frontispiece in vol. 1 and 110 illustrations mounted on separate leaves. Red cloth. XXXVII, [1], 122; [2], 123-267 (=145), [1] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Rules and regulations of the Spanish cavalry, with the large and elaborate Spanish royal arms

ARCOS Y MORENO, Joseph de. Real ordenanza de cavalleria del Reyno, con las ilustraciones correspondientes a sus articulos, para le mejor instruccion de los tribunales, y professores ...
Madrid, Antonio Marin, 1757. 8vo. With the full-page woodcut arms of Ferdinand VI, King of Spain, before the half-title, a woodcut headpiece and several tailpieces, decorations built up from typographic ornaments, a decorated woodcut initial (plus 1 repeat) and a crowned A, M and E to represent the three autonomous southern crown lands. Contemporary vellum. [26], 406 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Second edition (1 year after the first, both very rare) of a classic on falconry and hawking by King Henri IV’s falconer

ARCUSSIA, Charles d'. La fauconnerie ... Divisee en trois livres. Avec une briefve instruction pour traitter les autours, sur la fin de l'oeuvre, ...
Paris, Jean Houzé, 1599. 8vo. With Houzé's woodcut device, 6 full-page engravings of birds of prey (12.5 x 8.5 cm) plus 3 (of 5) repeats and all on integral leaves. Red goatskin morocco, signed in the foot of the front turn-in by M[arcel] GODILLOT (active as bookbinder 1938-1975), with wide gold-tooled turn-ins and gold fillets on board edge. 272, [8] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Rare classic of Elizabethan horsemanship

ASTLEY, John. The art of riding, set foorth in a breefe treatise, with a due interpretation out of certeine places alledged out of Xenophon, and Gryson ...
London, Henry Denham, 1584. 4to. Gold-tooled red morocco (ca. 1890) by Riviere & son; rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down. [8], 79, [1] pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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From the library of the Duke of Orleans

AUBRY, Charles. Histoire pittoresque de l'equitation ancienne et moderne.
Paris, Motte, 1833-1834. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio (55 x 40 cm). With engraved title-page printed in red and black, list of plates, 24 hand-coloured lithographs. Contemporary French red half roan with his stamp at the spine foot, flat spine lettered and tooled in gilt, marbled boards and endpapers (MESLANT). [2], A-Z, [2] ll. including title-page and 24 plates. Full description
€ 18,000
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Important work on Arabian horses, describing a Spanish quest for thoroughbred Percherons

AZPEITIA DE MOROS, Luis. En busca del caballo Árabe. Comisión á Oriente. Turquía, Siria, Mesopotamia, Palestina. Memorias del viaje.
Madrid, Tip. "Sucesores de Rivadeneyra" 1915. Large 8vo. With photographic illustrations printed from halftone relief blocks in the text throughout and a lithographed map showing the sailing route in blue. Original publisher's printed and illustrated paper wrappers. 297, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [2], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,800
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Including the first printing of game boards and rules for a 10th-century dice game

BALDERIC, Bishop of Noyon and Tournai (ed. George COLVENEER). Chronicon Cameracense et Atrebatense, sive historia utrisque ecclesiae, III libris, ab hinc DC sere annis conscripta. Nunc primum in luce edita, & notis illustrata.
Douai, Jean Bogard, 1615. 8vo. With Bogard's engraved device on the title-page, 1 large folding engraved game board, and 2 large folding letterpress rectangular game boards, each with 4 small engravings in the centre and explanatory text on the backs, the same 4 engravings of dice in the text along with 3 small engravings of seals (plus 4 repeats). 17th-century vellum. [40], “607” [= 623], [1 blank], [16] pp. Full description
€ 7,000
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The first book about the game of (soccer) football, dedicated to the Grand Duchess of Tuscany

[BARDI, Giovanni de']. Discorso sopra'l giuoco del calcio Fiorentino. Del Puro Accademico Alterato. Di nuovo ristampato.
Florence, Cosimo Giunti, 1615. 4to. With the woodcut arms of the dedicateeon the title-page, 1 folding engraved plate, 2 woodcut decorated initials and decorations built up from arabesque typographic ornaments. Early limp sheepskin parchment (possibly taken from another book) with manuscript title on the spine. 48 pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Rare work on falconry and cormorant fishing

BELVALLETTE, Alfred. Traité de fauconnerie et d'autourserie suivi d'une étude sur la pêche au cormoran.
Évreux, Charles Hérissey, 1903. Large 8vo (28.5 x 21.5 cm). With 35 plates and numerous illustrations in text. Modern red half sheepskin, with the original publisher's printed wrappers bound in. 12], 269, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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India, Burma and Switzerland drawn and described by an English lieutenant in 67 sketches

BLACKWELL, Thomas Eden. [Sketchbook containing several sketches of India, Burma and Switzerland, with an emphasis on their cultures].
[Various places, ca. 1826-1830]. Oblong 4to. With 66 sketches in pen & ink and pencil, mostly signed by Blackwell, mounted and bound in, with manuscript captions. There is also 1 print (ca. 1795/1800?) drawn by Singey Bey and engraved by Thomas Medland. Half black morocco, black decorated paper sides, gold-tooled ornaments on spine. [70] gray, white and blue album ll., containing 67 sketches and their accompanying manuscript captions and descriptions. Full description
€ 18,000
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Complete course on hunting with dogs

BLAZE, Elzéar. Le chasseur au chien d'arrêt. Contenant les habitudes, les ruses du gibier, l'art de le chercher et de le tirer, le choix des armes, l'éducation des chiens, leurs maladies, etc.Paris, chez l'un des éditeurs, au dépot de la collection culinaire de Carême, 1846. With an illustration of two dogs by A. Guyot on the title-page and a full-page plate "Contemplation" signed Pauquet.
(2) BLAZE, Elzéar. Le chasseur au chien courant, contenant les habitudes, les ruses des bêtes; l'art de les quêter, de les juger et de les détourner; de les attaquer, de les tirer ou de les prendre a force; l'éducation du limier; des chiens courants, leurs maladies, etc. Paris, Bernard et Cie for the dépot de librarie, 1851.
8vo. 2 works in 3 volumes. Uniform contemporary green morocco, marbled sides, goold-tooles spine, blue sprinkled edges. XXVII, 420; [6], 440; [6], 448 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Opposing the fencing ideas of his father

BOËSSIÈRE the younger, Texier la. Traité de l'art des armes, a l'usage des professeurs et des amateurs.
Paris, Didot l'Ainé, 1818. 8vo. With 20 numbered folding engraved plates depicting various fencing positions, by Adam after Bodem. Conteporary polished calf, decorated gilt spine with title lettered in gold, marbled endpapers. XXII, 309, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 500
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Falconry in 18th-century France

BOISSOUDAN, Jacques Elie Manceau de. Le fauconnier parfait, ou méthode pour dresser et faire voler les oiseaux.
Paris, pour la Société des Bibliophiles (back of the half-title: printed by Ch. Lahure), 1866. 8vo. Half-title, title-page with a wood-engraved medallion portrait of Jean-Auguste de Thou. 20th-century panelled calf. [4], XII, 72 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Rare early (5th?) edition of a popular work on angling, printed by Baskerville’s unofficial successor

BOWLKER, Charles. The art of angling; or, compleat fly-fisher. Describing the different kinds of fish, their haunts, places of feeding, and retirement; with an account of the generation of fishes, and observations on the breeding of carp. Together with directions how to regulate pools or ponds. Also the various kinds of baits, and the great diversity of flies that nature produces. To which are added, directions for making artificial flies.
Birmingham, Miles Swinney, 1788. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece of an angler. Contemporary calf, later rebacked spine, red morocco spine label. XI, 218, [2] pp. Full description
€ 450
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Renowned work on dog breeds in French, English, German and Dutch

BYLANDT, Henri Adrien Graaf van. Hondenrassen. Punten, beschrijving, eigenschappen, gebreken, enz.
Deventer, Ae.E. Kluwer [colophon: printed by G.J. Thieme, Nijmegen], [dedication dated: September 1904]. 2 volumes. Imperial 4to (33 x 26.5 cm). Richly illustrated with approximately 4100 photos and other illustrations showing more than 300 dog breeds. With a French title-page in both volumes including the same centre-piece illustration of dogs as on the front board. The work includes several extra pages of advertisements etc. Contemporary light blue and white cloth, title and author in gold on front board and spine, with a dark blue illustration of dogs as a centre-piece on the front board and dark blue decorative lines on the spine, head edge gilt, floral decorated endpapers. Each volume in a contemporary slipcase covered with green cloth, grey paste-paper sides. 796, [2 blank], [6]; [1], [1 blank], [3], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], 795, [10], [1 blank], XXVIII, [16] pp. Full description
€ 950
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120 prints, nearly all 1601-1725, including at least 4 complete series, most brought together ca. 1745

[CALLOT, Jacques, Carel ALLARD & others]. [Collection of 120 engravings by French, Dutch, Italian and German artists].
Venice, Paris, [Amsterdam], etc., 1601-1725 (album ca. 1745?), with additions [1788] & [ca. 1790]. 8vo, 4to, etc. (19 x 13 cm). 120 engraved prints, namely 44 from 4 complete print series (1 with a title-print), 57 (including 3 title-prints) from 10 or 11 other series and 19 prints apparently not from any series, by Jacques Callot (1 complete series), Odoardo Fialetti, Herman Weyen, Balthasar Moncornet, Henri Bonnart, Carel Allard (3 complete series), P. Landry and others (see contents, below). Mottled sheepskin (ca. 1745?). 95 ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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67 drawings of horses in harness, drawn by a leading Imperial harness maker as a sample book

