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Science & Technology / Optics & Perspective

Influential course on civil architecture

MILIZIA, Francesco. Principi di architettura civile. Finale, Jacopo de' Rossi, 1781. 3 volumes. 4to. With tables of proportion in text and on a large folding leaf, and 18 architectural measured drawings and perspective and other views of domes, pinnacles, arches, curves and spires on 8 full-page engraved plates, all bound in the third volume.
Contemporary half sprinkled calf, marbled sides, gold-tooled spines with black morroco spine labels, red sprinkled edges.
(2) CIPRIANI, Giovanni Battista. Indice delle figure relative al Principi di architettura civile di Francesco Milizia.
Rome, Nella stamperia Salomoni, si vende da Giov. Pietro, 1800. 8vo. With numerous illustrations on 27 double-page plates, illustrating Milizia's work, showing architectural measured drawings and perspective and other views of buildings and details of buildings, theatres, bridges, gardens, etc., models of ornament and decoration, technical building instruments, building materials, etc. (10 plates for vol. 1, 12 plates for vol. 2, 5 plates for vol. 3). Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with red label, red edges. 480; 515, [1 blank]; 442; 76 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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If all the gunpowder in the world were put in a globe of glass or paper
and set on fire all at once, what would happen?

MYDORGE, Claude. Examen du livre des recreations mathematiques.
Rouen, Charles Osmont, 1643, 8vo. With numerous woodcut illustrations illustrating the problems. Contemporary limp vellum. [1], [1 blank], [5], [1 blank], [7], [1 blank], 280, 63, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [2], 67-106, [43], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,400
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Of one of the most influential seventeenth-century treatises on perspective

NICERON, Jean-François. La perspective curieuse du reverend P. Niceron. Minime divisee en quatre livres. Loptique et la catoptrique du R. P. Mersenne du meseme ordre, mise en lumiere aprés la mort de lautheur. Oeuvre tres-utile aux peintres, architects, sculpteurs graveurs, & à tous autres qui se meslent du dessein.
Paris, Jean du Puis, 1663.
Including: MERSENNE, Marin. L'optique et la catoptrique du reverend Pere Mersenne minime. Novvellement mise en lumiere, aprés lar mort de lautheur. Paris, the widow of F. Langlois, 1651.
2 works in 1 volume. Folio. With a (partially) folded full page engraved portrait of the author as a frontispiece, an engraved title-page, a large woodcut vignette on the title-page, 50 full page engraved plates (including 1 folding), all numbered in a decorative banner in the plate.Contemporary or near contemporary (late 17th or early 18th century) brown calf. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [8], 191, [1]; [1], [1 blank], [10], 134, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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A classic in perspectival literature

POZZO, Andrea. Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum ... | Prospettiva de pittori et architetti ...
Rome, Antonio de Rossi (part 1) and Johannis Jacobi Komarek Bohemi (part 2), 1702 (part 1) and 1700 (part 2). 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. Part 1 with a large woodcut vignette on both title-pages (one in Latin and one in Italian), an engraved architectural frontispiece dated 1693 (behind the title-pages of part 1), a full-page engraved plate with drawing instruments before the preface, and 102 numbered engraved plates with perspectival and architectural plans and illustrations, including a large folding view of Pozzo's "trompe-l'oeil" fresco on the ceiling of the St. Ignazio church in Rome. Part 2 with a large woodcut vignette on both title-pages (one in Latin and one in Italian), an engraved architectural frontispiece by Teodoro Ver Cruys (behind the title-pages of part 2), an introductory allegorical plate, and 118 numbered engraved plates with perspectival and architectural plans and illustrations, and a full-page engraved plate on fresco painting to the added treatise at the end. Contemporary gold-tooled sprinkled (mottled?) calf, sewn on 6 supports with corresponding raised bands on the spine, with a red morocco title-label lettered in gold in the second compartment, the other compartments with detailed gold-tooled decorations. The boards show a double fillet frame in an ornamental frame with ornamental cornerpieces on the outer corners, all within a double fillet frame, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, red sprinkled edges, marbled endpapers. Full description
€ 14,500
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Extensively illustrated manuscript course of practical geometry with more than 350 figures, including perspective, projections, architecture, cartography & sundials

