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Art, Architecture & Photography

Whale hunting in the first half of the 18th century

[WHALING]. Seylen in 't ys, en soeken na de walvis. | La navigation dans la glace, et chercher du baleine.| Il veleggiare nel ghiaccio, & cercare del baleno. | Das Seeglen ins Eiß, und suchen des Wallfisches.
Augsburg, Georg Balthasar Probst, [ca. 1745]. Etched print (plate size: 31 x 42 cm) on watermarked laid paper (32 x 45 cm). Full description
€ 700
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Exceptionally rare 17th-century flower book with beautiful engravings

WIDT, Frederick de. Nieuwt[!] Bloem-Boeck.
[Amsterdam], Frederick de Widt[!], [third quarter of the 17th century]. Folio (31 x 20 cm). With 16 full-page, numbered engravings, comprising the title-page and 15 illustrations of flowers. Modern half-vellum with decorative paper sides (gold, sprinkled red, and with green leaf designs), manuscript title on the spine. [16] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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The sculptures of the "Museum Wildianum" in 60 engraved plates, with an attractive double-page view of the library during a visit of Peter the Great - with notable provenance

WILDE, Jacob and Maria de. Signa antiqua e museo Jacobi De Wilde veterum poetarum carminibus illustrata et per Marian filiam aeri inscripta.
Amsterdam, Maria de Wilde, 1700. 4to. With an engraved title-page, an engraved vignette depicting "virtute", 1 large folding plate showing the interior of "Museum Wildianum", a full-page engraved portrait of Maria de Wilde, decorated initials in the text and 60 numbered engraved plates by Maria de Wilde. Contemporary blind-stamped vellum, sewn on 4 supports and laced through the joints, with the manuscript title and author at the head of the spine, red and blue sprinkled edges. [1], [1 blank], [11], [1 blank] pp. and 60 numbered engraved plates. Full description
€ 17,500
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William the Good, Count of Holland sentences the rich bailiff of South-Holland to death
for taking a poor farmers excellent cow

[WILLIAM III, Count of Holland]. [SILLEMANS, Experiens?]. Justitie van Willem de Goede Grave van Holl[and]. etc. over de[n] Bailju van Zuyt-Hollant.
Amsterdam, Hugo Allard the elder, [ca. 1660/80?]. Broadside (40 x 50.5 cm). An engraved print with extensive engraved texts in Dutch, the central scene (33.5 x 30.5 cm) flanked by 6 smaller scenes, with the title above the central scene, 2 verse couplets below each smaller scene and the story in prose in the foot of the engraving. Full description
€ 495
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Commemorating the Orangist revolution of 1747, with the rare continuation

[WILLIAM IV, Prince of Orange]. Haga Comitis illustrata; of het verheelykt en verligt 's Gravenhage: bestaende in eene naeuwkeurige verzameling van ... afbeeldingen, der aldaer te zien en geillumineerd geweest zynde decoratien en zinnebeelden, benevens de verdere vreugde-bedryven en illuminatien, ter geleegenheid der allerheughelykste verkiezinge, proclamatie en installatie van ... Willem Carel Hendrik Friso.
The Hague, Anthoni de Groot and sons, 1751. With title-page printed in red and black with woodcut arms of William IV, first page of the dedication printed in red and black (including a woodcut initial printed in red) with a large engraved armorial headpiece, 2 engravings in text, each showing the front and back of a medallion, and 116 engraved illustrations on 16 leaves.
With: (2) Nette afbeelding en ampele beschryving der eere-poorten, opgerecht by de blyde te rug komst van .... Willem Karel Hendrik Friso ... uyt Zeeland, en deszelfs intreede in 's Gravenhage, op den 6 juny 1747.
The Hague, heirs of Anthoni de Groot, 1766. Title-page with the woodcut arms of William IV, and 37 numbered illustrations on 10 engraved plates. 2 works in 1 volume. 1mo (49 x 38 cm). Contemporary boards, spine lined with cloth. [4], 24; [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Commemorating the Orangist revolution of 1747

[WILLIAM IV, Prince of Orange]. Haga Comitis illustrata; of het verheelykt en verligt 's Gravenhage: bestaende in eene naeuwkeurige verzameling van ... afbeeldingen, der aldaer te zien en geillumineerd geweest zynde decoratien en zinnebeelden, benevens de verdere vreugde-bedryven en illuminatien, ter geleegenheid der allerheughelykste verkiezinge, proclamatie en installatie van ... Willem Carel Hendrik Friso.
The Hague, Anthoni de Groot and sons, 1751. With title-page printed in red and black with woodcut arms of William IV, first page of the dedication printed in red and black (including a woodcut initial printed in red) with a large engraved armorial headpiece, 2 engravings in text, each showing the front and back of a medallion, and 116 engraved illustrations on 16 leaves. Contemporary half calf. [4], 24 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Original edition of the part on the use of metals in architectural buildings of a well-known German manual

WOLFRAM, Ludwig Friedrich. Lehre von den Metallen : insbesondere Lehre vom Roh-, Schmied-Eisen, Stahl, Blei, Zinn, Zink, Kupfer, Messing, Glockengut, den Bronzen u.s.w, ...
Stuttgart, Carl Hoffmann, 1835. 4to. With 20 full-page engraved plates with 181 figures of details by J. Rees and C. Schach of all kind of furnaces, smelting works, rolling mills, flattening hammers, etc., 1 printed folding table and many tables and schedules in text. Contemporary half calf, black decorated paper sides, red morocco spine label with title in gold, red edges. [4], IV, 5-168, [2] pp. Full description
€ 400
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