[CARRIAGE HORSE TACK]. FÖLSCH, Michael. [Sample book of harness designs and other elaborate and decorative carriage horse tack].
[Vienna, ca. 1790?]. 2 volumes. Oblong small folio (23.5 x 37 cm and 25.5 x 39.5 cm). With 67 pen-and-ink, watercolour and gouache drawings of horses, most highlighted with silver and gold , all signed, most trimmed and mounted on blank leaves ca. 1805. With 2 etchings added at the end of volume 1, executed by Friedrich Leopold Bürde and dated 1812. Volume 1 stab-sewn, volume 2 with the leaves mounted on stubs and sewn through the folds, each with marbled paper wrapped around the spine. In an early 19th-century half tanned sheepskin box in the form of a book, metal hook-clasps. Full description
€ 85,000
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Texts of original documents concerning Charles VIII’s hunting and falconry 1485-1486: compiler’s presentation copy

CHARLES VIII, King of France, [compiled by Emmanuel Victor POURROY de l’Aubérivière, Comte de QUINSONAS]. Comptes de la venerie et fauconnerie du Roi Charles VIII. ... 1485-1486.
Lyon, printed by Louis Perrin [for the compiler], 1860. 8vo (24 x 16 cm). With the title-page in red and black with the coat of arms of the compiler, 4 chromolithographed plates showing 3 stained-glass portraits and an architectural elevation, all drawn by P. Giniz and lithographed in Paris by Engelmann & Graf, 2 double-page etched views drawn by J. de Montchalin & Le Bon de Maupetit and engraved by J. M. Fugère, and a lithographic facsimile of a letter written and signed by Margaret of Austria. Half grey-brown cloth (ca. 1900?), top edge gilt, with the publisher's printed paper wrappers bound in. VI, 22 pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 8,500
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Excellent falconry manual

CHENU, Jean Charles; Marc Athanase Parfait OEillet DES MURS. La fauconnerie ancienne et moderne.
Paris, Hachette, 1862. 8vo. With numerous wood-engraved illustrations. Original publishers printed wrappers bound in. 176 pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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Sixth edition of the conversation on bees and apiculture of Theodorus Clutius and Carolus Clusius

CLUTIUS, Theodorus (Dirk Outgaertsz CLUYT). Van de byen, haer wonderlijke oorspronk, natuur, eygenschap ... Item hoe men de byen profijtelijck opvoeden en regeeren sal. Noch: Wat nuttigheyt dat men van honnich en was kan krijgen ...Including: (2) Meesterye voor de paarden, om te weten alle de secreten, alsoo men die gebruyckt by den maerschalk des keysers ende eertz-hertogen keyser Carolus de vijfde. ...
Amsterdam, widow of Gysbert de Groot, 1705. 2 works in 1. 8vo. Modern vellum over boards. [12], 218, [22]; [42] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Extensive work on conjuring and magic

DECREMPS, Henri. Natuurlyk toverboek, behelzende de verbaazendste geheimen van natuur en konst, opgehelderd met plaaten.
Amsterdam, Johannes Allart; Harlingen, Volkert van der Plaats, 1791-1794. 8 parts in 4 volumes. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece by P.H. Jonxis after J. Buys in the first volume, and 12 engraved plates (including 9 folding), each depicting several figures and 1 including 4 lines of engraved music (round-headed notes on a 5-line staff). Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spines. [2], 174 [1], [1 blank]; 104; [2], 159, [1]; 176; [2], 164; 123, [1 blank]; [2], 130; 243, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,800
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Extensive hunting and fishing dictionary

[DELISLE DE SALES, Jean-Baptiste-Claude]. Dictionnaire théorique et pratique de chasse et de pêche.
Paris, Son of J.B.G. Musier, 1769. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a small engraved illustration on the title-page of each part, one showing a hunting scene, the other a fishing/angling scene. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers. [3], [1 blank], LVII, 58-60, 1-75, [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 510, [5], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 350
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The finest 19th-century Dutch work on horses

EERELMAN, Otto & Eugenius Antonius Ludovicus QUADEKKER. Paardenrassen. Kunstalbum van een en veertig afbeeldingen naar schilderijen van Otto Eerelman. Met beschrijvingen door E.A.L. Quadekker.
Zutphen, Schillemans & Van Belkum, [1898]. Large oblong folio (47 x 62 cm). With 41 chromo-lithographed plates of horses (45 x 59 cm) and several small lithographs at the end of each text. 12 parts in the original publisher's wrappers, preserved in the publisher's original richly gold-blocked brown decorated cloth portfolio. [168] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Fine work on horses by a famous equerry

EISENBERG, Friedrich Wilhelm Baron d'. La perfezione e i difetti del cavallo.
Florence, Giuseppe Allegrini for the Stamperia Imperiale, 1753. Folio. With an engraved title-page (with a variant of the title in French), a woodcut vignette on the title-page, the typographical title-page is printed in red and black, 22 full-page engraved plates, showing horses in several positions in 119 figures, and 1 folding engraved plate depicting a horse in full. Contemporary vellum, with the title lettered in gold within a small gold-tooled frame on the spine, blue edges. [4], CXLIII, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Exquisitely produced work on falconry and horse riding, with many coloured illustrations

ES, N.J.A.P.H. van. De hippische sport en het korps rijdende artillerie 1793-1908 ... 1e gedeelte [valkerij]. 2e gedeelte [hippische sport].
Arnhem, Coers & Roest and G.J. Thieme, [1913]. 2 volumes. Large 4to (37.5 x 31 cm). With ca. 80 lithographed plates and numerous illustrations and decorations in text, many beautifully coloured by hand and some highlighted with silver and/or gold. Original publisher's gold-blocked blue cloth, with a coloured hooded hawk on front boards, upper edges gilt, other edges untrimmed. [16], 172, [18], [2 blank]; [14], 221, [1 blank], [17], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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25 beautiful ca. 1660 etchings depicting a cavalry battle, animals and landscapes, including 3 complete series

FLAMEN, Albert. [5 etched print series:]
1) Divers combats.
Series of 6 unnumbered prints including title-print.
2) Diverses especes d[']animaus faits apres nature.
Series of 7 unnumbered prints including title-print.
3) Veuës et païsages du Chasteau de Longuetoise et des environs.
6 unnumbered prints, including title-print, from a series of 12.
4) [Views near Paris].
Series of 4 numbered prints, published without title.
5) [Pastoral views].
Series(?) of 2 unnumbered prints without title.
Paris, [Jacques Lagniet (ads 1, 3), Jacques van Merlen (ad 4), unknown publisher (ads 2, 5)], [ca. 1660]. Small 4to (16.5 x 13 cm). Five series of small oblong folio etched views (16 x 21.5-23 cm; plate size: 10 x 17 to 12.5 x 21.5 cm), 3 complete, 1 incomplete and 1 documented only as separate prints. Each print folded to form a double leaf and mounted on a stub so that it can open flat. Gold-tooled, dark green goatskin morocco (ca. 1890). [6]; [7]; [6 of 12]; 4; [2] etched ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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"The most interesting contribution made by France to the literature of angling"

[FORTIN, François]. Les ruses innocentes, dans lesquelles se voit comment on prend les oiseaux passagers, & les non passagers: & de plusieurs sortes de bêtes à quatre pieds. Avec les plus beaux secrets de la pêche dans les rivieres & dans les etangs. Et la maniere de faire tous les rets & filets qu'on peut s'imaginer. Ouvrage très curieux, utile & recreatif pour toetes personnes qui font leur selour à la campagne. Par F.F.F.R.D.G., dit le Solitaire inventif.
Amsterdam, Daniel de la Feuille, 1695. 5 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With engraved title-page and 66 numbered engraved plates (9 folding). Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine and binding edges. [10], 58, [4]; [4], 59-122, [3], [1 blank]; [6], 123-186, [3], [1 blank]; [4], 187-232, [2]; [6], 238-292, [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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From the collection of the Princes of Oettingen-Wallerstein

FOUILLOUX, Jacques du. La venerie [...] de nouveau reveue, et augmentée, outre les precedentes impressions.
Paris, Clause Cramoisy, 1624. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. (22.6 x 16.4 cm). With the title-page printed in red and black with woodcut vignette, 57 woodcut illustrations, of which 3 full-page, woodcut musical scores, head- and tailpieces, and initials. 19th-century black morocco, covers and spine blind-tooled with lion motif, gilt turn-ins, red morocco doublures with gilt dentelle borders, red edges [CUYLS], inkstamp of the princes of Öttingen-Wallerstein on title, gilt monogram "AR" on doublure, "Bona fide sine fraude" book label. [4], 124, [8] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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1640 edition of a classic hunting book, with 57 woodcuts

FOUILLOUX, Jacques du. La venerie ... de nouveau reveuë, & augmentée du Miroir de fauconnerie.
Paris, Pierre David, 1640. 4to. With 57 woodcut illustrations (plus 1 repeat) on integral leaves, including 1 on the title-page (3 full-page, further mostly 11 x 12 cm); woodcut music notes. Lacking part 2 on hawking (38 pp.). Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [4], 124, [4] ll. Full description
€ 3,750
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6 beautiful views made on a journey to the Middle East to procure Arabian horses

