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Africa / North Africa & Egypt

1752 treaty between the Dutch Republic and the Sultan of Morocco

[MOROCCO - TREATY - STATES GENERAL]. Tractaat van vreede en commercie, geslooten tusschen sijne Majesteit den Keiser van Marocco en de ... Staaten Generaal der Vereen. Nederlanden.Including:[drop-title:] Formulier van het pasport ...
[drop-title:] Translaat van de brief van Muley Abdala, Keiser van Marocco, ...
The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, 1777. Small 4to. With the woodcut arms of the States General on the title-page. Disbound. 26, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Arabic ABC primer

MUHAMMAD ALI UTAY. [Egyptian ABC book].
[Cairo, ca. 1925]. 8vo. Illustrated throughout with numerous black and white illustrations in the text. The title-page with a frame of foliage (oval inside, rectangular outside) and part of its text printed from a woodblock. Further with a portrait of King Fuad I of Egypt and illustrations of animals, etc. Original publishers printed-paper wrappers, matching the title-page but with the frame in green and the text in red. 46, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 950
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A superb set of two lavishly illustrated descriptions of Arabia and the Middle East

NIEBUHR, Carsten. Beschryving van Arabie.
Amsterdam, Steven Jacobus Baalde; Utrecht, Johannes van Schoonhoven & comp. (colophon: printed by Johan Joseph Besseling, Utrecht), 1774. With engraved title-page and 25 engraved plates, including 7 folding showing 1 view of military exercises, 2 Kufic inscriptions (coloured by hand) and 4 maps. The unnumbered map of Yemen (plate size 58.5 x 39 cm) is coloured by hand in outline.
With: (2) NIEBUHR, Carsten. Reize naar Arabië en andere omliggende landen.
Amsterdam, Steven Jacobus Baalde; Utrecht, Johannes van Schoonhoven & comp. (colophons: printed by Johan Joseph Besseling, Utrecht), 1776-1780. With 2 engraved title-pages and 125 engraved plates (38 folding). 2 works in 3 volumes. Large 4to (28.5 x 22.5 cm). Contemporary sprinkled and polished half calf. Untrimmed. [6], XXXXI, [1], 408, [14]; [2], VIII, [6], 484, [2]; [16], 455, [1] pp. Full description
€ 10,000
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First Dutch edition of Niebuhr's detailed and extensively illustrated description of his travels
in Arabia and surrounding regions

NIEBUHR, Carsten. Reize naar Arabië en andere omliggende landen.
Amsterdam, S.J. Baalde; Utrecht, J. van Schoonhoven & Comp. (vol. 1) and Bartholomeus Wild (vol. 2) (colophons: printed in Utrecht by Johan Joseph Besseling), 1776-1780. 2 volumes. 4to (27.5 x 22 cm). With 2 engraved title-pages, each with the same vignette, 35 maps and plans (9 folding and the large map of Yemen coloured by hand in red and green outlines), 21 views (12 folding) and 69 other illustrations (19 folding) of people, sculptures and examples of ancient script, engraved by C. Philips, Th. and C.H. Koning, C.J. de Huyser, C.F. Fritsch, C. Brouwer and others. Half calf, sprinkled paper sides, gold-tooled spine with a red title label with gold lettering. VIII (I and III blank), [6], 484, [2]; [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [12], 455, [1] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Account of the first scientific expedition to the Middle East, Egypt, Persia and India

NIEBUHR, Carsten. Reize naar Arabië en andere omliggende landen.
Amsterdam, S.J. Baalde; Utrecht, J. van Schoonhoven and company (vol. 1) and Bartholomeus Wild (vol. 2) (colophons: Utrecht, printed by J.J. Besseling), 1776-1780. 2 volumes. 4to. With 2 engraved title-pages, each with a vignette, 31 engraved maps and plans and 94 other engraved plates. 19th-century half calf. Untrimmed. VIII, [6], 484, [2]; [16], 455, [1] pp. Full description
€ 6,000
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From India to Egypt, with 19 hand-coloured plates and 2 maps

NOÉ, Louis Pantaléon Jude Amédée, Comte de. Mémoires relatifs a l'expédition Anglaise partie du Bengale en 1800 pour aller combattre en Égypte l'armée d'orient.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale (back of half-title: [Auguste] Nepveu), 1826. 8vo. With 2 folding lithographed maps, partly coloured by hand, and 19 hand-coloured lithographed plates. Contemporary red half morocco, gold-tooled spine, marbled sides. [3], [1 blank], III, [1 bank], 288 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Historical work on the Saracens

OCKLEY, Simon. The conquest of Syria, Persia, and Aegypt, by the Saracens: containing the lives of Abubeker, Omar, and Othman, the immediate successors of Mahomet, giving an account of their most remarkable battles, sieges, &c. ...
London, for R. Knaplock, J. Sprint, R. Smith and J. Round, 1708. 8vo. Contemporary panelled calf with gold-stamped red label to gilt spine, leading edges gilt, red sprinkled edges. XXIV, [4], 391, [1 blank], [19], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Catalogue of a collection of antiquities bought for the Berlin Museum

PASSALACQUA, Giuseppe. Catalogue raisonné et historique des antiquités découvertes en Égypte ... contenant: 1. Le catalogue ... 2. Des notes et observations ... 3. Des notices et dissertationes scientifiques ...
Paris, Galerie dAntiquites Égyptiennes, 1826. 8vo. With 2 folding lithographic plates. Later paper-covered boards, rebacked in cloth. XV, [1], 303, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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