[MANUSCRIPT]. PRÉVOST, M. Cours de géométrie pratique professé par M. Prevost et suivi par C.F. Frenet. Comprenant 1o. La géométrie élémentaire avec ses applications au toisé, au cubage, géodésie, etc. 2o. La géométrie descriptive avec ses applications à la perspective, à la coupe des pierres etc.
[Lyon?, ca. 1825?]. Oblong folio (35 x 45 cm). With a flourished calligraphic title-page signed "[Charles] Esclozas scripsit", and 140 leaves with more than 350 figures in black ink and sometimes pencil, red ink or coloured washes (blue, yellow, red, green and grey), illustrating plain and solid geometry, projections, perspective, architecture, bridges, cartography, globes, sundials, etc., and with text and illustrations in black thick-thin borders. Contemporary green half morocco, spine richly gold-tooled. [1], [1 blank], [97], [1 blank] pp. plus 140 illustration ll. partly numbered in 13 series. Full description
€ 25,000
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How to calculate the time anywhere on earth

PUTEO, Augustino á. Gnomonices biformis ...
Venice, Antonio Bosio, 1679. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With a richly engraved allegorical frontispiece, a woodcut "fides" printer's device on each of the 4 typographical title-pages (for part 1, part 2-1, part 2-2, and parts 3 and 4 together, 73 engraved perspectival illustrations and figures in the text, a large folding plate showing a table and diagram, 183 full-page plates with tables and diagrams, a folding engraved plate and 2 near full-page plates of the globe's declinations. Further with woodcut decorated initials, head- and tailpieces throughout. Contemporary elaborately blind-tooled vellum over wooden boards, sewn on 4 supports with corresponding raised bands on the spine, with a detailed Jesuit "IHS" device as a center-piece on the front board and a similar device with different letters on the back board. Further with brass clasps (1 complete, other only a catchplate) a paper label on the spine with the manuscript title in brown ink and the manuscript title and shelfmark at the head of the fore-edge in brown ink, blind-tooled board edges and turn-ins, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [21], [1 blank], "136" [= 132]; [1], [1 blank], [6], 88; [1], [1 blank], [6], 12, [1 large folding and 183 full-page engraved tables], [1 blank]; 56 pp. Full description
€ 7,000
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Influential book on optics by a noted protégé and collegue of Peter Ramus,
based on the work of Ibn al-Haytham (AlHazen)

RISNER, Friedrich. Opticae libri quatuor ex voto Petri Rami novissimo Fridericum Risnerum per ejusdem in mathematicis adjutorem olim conscripti, ...
Kassel, Wilhelm Wessel (sold by Johann Berner in Frankfurt), 1615. 4to. With numerous optical, astronomical and mathematical woodcut diagrams in text, woodcut headpieces, tailpieces and initials, and headpieces built up from cast fleurons. 18th-century tan calf, gold-tooled double fillets, re-backed in sheepskin. [20], 259, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 19,500
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First edition of an Italian work on physics in the wake of Galileo's trial

ROSSETTI, Donato. Antignome fisico-matematiche con il nuovo orbe, e sistema terrestre.
Livorno, Giovanni Vincenzo Bonfigli, 1667. 4to. With 66 woodcut diagrams and other illustrations in text. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, with 2 fastenings made from loops of braided cord on the front cover but only traces of thongs on the back. XII, 179, [1] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Lavishly illustrated course in the art of baroque architectural drawing and ornamental design

SCHÜBLER, Johann Jakob. Grondige en duydelyke onderwyzing der volkomen kolommen-ordening, zoo als men dezelve in de heedendaagse-boukunst, gewoon is te gebruyken. ...
Including: Het tweede deel van het Grondig onderwys ..., waar in voorgestelt word zes nieuwe geinventeerde portaalen met sierlyke balkons op vrystaande kolommen; ...
Amsterdam, Petrus II Schenk, 1728. 2 volumes bound as 1. Folio (33.5 x 20.5 cm).. With 2 title-pages, each with the same large engraved illustration of an Amsterdam patrician's residence, 2 engraved architectural frontispieces, and 34 illustration plates (I-XVII, I-XVII), al engraved after the author's drawings, mostly by Renz and Montalegre (the second frontispiece by Johann Christoph Weigel). Modern maroon half calf. [6], 16; [4], 22 pp. plus frontispieces and plates. Full description
€ 2,500
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