FRISCH, Friedrich. Skizzen aus dem Orient, gesammelt in den Jahren 1840 und 1841. | Esquisses de l'Orient, recueillies dans les années 1840 et 1841.
Darmstadt, Ernst Kern; Paris, H. Gache, 1843. Oblong 1mo (48 x 63.5 cm). With 6 tinted lithographed plates by Frisch, with captions in German and French below. The first three in the deluxe issue printed by B. Dondorf, Frankfurt am Main, the last three in the regular issue printed by G. Küstner. Original publisher's letterpress printed wrappers, with a list of subscribers and advertisements on the back of the front wrapper. Full description
€ 18,000
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Limited edition, from the library of Carl Schwerdt

GAFFET, Antone, Sieur de la Brifardie`re (Pierre Clement de CHAPPEVILLE, ed.). Petit traité de fauconnerie ou se trouvent les termes de cette espèce de chasse, avec la manière de bien tenir, soiguer et traiter les oiseaux, la connaissance des viandes qui leur sont propres, les maladies et accidents qui leur surviennent, la manière de les panser ...
Paris, Librarie Pairault, 1885. 8vo. Later half morocco, gold-stamped spine, with the original publishers printed wrappers bound in. 26, [2] pp. Full description
€ 4,800
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Games and activities for young boys and girls

[GAMES & PASTIMES]. De onvermoeide speelmakker, of volledige verzameling van nuttige en aangename spelen, uitspanningen, ligchaamsoefeningen en andere bezigheden, zoowel in huis, als in de open lucht voor jongens en meisjes. Versierd en opgehelderd door eene menigte fraaije houtsneêfiguren.
Gouda, G.B. van Goor, [1853]. 8vo. With numerous wood engraved illustrations in text. Contemporary gold-tooled blue-green morocco. X, 282 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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One of the earliest separate works devoted entirely to ice-skating,
printed by a typefounder praised in Balzac's "Illusions perdues"

GARCIN, Jean. Le vrai patineur, ou principes sur l'art de patiner avec grace, précédé de réflexions et de remarques critiques sur la manière de quelques patineurs inélégans, ainsi que sur les différens formes de patins, le choix quel'on doit en faire, et les variations dont cette chaussure est susceptible.
Paris, Delespinasse, Delaunaux, Nepveu, the author (printed by Joseph-Gaspard Gillé fils), 1813. 12mo (18 x 10.5 cm). With 8 numbered engraved plates, namely a frontispiece view of a skating rink with many skaters, engraved by Ambroise Tardieu, and 7 images of individual skaters, each in a different pose. Later blue paper wrappers. Preserved in modern half morocco slipcase. XXIV, 93, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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Important work on the diseases of horses based on a long experience
as army and private veterinarian surgeon

GIBSON, William. A new treatise on the diseases of horses: wherein what is necessary to the knowledge of a horse, the cure of his siseases, and other matters relating to that subject, are fully discussed ... with the cheapest and most efficacious remedies.
London, for A. Millar, 1751. Large 4to. With an engraved frontispiece of a perfect stallion and 31 numbered engraved plates of skulls, bones, legs, intestines, bloodstreams, ulcers, swellings and other diseases. 20th-century half calf. [12], 464, [12] pp. Full description
€ 475
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Early and esteemed work on falconry, by the falconer of the Gonzagas' court in Mantua

GIORGI, Federico. Libro ... del modo di conoscere i buoni falconi, astori, e sparavieri, di farli, di governarli, et di medicarli, come nella tavola si puo vedere.
Venice, Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1547. 8vo. With Giorgi's woodcut phoenix printer's device on title-page and a stunning larger one at the end. Blue stiff paper wrappers (ca. 1800). 53, [2], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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Bound by Marcellin II Lortic with the arms of José Pinto Leite, Count of Penha Longa

GUALDO PRIORATO, Galeazzo. Manejo, e Governo da Cavallaria.
Lisbon, Miguel Manescal, 1707. Small 8vo (14.5 x 9 x 1.5 cm). With a richly engraved frontispiece showing a cavalry battle before a castle, with one cavalryman on his rearing horse in the foreground, and the title in an elaborate cartouche incorporating military attributes. Gold-tooled red goatskin morocco (ca. 1892/99) by Marcellin II Lortic in Paris (signed "M LORTIC" in the tooled foot of the front turn-in), each board with the crowned arms of José Pinto Leite in a double oval and a triple-filet rectangular frame, richly gold-tooled spine and turn-ins, marbled endpapers, gilt edges, headbands, silk ribbon marker. [12], 198 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Important work on navigation and an early mention of playing cards

GUEVARA, Antonio de. Epistres dorées moralles & familieres.
GUEVARA, Antonio de and Jean de GUTERRY (translator). Tome second des epistres dorées et discours salutaires.
GUEVARA, Antonio de. Le troisieme livre des epistres illustres.
Lyon, Macé Bonhomme, 1558-1559.
(2) GUEVARA, Antonio de. Traité des travaux et privileges des galeres & des inventeurs de l'art de naviger.
Lyon, Macé Bonhomme, 1560.
2 works (the first in 3 parts) in 1 volume. 4to. With the titles of the first 3 books in woodcut architectural borders; 2 woodcut illustrations in the text and a number of large woodcut historiated initials. 18th-century tree calf, rebacked with the original backstrip laid down, later endpapers. Full description
€ 2,750
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36 drawings of famous English thoroughbred race horses, mostly ca. 1850

HALL, Harry (by and/or after), and others. Segrare i Derby & Oaks [Winners at the Derby & Oaks].
[England and/or Sweden], ca. 1835?-ca. 1855. 4to (24.5 x 18 cm). 36 pencil drawings of English thoroughbred race horses (7.5 x 11.5 to 11 x 16 cm), 1 finished in ink washes and a few touched up with white or light brown. Each drawing mounted on (or occasionally drawn on) a card, loose in a Swedish blind-blocked, textured red cloth portfolio (ca. 1860?). [36] loose ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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13th-century treatise on falconry, in the original Turkish with a German translation, with two other early falconry treatises

HAMMER-PURGSTALL, Joseph von. Falknerklee, bestehend in drey ungedruckten Werken über die Falknerey. ...
Pest (now part of Budapest), Conrad Adolf Hartleben (verso of title-page: [Vienna], printed by the widow of Anton Strauß), 1840. 8vo. With lithographed frontispiece, elaborately decorated Turkish title-page and opening page. Set in fraktur, Arabic and Greek types with incidental roman. With a modern index of ornithological, zoological and botanical names. Later 19th-century half tanned sheepskin, with the publisher's original tinted lithographed wrappers bound in; the modern index is separately bound in modern goatskin, designed to match the main volume. Frontispiece plus [8], XXXII, [2], 115, [2], [1 blank] pp.; 48 ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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With 8 woodcuts made for the 1634 edition (a hunting scene using falcons, and 7 birds of prey)

HARMONT, Pierre. Le miroir de fauconnerie, ou se verra l'instruction pour choisit, nourrir, & traicter, dresser & faire voler toute sorte d'oyseaux, ...
Rouen, Clément Malassis, 1650. 4to (23 x 16.5 cm). With a woodcut illustration of a hunt using falcons on the title-page (9 x 9.5 cm) and 7 nearly full-page woodcut illustrations of birds of prey on integral leaves. Half red goatskin morocco (1930s?) signed on the free endleaf "F. SAULTIER REL.". 38, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Practical falconry

HARTING, James Edmund. Hints on the management of hawks ... to which is added practical falconry, chapters historical and descriptive.
London, Horace Cox, 1898. 8vo. With 11 plates and 42 illustrations in text. Original publisher's green cloth. VII, 268 pp. Full description
€ 500
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12 fine portraits of horses from the stables of Queen Victoria

HARVEY, William. Selections from the Royal stud, being portraits taken in October 1837, at Hampton Court, from life by William Harvey. Drawn on stone by and under the direction of R.J. Lane A.R.A. lithographer to Her Majesty.
London, Thomas McLean (printed by Alfred Ducôte and J. Graf), 1838. 1mo (55.5 x 38 cm). With lithographed title-page, lithographed list of plates, and 12 tinted lithographed plates by Richard James Lane and W.J. Giles after William Harvey. Contemporary cloth, gold title on front board ("The royal stud at Hampton Court"); rebacked in modern, brown half sheepskin. Full description
€ 35,000
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14 hand-coloured aquatint plates of wonderful racehorses

HERRING, John Frederick, Sr. Portraits of the winning horses of the Great St. Leger Stakes, at Doncaster, from the year 1815 to the present year inclusive.
London, S. and J. Fuller (printed by L. Harrison), [1828]. Imperial folio (60×42 cm). With engraved vignette on the letterpress title-page, 14 hand-coloured aquatint plates by T. Sutherland and R. G. Reeve after Herring, each with information on a separate letterpress leaf. Contemporary plain boards with publisher's printed label wrapper-title on front board (rebacked with burgundy half morocco and matching corners). [17] ll. plus plates. Full description
€ 95,000
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"The value of a horse depends on his feet"

