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Horses, Hunting, Sport & Games

Rules and regulations of the Spanish cavalry, with the large and elaborate Spanish royal arms

ARCOS Y MORENO, Joseph de. Real ordenanza de cavalleria del Reyno, con las ilustraciones correspondientes a sus articulos, para le mejor instruccion de los tribunales, y professores ...
Madrid, Antonio Marin, 1757. 8vo. With the full-page woodcut arms of Ferdinand VI, King of Spain, before the half-title, a woodcut headpiece and several tailpieces, decorations built up from typographic ornaments, a decorated woodcut initial (plus 1 repeat) and a crowned A, M and E to represent the three autonomous southern crown lands. Contemporary vellum. [26], 406 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Second edition (1 year after the first, both very rare) of a classic on falconry and hawking by King Henri IV’s falconer

ARCUSSIA, Charles d'. La fauconnerie ... Divisee en trois livres. Avec une briefve instruction pour traitter les autours, sur la fin de l'oeuvre, ...
Paris, Jean Houzé, 1599. 8vo. With Houzé's woodcut device, 6 full-page engravings of birds of prey (12.5 x 8.5 cm) plus 3 (of 5) repeats and all on integral leaves. Red goatskin morocco, signed in the foot of the front turn-in by M[arcel] GODILLOT (active as bookbinder 1938-1975), with wide gold-tooled turn-ins and gold fillets on board edge. 272, [8] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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From the library of the Duke of Orleans

AUBRY, Charles. Histoire pittoresque de l'equitation ancienne et moderne.
Paris, Motte, 1833-1834. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio (55 x 40 cm). With engraved title-page printed in red and black, list of plates, 24 hand-coloured lithographs. Contemporary French red half roan with his stamp at the spine foot, flat spine lettered and tooled in gilt, marbled boards and endpapers (MESLANT). [2], A-Z, [2] ll. including title-page and 24 plates. Full description
€ 18,000
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Important work on Arabian horses, describing a Spanish quest for thoroughbred Percherons

AZPEITIA DE MOROS, Luis. En busca del caballo Árabe. Comisión á Oriente. Turquía, Siria, Mesopotamia, Palestina. Memorias del viaje.
Madrid, Tip. "Sucesores de Rivadeneyra" 1915. Large 8vo. With photographic illustrations printed from halftone relief blocks in the text throughout and a lithographed map showing the sailing route in blue. Original publisher's printed and illustrated paper wrappers. 297, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [2], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,800
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Including the first printing of game boards and rules for a 10th-century dice game

BALDERIC, Bishop of Noyon and Tournai (ed. George COLVENEER). Chronicon Cameracense et Atrebatense, sive historia utrisque ecclesiae, III libris, ab hinc DC sere annis conscripta. Nunc primum in luce edita, & notis illustrata.
Douai, Jean Bogard, 1615. 8vo. With Bogard's engraved device on the title-page, 1 large folding engraved game board, and 2 large folding letterpress rectangular game boards, each with 4 small engravings in the centre and explanatory text on the backs, the same 4 engravings of dice in the text along with 3 small engravings of seals (plus 4 repeats). 17th-century vellum. [40], “607” [= 623], [1 blank], [16] pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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The first book about the game of (soccer) football, dedicated to the Grand Duchess of Tuscany

[BARDI, Giovanni de']. Discorso sopra'l giuoco del calcio Fiorentino. Del Puro Accademico Alterato. Di nuovo ristampato.
Florence, Cosimo Giunti, 1615. 4to. With the woodcut arms of the dedicateeon the title-page, 1 folding engraved plate, 2 woodcut decorated initials and decorations built up from arabesque typographic ornaments. Early limp sheepskin parchment (possibly taken from another book) with manuscript title on the spine. 48 pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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India, Burma and Switzerland drawn and described by an English lieutenant in 67 sketches

BLACKWELL, Thomas Eden. [Sketchbook containing several sketches of India, Burma and Switzerland, with an emphasis on their cultures].
[Various places, ca. 1826-1830]. Oblong 4to. With 66 sketches in pen & ink and pencil, mostly signed by Blackwell, mounted and bound in, with manuscript captions. There is also 1 print (ca. 1795/1800?) drawn by Singey Bey and engraved by Thomas Medland. Half black morocco, black decorated paper sides, gold-tooled ornaments on spine. [70] gray, white and blue album ll., containing 67 sketches and their accompanying manuscript captions and descriptions. Full description
€ 18,000
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