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Excellent, attractively coloured large map of the Ottoman Empire at its height

MOLL, Herman.
The Turkish empire in Europe, Asia and Africa, divided into all its governments, together with the other territories that are tributary to it, as also the dominions of the Emperor of Marocco.
London, Herman Moll, John Bowles, Thomas Bowles & John King, ca. 1730. A large engraved map in two sheets (61 x 101 cm as assembled) at a scale of about 1:7,100,000, with 3 insets containing 6 topographic and architectural views. Coloured.
€ 8,500
Molls large-format map of the Ottoman Empire based on De lIsles 1714 Carte de l'Empire Othoman, both covering the whole of the Mediterranean Sea. The caravan route from Basra to Mecca is also given. Includes inset prospects of Constantinople, Smyrna and Jerusalem, and three views of the Holy Sepulchre. A note engraved in the area of the Arabian desert south of todays United Arab Emirates contains a pointed editorial critique of Ottoman rule in Arabia: "The Turks oppress the Arabians with Tribute, and Govern em with great Cruelty, which has made them several times attempt to throw off their Yoke, but in Vain: Those of Arabia Felix are kept in Awe by ye Turkish Gallies on ye Red Sea; and those of ye other Arabias not being able to subsist in their barren Countries have spread themselves into ye mountanous[!] parts of Syria and ye Desarts[!] of Barbary, Barca &c. where they live by Rapine in the Neighbouring Countries, and plundering Travellers."
Restoration to the folds and some small tears, but otherwise in very good condition. A magnificent, nicely coloured map of the Ottoman Empire. Tibbets 202. Al-Qasimi (2nd ed.) p. 151; IKAR (2 copies).
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