HOERDT, Siegmund von. Unterricht über die Pferde-hufbeschlag-kunst und die Behandlung der kranken und fehlerhafften Hüfe, nebst einere Abhandlung über die Castration der Pferde.
Stuttgart & Tübingen, J.G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, 1829. 8vo. With 25 crayon manner lithographed plates, numbered 1-22 and I-III, including 5 folding. Contemporary green boards. XVII, [1], 270 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Sham and swindle: a popular 18th-century satirical work on the tricks, frauds and deceits
performed by several people and professions

HÖNN, Georg Paul. Betrugslexicon, worinnen die meisten Betrügereyen in allen Ständen, nebst denen darwider guten Theils dienenden Mitteln, ...
Coburg, Johann Carl Findeisen, 1761. 8vo. With a woodcut title-vignette and woodcut headpieces. Contemporary brown sprinkled paper over boards, red edges. [16], 524, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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More than 1000 volumes on horse breeding

[HORSE BREEDING] A library on Arabian horse breeding, including Stud Books and General Reference. From the Le Vivier and Marcia Parkinson Collections, with Additions from the Library of Duke Maximilian in Bavaria. The largest collection of its kind in private hands. 330 works in more than 1100 volumes. Mostly original or first editions. Published in Austin, Cairo, Chicago, Hildesheim, London, Marburg, Moscow, New York, Philadelphia, Riga, Tehran, Warsaw and other places in the years 1788 to 2011.
. Full description
€ 350,000
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Detailed account of horses by a Dutch cavalry officer who served Prussia against Napoleon Bonaparte,
with 31 beautiful watercolour drawings (30 in colour) showing 32 horses

[HORSES - MILITARY]. Anecdoten van paarde kenners, paarde liefhebbers, ruijters en ross-kammers. Naar waarheid en eijge ondervinding opgesteld. Door een gepensioneerd cavallerie officier.
[The Netherlands, ca. 1815]. Folio (38 x 24 cm). Manuscript on paper written in brown ink in a readable Latin hand, with the title on p. 72, illustrated with 30 small watercolour drawings of horses mounted on the leaves (mostly about 8.5 x 11 cm), and a washed pen drawing with 5 caricature figures before a monument (9.5 x 16 cm), mounted above the dedication. Half vellum (1930s?), gold-tooled spine. [4 blank], 248, 251-254, 257-267, [9 blank] pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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Splendid ceremonies at the Württemberg court at Stuttgart

HULSEN, Esaias von. Aigentliche Wahrhaffte Delineatio[n] unnd Abbildung aller Fürstlichen Auffzüg und Rütterspilen ....
[Stuttgart], Esaias von Hulsen, [1617]. With an engraved allegorical title-page and 91 (out of 92) numbered engraved plates.
With: (2) WECKHERLIN, Georg Rodolf. Kurtze Beschreibung dess zu Stutgarten, bey den fürstlichen Kindtauf und Hochzeit jüngst-gehaltenen Frewden-Fests. Tübingen, Dietrich Werlin, 1618. An extra leaf is bound between pp. 4 and 5: "Cartel, und Articul beym Ringrennen". 2 volumes in 1. Oblong folio (28 x 35 cm). Contemporary richly blind-tooled pigskin, remnants of ties. [2], 1-50, 52-92 ll.; [2], 4, [2], 71, [1] pp. Full description
€ 19,500
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Unique photo album of a hunting club in British India, including photographs of the first flight
of the Indian Transcontinental Airways

[PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA - HUNTING]. [Photograph album showing hunting society in Britsh India].
[Cambridge, Mumbai, New Delhi], Scott & Wilkinson, Clifton & Co, Hamilton Studios and Kinsey Bros., [ca. 1933-1935]. With 105 photographs mounted in the album (ranging from 16 x 28 cm to 4 x 6 cm), 2 photographs loosely inserted and a watercolour mounted at the back (11.5 x 21 cm). Oblong half morocco photograph album by W. Johnson & sons, London. 53 ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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Practical illustrated 19th-century animal hunting guide on animal traps, hunting with dogs and shotguns

JOURDAIN, François Xavier Félix. Traité général des chasses a courre et a tir; contenant des principes sûrs pour la propagation du gibier, et la destruction des animaux nuisibles; enfin l'histoire naturelle des animaux qui se trouvent en France, et la manière de les chasser; suivi d'un vocabulaire explicatif des termes usités par les chasseurs, et des nouvelles fanfares que l'on sonne en chasse.Paris, Audot, 1822.
With: (2) [M. KRESZ]. Traité des chasses aux pièges. Supplément au traité général de toutes les chasses. Contenant. La description de tous les pièges, et la manière de prendre les lièvres et lapins, et les diverses espèces d'oiseaux qui se trouvent en France.Paris, Audot, 1822. 2 works, each in 2 volumes. 8vo. Ad 1 with 20 engravings and 16 aquatints (1 folding) by Susemihl, showing shotguns, sporting dogs and hunting scenes with the dogs, and 12 engraved pages at the end of vol. 1 containing the music for "33" [= 32] short calls, fanfares and other tunes associated with the hunt. Ad 2 with 58 engravings and 2 aquatints by Susemihl, showing several animal traps and birds. Both works bound in contemporary half calf. [4], XIV, 311; [3]; [4], 24, 323, [3]; VII, [1], 192; [4], 24, 175, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,250
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Horses, horsemanship, the horse trade, horse carriages etc., with 3 early lithographed plates

KEGEL, Karl and Seufert von TENECKER. Mittheilungen aus dem Umfange der Pferdezucht, Pferdekenntnis, Reitkunst und denen dahin einschlagenden Wissenschaften, ...
Bamberg, for the author by Johann Friedrich Schmidt, 1820. 8vo. With 3 lithographed folding plates, the first two depicting a horse led by a man on foot, and the third a lithographed folding table. Contemporary blue boards, gold-tooled spine, gilt edges. [14], 311, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Rare heraldic game for young noblemen, improving and displaying their knowledge
of the genealogy, heraldry, geography and history of the main regions of Europe

KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Vermakelyk wapen-kundig, geographisch, en historisch spel, betreffende de voornaamste heerschende staten in Europa. En dienende om de jonge lieden, inzonderheid die van een meer als gemeene geboorte of educatie zyn, de wapen-kunde, geographie en historie gelyk als speelender wyze te leeren.
Amsterdam, David Klippink, 1768. 8vo. With a full-page engraved armorial plate with the coat-of-arms of the British chivalric Order of the Garter with their motto "Honi soit qui mal y pense" and small woodcut hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds in a card game in the text. 19th-century brown cloth, yellow endpapers. [24], 203, [5] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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The education of a prince

KOLBE VON WARTENBERG, Johann Casimir. Väterliche Instruction an seine Kinder, nummehr zum dritten mahl auffgeleget,...
Berlin, Johann Michael Rüdiger, 1704. With richly engraved allegorical frontispiece by I.W. Heckemaur, title-page printed in red and black, full-page engraved portrait of the author, and woodcut vignette on separate title for the genealogy of the House of Kolbe von Wartenberg.
With: (2) WAGENSEIL, Johann Christoph. Erziehung eines jungen Prinzen, der vor allen studieren einen Abscheu hat, dass er dennoch gelehrt und geschickt werde. Leipzig, Johann Heinichens Wittwe, 1705. With title-page printed in red and black and fine engraved headpiece to the text. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary vellum. [88], 296, [24] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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The Royal Württemberg stud, the first Arabian stud in Europe, with 18 views of its horses

KUNTZ, Rudolf. Abbildungen Königlich Württembergischer Gestütts Pferde von orientalischen Racen
Stuttgart, Ebner, 1823-1824. Oblong folio. With a lithographed title-page, lithographed dedication and 18 tinted chalk lithographs by L. Ekeman-Allesson after R. Kuntz, accompanied by 3 pages of letterpress text. Stored in a modern suede leather case. Full description
€ 65,000
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Preventing people from drowning: on the practical use of a newly invented life jacket

LA CHAPELLE, Jean Baptista de (Cornelis van ENGELEN, transl.). De scaphander of de konst om in de diepste wateren dryvende te gaan en allerhande werk te verrigten.
Amsterdam, G. Warners & Harlingen, Volkert van der Plaats, 1777. 8vo. With 4 engraved plates on 2 large folded sheets by B. de Bakker after the plates in the original French edition, charmingly illustrating the water-jacket and water-pants discussed in the text. Contemporary brown sprinkled paper wrappers. [2], VIII, 139, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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Encyclopedia of games, with 13 engraved plates

[LACOMBE, Jacques]. Encyclopédie méthodique. Dictionaire des jeux avec les planches relatives, faisant suite aux amusemens des sciences mathématiques &c.
Padua, 1800. Large 4to (31 x 23 cm). With engraved illustration on title-page, and 13 engraved plates (5 folding) by P. Scattaglia. Contemporary stiff paper wrappers. IV, 247, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Classic of English falconry, dedicated to the Master Falconer to James I

LATHAM, Simon. Lathams faulconry, or the faulcons lure and cure: in two books the first concerning the ordering and training up of all hawks in generall; especially the haggard faulcon-gentle.
Including: New and second book of faulconry.
London, printed by Richard Hodgkinson for Thomas Rooks, 1658. 2 parts in 1 volume. Small 8vo. With woodcut frontispiece of "The Haggard Faulcon", second title with woodcut vignette of a gentleman riding his horse with his hawk on his arm. Second part with woodcuts in text, woodcut headpieces and decorative initials. 19th century gold-tooled calf, marbled endpapers. [34], 176; [24], 144, [8] pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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The 18th-century French standard work on hunting, illustrated with 27 finely executed woodcuts

LE VERRIER DE LA CONTERIE, Jean-Baptiste-Jacques. Venerie normande, ou l'ecole de la chasse aux chiens courants, pour le lievre, le chevreuil, le cerf, le daim, le sanglier, le loup, le renard & la loutre; Avec les tons de chasse, accompagnés de chacun une explication sur l'occasion & les circonstances où ils doivent être sonnés; Et un traité des remedes, un traité sur le droit de suite, & un dictionnaire des termes de chasse, &c.
Rouen, Laurent Dumesnil, 1778. 8vo. With 27 woodcuts on 19 leaves and a complete engraved quire of 14 pages, printed both sides with mensural music for hunting calls and fanfares, with explanatory text. Gold-tooled tan calf (ca. 1850?), signed at the foot of the spine by "Koehler" (François Koehler in Paris). XV, [1], 526 pp. (omitting the blank leaf, pp. 447-448). Full description
€ 1,500
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One of the chief equesterian works of the early modern period, this edition with 61 newly-engraved illustration plates

LÖHNEISEN (LÖHNEYSS), Georg Engelhard. Neu-eröffnete Hof- Kriegs- und Reit-Schul, das ist: gründlicher Bericht della Cavalleria, oder von allen, was zur Reuterey gehörig und einem Cavalier davon zu wissen gebühret, ...
Nürnberg, Paul Lochner, 1729. 6 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With engraved frontispiece, engraved plate with the elaborately quartered coat-of-arms of the dedicatee, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach, and 61 engraved illustration plates (9 double-page, and many with 2 half-page illustrations per plate). 19th-century gold- and blind-tooled diced light brown calf, gold-tooled spine. [30], 66; 96; 114; 136; 144; 104, [8 (of 10)] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Educating the Austrian army in the anatomy of the horse, with 10 large colour plates

MACHOLD, Joseph (Josef). Zehn tafeln zur anatomie des Pferdes . . .
Vienna, the author "in Commission bei F. Paternos Nachfolger" (printed by Adolf Holzhausen), [1879]. Oblong 1mo (35×49 cm). With 10 numbered chromo-lithographed and double-tinted lithographed plates (35×49 cm), loose as issued. Original publisher's printed front wrapper preserved, back wrapper lacking. In a modern clamshell box. 15, [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 4,500
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Presented by the author to Florian Pharaon

MAGAUD D’AUBUSSON, Louis. La fauconnerie au Moyen Age et dans les temps modernes. Recherches historiques, didactiques et naturelles.
Paris, Auguste Ghio, 1879. 8vo. With half-title and errata leaf. Contemporary gold-tooled half morocco, with the original publishers printed wrappers bound in at the end. [8], 272 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Catalogue of the royal armoury, with notes on armourers, gunsmiths, swordsmiths, etc., and 10 plates showing 435 marks

MARCHESI, José María. Cataìlogo de la Real Armeriìa.
Madrid, Eusebio Aguado (royal printer), 1849. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With the arms of Queen Isabella II of Spain on the title-page and 10 numbered engraved plates with 435 marks of armourers, swordsmiths and others. Contemporary green half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. XX, 198, [2 blank], 119, [1] pp. plus 10 plates. Full description
€ 750
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About 135 lithographic paper cut-outs (not cut out) for a caravan to Mecca

[MECCA - PAPER CARAVAN CUT-OUTS]. Carawane nach Mecca.
Vienna, Matthias Trentsensky (printed by E. Sieger), ca. 1855. Oblong folio (25 x 40 cm). With 19 (of 24) numbered leaves containing about 135 lithographic pen-drawings, each drawing including a base so that one can cut them out, paste them on card stock, stand them up and arrange them in three-dimensional scenes. Loose leaves in a later paper folder. ll. 6-24 (of 24). Full description
€ 8,500
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The most important early Dutch book on hunting

MERULA, Paulus. Placaten ende ordonnancien op 't stuck vande wildernissen.
The Hague, Beuckel Cornelisz. Nieulandt, 1605. 3 parts in 1 volume. Small folio (31 x 20 cm). With attractive engraved title-page (showing Diana, goddess of the hunt, a hunter and a falconer surrounding an elaborate cartouche together with hounds, birds of prey, and prey) and 2 double-page woodcut plates showing the castles of Teylingen and Warmond. Contemporary vellum. [24], 264; 124; 59, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Extensive work on Mosaic law, with a section on Arabian horses

MICHAELIS, Johann David. Mosaïsch recht, of de ziel der wetten van Moses; ...
Including: Byvoegsels en verbeteringen op het Mosaïsch recht, ... achter aan eenige byzonderheden over de oudste geschiedenisse der paarden en stoeteryen in Palaestine en de nabuurige landen, in zonderheid Aegypten en Arabien.
Haarlem, Jan van Walré, 1781-1782 (parts 1-2); Jan Bosch, 1774-1776 (parts 3-6), 1778 (part 7). 7 parts in 3 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary, uniform half calf, gold-tooled spines. [12] 346; [14], 464; [10], 259, [1 blank]; [8], 414, [2 blank]; [8], 342; [2], CXXXII, 322, [4]; [6], 210, [2] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Uphill! A collection of folders, brochures and books on mountaineering

[MOUNTAINEERING]. [A collection of brochures and folders on mountaineering].
[Austria and Switzerland, ca. 1920- ca. 1980]. Ca. 653 brochures (including a few duplicates and variant issues).
With: [A collection of books relating to mountaineering].
[Globally, ca. 1830- ca. 2000]. Ca. 875 books (including a few duplicates and variant issues, and several multiple-volume titles). Full description
€ 45,000
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If all the gunpowder in the world were put in a globe of glass or paper
and set on fire all at once, what would happen?

MYDORGE, Claude. Examen du livre des recreations mathematiques.
Rouen, Charles Osmont, 1643, 8vo. With numerous woodcut illustrations illustrating the problems. Contemporary limp vellum. [1], [1 blank], [5], [1 blank], [7], [1 blank], 280, 63, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [2], 67-106, [43], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,400
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Colourful set of 3 jigsaw puzzles depicting scenes from the life of Napoleon

[NAPOLEON BONAPARTE - PUZZLES]. La veille d'Austerlitz.
(2) La Nuit de Lodi.
(3) Clémence de l'empéreur.
Paris, Ulysse, [1814 or 1815]. Three (from a set of four?) jigsaw puzzles (each 19.5 x 24.5 cm), each comprising an engraved print mounted on thin wood, coloured by a contemporary hand and cut to form a jigsaw puzzle, with an engraved caption and short description below the image. Kept in the original publishers paperboard box covered with green paper, with an etched and engraved sample print for a fourth puzzle (with a caption headed "Équité de l'empereur") mounted on the top, coloured by a contemporary hand and framed with strips of gilt paper embossed with a decorative pattern. Each puzzle with the original pink paper wrap-around slip preserved. Full description
€ 3,000
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Travel by carriage and its mishaps in the early Victorian English countryside

NEWHOUSE, Charles B. The roadsters album.
London, George Thomas Fores & Arthur Blücher Fores, 1845. Large folio (38 x 28.5 cm). With an extensively illustrated aquatint title-page, unsigned, but drawn by Henry Thomas Alken (1785-1851), and 16 aquatint plates drawn by Newhouse. Title-page and plates coloured in great detail by a contemporary hand in opaque gouaches and watercolours, and highlighted with shellac. Gold-tooled, red morocco for Henry Arthur Johnstone (ca. 1900), leather endleaves with Johnstone's 1899 blind-stamped ex-libris, top edge gilt. Full description
€ 18,000
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One of the earliest works on hunting and hawking written in Spanish

NUÑEZ DE AVENDAÑO, Pedro. Aviso de Cazadores y Caça.
Madrid, Pedro Madrigal, 1593.
With: (2) [bound before ad 1] NUÑEZ DE AVENDAÑO, Pedro. De exequendis mandatis regnum Hispaniae, quae rectoribus civitatum dantur, & hodie continentur in titulo.
Madris, Pedro Madrigal, 1593.
2 works in 1 volume. Folio (27 x 18.5 cm). With the woodcut printer's device on the title-page of ad 1, and two decorated woodcut initials. Further with the woodcut coat-of-arms of Habsburg Spain on the title-page of ad 2, numerous decorated woodcut initials, a woodcut headpiece at the start of the work, and headpieces made up of typographical ornaments in the first few chapters. Later limp vellum, sewn on 2 vellum tapes laces through the joints, with the manuscript title on the spine, remnants of ties. [8], "555" [= 553], [1], [2 blank], [40]; 34 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Wonderful compilation on fishing with contemporary manuscript notes

OPPIAN of Anazarbus and OPPIAN of Syria (C. RITTERSHUSIUS, translator). Oppiani poetae Cilicis de venatione libri IV. De piscatu libri V.
Leiden, Fransiscus Raphelengium (Officina Plantiniana), 1597. 8vo. With Raphelengiuss woodcut compasses device on the title-page, an arabesque woodcut tailpies (plus repeats) and woodcut decorated initials. Near contemporary (1602) calf with the elaborately blind-tooled coat of arms and monogram of Johann Beckmann "I B M 1602", with later gold tooling and a red morocco spine label lettered in gold, red edges, modern endpapers. [88], 376, [40], 344 pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Extremely rare souvenir of the first amusement park in Amsterdam

[PASSE, Crispijn de (the younger) and Jan VOS]. Verklaringe van verscheyden kunst-rijcke wercken en hare beweginghe, door orlogie-werck ghedreven, ... Alles te sien in 't Oude Doolhof tot Amsterdam, op de hoeck van de Loyers-gracht.
Amsterdam, Tymen Houthaeck, 1648. Small 4to (19 x 15 cm). With a engraved illustration of a labyrinth on title-page, an engraved plate by P. Holsteyn after A. Vinckenbrinck, 3 engravings in text and a folding engraved plate of David & Goliath. Modern marbled wrappers. [8] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Analysis of chess by the famous French composer & chess player "Philidor"

PHILIDOR, André Danican. Analyse du jeu des échecs. Avec une nouvelle notation abrégée et des planches ou se trouve figurée la situation de jeu pour les renvois et les fins de parties. Nouvelle édition.
Paris, Chez Causette (colophon: Strasbourg, printed by Amand Koenig), 1820. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece portrait of the author, 42 full-page colour-printed plates and numerous chess-notations in text. Contemporary half morocco. XX, 148 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Highly interesting collection of photographs on tiger hunting in British India,
previously owned and annotated by one of the tiger hunters himself

[PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA - TIGER HUNTING]. [Photograph album showing tiger hunting in British India].
[Guna, Baramba, Ubri Kehra, Eta and surroundings], April and May 1886. Oblong folio. With 16 sepia-toned albumen photographs mounted on a sheet of paper and captioned by hand and then mounted on strong cardboard. Original black cloth portfolio with silk-watered cloth on the inside, front board lettered in gold reading "Central Indien. 1886". 15 loose ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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An elaborate compilation of available literature on horsemanship, with 26 engraved plates

PINTER VON DER AU, Johann Christoph. Neuer, vollkommener, verbesserter und ergäntzter Pferd-Schatz.
Frankfurt am Main, Johann Philipp Andrea for Georg Heinrich Oehrling, 1688. 2 parts in 1 volume. Small folio (31.5 x 20.5 cm). With engraved frontispiece and 25 engraved folding plates (with figures numbered 1-40). 19th-century half calf. [2], 456, [8] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Beautifully hand-coloured proofs of very rare prints of stud horses

PIRSCHER, Karl Dietrich. Abbildungen Herzoglich-Braunschweigischer Gestüt-Pferde ... 1tes Heft.
Braunschweig, 1827-1828. Oblong 1mo (47.5 x 63 cm). First instalment of 6 lithographed plates of horses, plus 1 additional lithographed view, all beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand with highlights in gum arabic, and including two with the captions and artists name in manuscript. All loosely preserved in a proof state of the original publisher's lithographed paper wrappers, including a list of plates. Preserved in a modern portfolio. Full description
€ 75,000
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Horseback riding for ladies

PONS D'HOSTUN, L.H. de. L'écuyer des dames, ou lettres sur l'équitation, contenant des principes et des exemples sur l'art de monter à cheval; ouvrage utile à l'un et à l'autre sexe, et orné de figures gravées d'après les dessins d'H. Vernet.
Paris, de l'imprimerie et dans la librairie de Madam Huzard (née Vallat la Chapelle), 1817. 8vo. With 3 full-page engraved plates by H. Vernet. Contemporary gold-tooled marbled calf, spine with gold-tooled horses, brown title-label lettered in gold, gold-tooled turn-ins, marbled endpapers, gilt edges. (5), 6-162 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Fortune telling for parties and weddings in the 18th century, the incredibly rare second edition

[POPULAR LITERATURE - FORTUNE TELLING]. De vermakelyke heydin, of wonderbare goedergelukzegster, zeggende op een vermakelyke wys, een yder zyn geluk, of ongeluk, wat hem overkomen zal, op twee duyzent, drie hondert en sestig differente manieren.
The Hague, Burger Vermeulen, [second half of the 18th century]. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece and the title-page printed in red and black. Later red and white floral-patterned decorated paper wrappers. (12),118,(6) pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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One of the rarest of all African big game hunting books, beautifully illustrated

POTOCKI, Józef and Piotr STACHIEWICZ. Notatki mysliwskie Z Afryki: Somali.
Warsaw, Gebethner & Wolff, 1897. Large 4to (40 x 31 cm). With a colour-printed frontispiece, 18 photogravure plates (5 double-page), 5 numbered full-page tinted plates, and ca. 60 illustrations in text (mostly tinted). Publisher's original pictorial beige cloth, with a lion's head on the front board and zebra-patterned endpapers. 133, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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Three beautifully hand coloured cards of a simple puzzle game, showing a king and two courtiers in ornate dress

[GAME - PUZZLE - KING AND COURTIERS - FRANCE]. [Puzzle game of filling in the heads and parts of the costumes of a king, a young lady in a green dress, and a young man in a yellow and green outfit].
[Paris], R. Lacouchin, [ca. 1840]. 3 puzzles. 19.5 x 13 cm. With 3 finely lithographed plates mounted on 3 thick green paperboard cards. The lithographs are framed with a gold-coloured ornamental border. The images on the cards are all beautifully hand coloured and the 3 cards depict respectively a crowned king in ornate robes, a beautiful young lady in a green dress, and a young man (or possibly a court jester?) in an extravagant yellow and green outfit. Each card has 6 large circular movable pieces to be removed or inserted as the game demands in various circumstances. Full description
€ 6,000
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First edition of a rare Dutch book on witchcraft containing some unsettling visuals
depicting supernatural phenomena and instances of extreme torment

PALINGH, Abraham. 't Afgerukt Mom-aansight Der Tooverye ...
Amsterdam, J. Rieuwertz, 1659. Small 8vo. WIth a woodcut title-vignette showing a witch on a broomstick leaving a house through the chimney (4.3 x 5.2 cm), 13 etched full-page illustrations on 8 plates by Salomon Savry. Contemporary overlapping vellum. [16], 429, [19] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Only copy located of a hand-coloured print series of Arabian horses, after drawings made in Baghdad

RICH, Claudius James and Siegmund Ferdinand von PERGER. Sammlung und Darstellung verschiedener Pferde intressanter Zuchten, Landeskarten und Rassen ...
Vienna, Müllersche Kunsthandlung, 1815. Oblong folio (31 x 42.5 cm). Engraved print series, including a title-page engraved by Dorneck and 6 numbered engravings of horses engraved by Siegmund Ferdinand von Perger, hand-coloured and loose as issued. [1], VI engraved ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Horses in action: a great series of 50 horse plates, with the original drawing for the second plate

RIDINGER, Johann Elias. [Drop-title:] Vorstellung der Pferde ... = Description du cheval ...
[Augsburg, Martin Elias Ridinger and Johann Jakob Ridinger, 1770 or ca. 1768]. 4to. With an engraved allegorical frontispiece or title-print showing the corner of a garden with an equine statue and an asymmetric decorated shield with text, 50 plates with captions in German and French, conceived, drawn and engraved by Ridinger, each giving a lively and personal portrait of a horse. All plates, including frontispiece, beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand as published, some highlighted with white chalk. Further with decorations built up from cast fleurons. Set in 2 columns, mostly with the German in fraktur type on the left and the French in roman and italic on the right (some lists with the German and French on facing pages). Mottled, tanned half sheepskin (ca. 1840), sewn on 3 tapes, with a hollow back, shell-marbled sides (brown shell with blue veins, similar to Wolfe 128), red edges. Recased, with new headbands.
(2) [DRAWING - EQUINE]. RIDINGER, Johann Elias. [Die guthe Gestalt eines Pferdes. = La beauté et les parties exterieures du Cheval.]
[Augsburg, ca. 1765].
Drawing in pen and brown ink, ink washes and white chalk on grey-blue paper (24 x 17 cm, frame of pen-drawn rules 18.5 x 13.5 cm, with an empty panel at the foot for the title), for the second plate of Vorstellung der Pferde. With the small ink stamp of an eagle (9.5 x 7 mm) from the collection of Aldalbert Freiherr von Lanna (1836-1909). In a passe partout. 39, [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 59,500
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Portraits of the Godolphin Arabian, Flying Childers, Lath and 37 other race horses

ROBERTS, James. The sportsman's companion: or portraitures, pedigrees and performances, of the most eminent race horses & stallions, represented in variety of attitudes.
London, J. Barker, [1798?]. 8vo (22.5×15 cm). With a letterpress title-page, 40 numbered plates of famous race horses drawn by James Roberts and engraved by Henry Roberts, each with a portrait of the horse and rider (ca. 8.5×12 cm), detailed information about the horse and owner and most with an engraved vignette at the foot, engraved index leaf, and publisher's 4-page letterpress catalogue (with woodcut of 2 cocks fighting). Contemporary tan laid paper wrappers. [6] pp. plus 40 plates and index plate. Full description
€ 15,000
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How to use the foil in fencing

RODRIGUES DE CARVALHO, Theotonio. Tratado completo do jogo de florete, em o qual se estabelecem os principios certos dos exercicios offensivos, e defensivos desta arte; obra necessaria a's pessoas, que se destinão a's armas, e util a'quellas, que se querem aperfeiçoar.
Lisbon, Na impressão Regia, 1804. 4to. 8 folding engraved plates with 17 numbered figures. Later (ca. 1875/95?) gold-tooled green morocco,. 105, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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32 chromolithographed plates of horses

RUEFF, Gottlob Adolf von. Race, Haar und Gang des Pferdes. Eine hippologische Monographie.
Ravensburg, Eugen Ulmer, 1874. Oblong 8vo (17 x 25.5 cm). With 32 chromolithographed plates (in black with 3 or 4 colour tints) with showing horses in full profile, drawn and lithographed by C.H. Votteler and printed by J.C. Henzler (Stuttgart). Original publisher's gold- and blind-blocked maroon cloth. VII, [1], 68, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Brodrick's own copy, with 3 additional original watercolours by him

SALVIN, Francis Henry (William BRODRICK, illustrator). Falconry in the British Isles.
London, John van Voorst, 1873. 4to. With 3 additional original watercolours by the illustrator, William Brodrick, highlighted with gum arabic. And with 28 hand-coloured lithographed plates after William Brodrick, some highlighted with gum arabic. Contemporary half green morocco, gold-tooled spine. [10], 171, [1] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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The authority on British falconry

SALVIN, Francis Henry and William BRODRICK. Falconry in the British isles.
London, John van Voorst, 1855. 4to (29 x 19.5 cm). With 24 hand-coloured lithographed plates by William Brodrick. Original publishers blind- and gold-blocked cloth, front board with title and large illustration of a falcon. VII [1 blank], 147 [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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A French treatise on swordfighting and a matching treatise against dueling, from 1610

SAVARON, Jean (Sieur de Villars). Traicté de l'espee Francoise.Paris, Adrien Périer, 1610. With engraved emblematic heraldic device on title-page (right hand holding a sword, emerging from a cloud, with crosses and fleurs-de-lis on the sword's blade and in the background, the whole representing King Louis XIII protecting France and the Church) with the motto "Pro religione et regno".
With: (2) SAVARON, Jean (Sieur de Villars). Traicté contre les duels. Avec l'edict de Philippes le Bel, de l'an M.CCC.VI. non encores imprimé.
Paris, Adrien Périer, 1610. With Périer's woodcut compasses device on title-page with motto "labore et constantia", borrowed from Christoffel Plantin. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. 18th-century sprinkled calf. 56; [16], 125, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Very rare Latin poem presenting the rules of tournaments and carrousels

SAVARY, Jacques. (= Jacques TIMENT). Album hipponae sive hippodromi leges. Ad Christianissimum et invictissimum Galliae et Navarrae regem Ludovicum XIV deo-datum.
Caen, Claudius Le Blanc, 1662. 4to. With a woodcut title-vignette and several woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. 19th-century marbled paper over boards, red sprinkled edges. [6], 2, 72 pp. Full description
€ 4,250
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Two important 18th-century dissertations on hunting from the University of Tübingen

SAYLER, Johann Wilhelm von (Gottfried Daniel HOFFMANN, praeses). De libera venatione speciatim Suevo-Memmingensi. Auctioritate illustris iureconsultorum ordinis praeside Godofredo Daniele Hoffmanno philosophiae magistro iuris utriusque doctore sacri caesarei palatii comie serenissimi Wurtembergiae ducis consiliario iuris publici et feudalis professore publico ordinario pro licentia summos in utroque iure honores rite capessendi ad diem V. Maii MDCCLIII.
Including: Appendix sive adiuncta dissertationis: Recensio adiunctorum.
Tübingen, Johann Philipp Erhardt, 1753. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to (18.5 x 15.5 cm). Ad 1 with an engraved folding map (18.5 x 27 cm) of Memmingen and the Bosserhard by J.F. Rupf, and with an elaborate woodcut headpiece (with a rising phoenix) and a factotum in the form of a person with shield and spear.
With: KESSEL, Johann Erhard (Stephan Christoph HARPPRECHT VON HARPPRECHTSTEIN, praeses). Sciagraphiam liberae venationis Germanicae imprimis vero Svevicae, vulgo Die freye Purts-Gerechtigkeit favente supremo numine annuente amplissimo Ictorum ordine publicae ventilationi sistit praeses Stephanus Christophorus Harpprecht, U. J.D. Prof. Jur. Extra-ordin. & serenissimi principis Hohen-Zollerensis Consiliarius.
Tübingen, literis Eitelianis [= Johann Konrad Eitel], 1702.
Ad 2 with a woodcut decorated initial and a headpiece built up from typographic ornaments.
Modern brown decorated paper over boards. [2], 70, 20; 24 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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The finest and rarest work on falconry

SCHLEGEL, Hermann & VERSTER VAN WULVERHORST, Abraham Henrik. Traité de fauconnerie.
Leiden & Düsseldorf, Arnz & Co., 1844-1853. Elephant folio (55.5 × 73.5 cm). Tinted lithographed title-page with a pictorial border comprising 11 scenes of hawking by J. B. Sonderland, 2 hand-coloured lithographed plates of falconry equipment by Portman and Von Wouw, and 10 (of 12) hand-coloured lithographed plates of hawks by Wendel after Joseph Wolf (8 mounted on paperboard). Stored loosely in the original publishers cloth-backed printed boards. [4], 90, VI, [2] pp. Full description
€ 75,000
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The rarest, most beautiful, and most desirable book on falconry ever published

SCHLEGEL, Hermann and Abraham Hendrik VERSTER van WULVERHORST. Traité de fauconnerie.
Leiden & Düsseldorf, Arnz & Comp., 1844-1853. Two parts in one volume. Folio (ca. 51 x 70 cm). With a tinted lithographed title-page mounted on India paper, incorporating 11 vignettes illustrative of falconry by and after J. B. Sonderland. Further with 14 hand-coloured lithographed plates of falcons and falconry accoutrements, and 2 tinted lithographed plates mounted on India paper, of heron hawking. The illustrations are executed by Wendel, J. Dillmann, Portman and von Wouw, after J.B. Sonderland, J. Wolf, C. Scheuren (or G. Saal) and Portman and von Wouw. Expertly bound in contemporary gold-tooled half red morocco and red cloth over boards. Full description
€ 150,000
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Photograph album showing trotting

[PHOTOGRAPHY - HORSES].SCHNAEBELI, H.. [Binding title:] Album des Trabrenn-Sport.
Berlin, H. Schnaebeli & Co, 1879. Oblong 8vo (33 x 26.5 cm) album with 16 original albumen prints (ca. 20.5 x 15 cm), mounted on paperboard. Original richly decorated cloth. Title on front cover: "Album des Trabrenn-Sport. H. Schnaebeli & Co. Hof-Photographen u. Kunstverlag. Berlin Unter den Linden 30". Full description
€ 8,500
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1777 scrap album with ca. 330 hand-coloured images clipped from purpose-made engraved print series

[SCRAP ALBUM]. VISSCHER, J. (compiler or recipient). [Ausschneidebilder].
[The Netherlands?], 28 January 1777 (some of the prints themselves: Augsburg, Martin Engelbrecht, [ca. 1750?]). 4to. A scrap album containing about 330 cut-out images from engraved prints, most neatly and uniformly coloured by a contemporary hand (probably for the publisher or publishers). Contemporary half roan sheepskin, sewn on 2 vellum tapes, red-sprinkled paper sides, red-sprinkled edges, with a heart-shaped paper label on the front board with the manuscript inscription, "J. Visscher" above the date (1 above 28, flanked by "17 ... 77"). [1], 170, [1] ll. including integral paste-downs. Full description
€ 7,500
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Popular work on sorcery and witchcraft

SENNERTUS, Daniel and Daniël JONCTYS (translator). Verhandelingh der toover-sieckten. Geschil van de schôot- en steeck-vrije. Geschil van de wapen-salve. Paracelsi vrye-konst. Uyt verscheyde Latijnsche boecken vertaelt, en by een geschikt door D. Jonctys.
Amsterdam, Jan van Hilten (colophon: printed by Pieter Dircksz. Boeteman), 1646. 4 parts in 1 work. 8vo. With an engraved title-page showing a magician laying magic bones at a person's sickbed, a small vignette on the title-page, 3 typographical divisional title-pages, 1 small woodcut illustration in the text (p. 200), 3 decorated initials (3 different series) and 3 ornamental tail-pieces. Contemporary overlapping vellum. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [24], 331, [8], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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"An entertaining book on the evil consequences of excessive hunting"

SPANGENBERG, Cyriacus. Jagteuffel. Bestendiger und Wolgegründter bericht, wie ferrn die Jagten rechtmessig und zugelassen. Und widerumb, warinn sie ... gottloss, gewaltsam, unrecht und verdamlich seind, ...
(Colophon: Frankfurt am Main, heirs of Georg Raben and Weygand Hanen), 1566. 8vo. With the title-page printed in red and black and with a woodcut illustration. 18th-century vellum. 132 ll. Full description
€ 2,650
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Ornithological work with a fore-edge painting of a falconry hunting scene

STANLEY, Edward. A familiar history of birds.
London, Longmans, Green and Co. (at the end: printed by Spottiswoode and Co.), 1865. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece, title-vignette, 2 engraved plates and 102 illustrations in the text.Contemporary gold-tooled calf, probably a school prize binding, with "King Edward's School Bruton" and its "Sealle of the Skolle of Brew" in a frame, the seal showing a Brewers tonne (Brew-ton), richly gold-tooled spine with a red morocco label, edges gilt over a fore-edge painting showing a falconry hunting scene. xiii, [1 blank], 446 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Early treatise on female equitation, written by a woman

STIRLING-CLARKE, J. Le cheval et l'amazone. Traité complet de l'équitation des dames.
Bruxelles, Widow Parent & sons; Paris, Auguste Goin; Leipzig, Ch. Muquardt, 1861. 8vo. With a chromo-lithographed frontispiece, 3 chromo-lithographed plates and several woodcut illustrations in text. Original publisher's light green printed paper wrappers. 234, II pp. Full description
€ 950
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Great hunting print series (including falconry), with engraved title-print & 104 very large prints, engraved 1578-ca. 1596/1612

STRADANUS, Johannes (Jan van der STRAET). Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium. Pugnae bestiariorum: & mutuae bestiarum, ...
Antwerp, Johannes Galle, ca. 1665/75 [engraved 1578-ca. 1596/1612]. Oblong 1mo (26.5 x 36 cm). With an engraved title-print and 104 numbered engraved prints (plate size 21.5 x 29.5 cm; image size 20.5 x 29.5 cm), each with a verse caption in 2 columns in the foot of the plate (mostly 4 lines, occasionally 2 lines). Half parchment (ca. 1880?). [1], 104 engraved ll. Full description
€ 55,000
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First edition of a classic hunting manual

TÄNTZER, Johann. Der Dianen Hohe und Niedere Jagd-Geheimnisse. Darinnen die gantze Jagd-Wissenschaft ausführlich zu befinden: Mit grosser Arbeit inventiert und beschrieben. Hiernächst ist, Als ein neuer und besonderer Theil mit beygefüget Der Edle Hirsch-gerechte Jäger, kurtz, doch gründlich verfertiget von Johan Wilhelm von Pärson.
Leipzig, Moritz Georg Weidmann, 1734. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With title printed in red and black, divisional title-page for Von Pärson, finely engraved frontispiece showing Diane and her female companions hunting in the woods, engraved headpiece with portrait for the dedication, numerous hunting plans, views of landscapes and mountains, animals to hunt, hunting dogs, and all sorts of hunting traps and devices on 59 double-page engraved plates, incl. 20 full double-page illustrations, 5 double-page plates with 2 or 3 illustrations each, 2 double-page plates with 4 to 5 illustrations each, and 32 double-page plates with 6 illustrations each. Contemporary half vellum. [20], 198, [2]; 122, [2] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Extensive work on racehorses, with 463 plates

TAUNTON, Thomas Henry. Portraits of celebrated racehorses of the past and present centuries in strictly chronological order, commencing in 1702 and ending in 1870[,] together with their respective pedigrees and performances recorded in full.
London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1887-1888. 4 volumes. 4to. With a frontispiece in each volume, and a total of 459 (of 460) plates (mostly collotypes and engravings, a few line- and photo-engravings). Original publisher's red half sheepskin, cloth sides with a racehorse in gold on front boards. VIII, [1], [1 blank], 52, [2], 53-259, [1 blank]; Full description
€ 3,750
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A fine series of 60 chromo-lithographed portraits of English and French race horses,
in a contemporary signed binding

[TEYSSIER des FARGES, George Aimé]. TOUCHSTONE, S.F. (pseudonym). Les chevaux de course[:] pedigree - description - historique. 60 portraits en couleur par V.-J. Cotlison, L. Pénicault et Le Nail. Texte orné de 182 vignettes ... = Historique des étalons pur-sang Anglais et Français et des juments Françaises les plus célèbres ayant paru sur le turf de 1764 à 1887.
Paris, J. Rothschild, 1889. Oblong folio (24.5 x 37 cm). With 2 title-pages in red and black, each with a different vignette; 60 chromolithographed plates, highlighted with gum arabic and lithographed by Thurwanger, each facing an inserted letterpress leaf with a pedigree of the horse portrayed. Further with 182 lithographed vignettes in the text. Contemporary gold- and blind-blocked brown morocco, with the original publisher's front wrapper (lithographed and hand-coloured) mounted on the front board in a wide decorated gold frame, gold-tooled turn-ins, gilt edges, white glazed endpapers with a watered-silk pattern, signed on the front board, "A SOUZE A. LENEGRE REL.", meaning Auguste Souze and Antoine Lenègre the younger in Paris. XXV, [1 blank], 165, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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The art of swimming

THEVENOT, Melchisedech. L'art de nager, demontré par figures, avec des avis pour se baigner utilement.
Paris, Thomas Moette, 1696. 12mo. With 35 engraved plates of people swimming by Charles Moette. Contemporary calf. [12], XII, 47, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Rare illustrated work on fencing

THOMASE, Eualdo. Tratado de esgrima a pie y a caballo, en que se enseña por principios el menajo del Florete ó juego de la espada. Que se usa en el dia, adornado con diez y seis laminas gravadas en conbre.
Barcelona, Narcisa Dorca, 1823. 8vo. 16 full-page engraved plates. Contemporary wrappers. 71 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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First complete edition of the first major Latin publication devoted to falconry: lessons in choosing,
training and caring for hunting birds in about 2780 lines of verse

THOU (THUANUS), Jacques-Auguste de. Hieracosophioy, sive de re accipitraria libri tres.
Paris, Mamert Patisson, Kings Printer "in officina Robert Estienne", 1584. Small 4to (22 x 15 cm). With the late Robert I Estienne's large woodcut device on the title-page. With the poem and Thou's 11-page verse letter to Philippe Huralt in italic type and the preliminaries and some end matter in roman. Half parchment (ca. 1892). [4], 95, [13] pp. Full description
€ 8,000
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Vanderbilt's hippodrome in watercolour

[HORSE RACING TRACK]. [VANDERBILT, William Kissam]. Hippodrome de Carrieres-sous-Poissy, Seine et Oise, appartenant a Mr. Vanderbilt W. K.
Poissy, Ch[arles] Robin, 1903-1904-1911. Large hand-coloured four-sheet plan (90 x 170 cm as assembled). Drawn in pen and ink, graphite and watercolour on paper mounted on canvas. Framed (105 x 205 cm). Full description
€ 45,000
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Fencing in the Sicilian-Neapolitan school

VILLARDITA, Giuseppe. Trattato della scherma Siciliana, ove si mostra di seconda intentione con una linea retta; difendersi di qualsivoglia operatione di resolutione, che operata per ferire à qualunque, ò di punta, ò taglio, che accadesse in accidente di questionarsi. ... Con espressione di tutte le regole: che nascono di seconda operatione.
Palermo, Carlo Adamo, 1673. Small 8vo. Late 19th-century half tanned sheepskin with short-title in gold on spine, "Gustav" chemically marbled sides, shell-marbled endpapers, green ribbon marker. 16, [4] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Second edition of a very popular Dutch conjuring book

WITGEEST, Simon [= Willem GOEREE?]. Het natuurlyk tover-boek, of t nieuw speel-toneel der konsten; verhandelende vijf hondert natuurlijke tover-konsten, so uyt de gogel-tas, als kaaertspelen, mathematische konsten ... Mitsgaders een tractaat van het blanket-werck ... wateren, poederen, en balsemen ... om het aensicht, hals en handen, wit en sagt te maken.
Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1684. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece in 5 compartments showing magic tricks, and 40 small woodcuts illustrating the various magic tricks in the text.Contemporary vellum, title in ink on spine. [8], 512, [24] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Popular Dutch conjuring book

WITGEEST, Simon. Het nieuw vermeerdert natuurlyck tover-boeck of speel-toneel der konsten.
Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn (title-page: sold in Brussels by Emanuel de Grieck), 1715. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece by the artist-engraver [Jacob] Harrewijn, title-page in red and black, many full-page woodcut plates and numerous woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary calf with ornamental flowers on spine. [50], 518 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Later edition of a very popular Dutch conjuring book

WITGEEST, Simon [= Willem GOEREE?]. Het nieuw vermeerdert natuerlyck Tover-Boeck of Speel-Toneel der konsten. Bevattende aenstrent 2000 naturelycke Toover-konsten en potsen, soo uyt de Goochel-tas als kaert-spel en terelingh: van de mathesis, van schryven, inckten, verven, schilderen, vergulden, verlacken, ..., als mede allen slagh van vuurwercken ... Den X. druck.
Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn (sold by Emanuel de Grieck, Brussels), 1715. 8vo. Title-page in red and black, with an engraved frontispiece containing 5 compartments showing tricks by Harrewijn after the frontispieces in the original editions by Jan van Hoorn in Amsterdam, 57 charming woodcuts illustrating the various tricks in the text (7 full-page in the last section on fireworks). Contemporary vellum, blind-tooled with a centrepiece on both sides. [10], 518, [40] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Popular Dutch conjuring book

WITGEEST, Simon. Het nieuw vermeerdert natuerlyk toover-boek of speel-tooneel der konsten. Bevattende omtrent 2000 natuerlyke toover-konsten en poetsen, zoo uyt de guychel tas als kaert-spel en tereling ... dienstig tot heerlyk vermaek.
Antwerpen, Petrus Josephus Rymers, 1781. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece by the artist-engraver [Jacob] Harrewijn and many full-page woodcut illustrations in text, of which 8 are full-page.Contemporary half calf, title in gold on spine. [10] 558, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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