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Science & Technology / Instruments & Microscopy

Fortification ca. 1645, including 16 fine drawings of barriers, tools and other equipment, with 3 other manuscripts on applied mathematics including many line diagrams and 2 sundials

[FORTIFICATION & APPLIED MATHEMATICS]. [4 manuscripts on fortification building, practical mathematics, navigation, the surveying of land and dikes, and sundials].
[The Netherlands, ca. 1645-ca. 1747]. 4 manuscripts. Folio (binding 38 x 22 cm; leaves 33 x 21 cm). 4 manuscripts (mostly in Dutch, but 1 in Latin and another partly in French) written in brown ink on laid paper in 4 different hands (plus a few later additions), the earliest with 16 skilfully executed illustrations of wooden barricades and tools and equipment for building fortifications, the others illustrated with line diagrams including 2 sundials. Loosely inserted in later limp sheepskin parchment (ca. 1794?). Full description
€ 2,250
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First and only edition of an important manual on the construction of telescopes and microscopes:
the first work by one of Eulers most important students, printed in St. Petersburg

FUSS, Nicolas. Instruction détaillée pour porter les lunettes de toutes les différentes especes au plus haut degré de perfection dont elles sont susceptibles tirée de la théorie dioptrique de Mr. Euler le pere et mise a la portée de tous les ouvriers en ce genre. Avec la description dún microscope qui peut passer pour le plus parfait dans son espèce et qui est propre à produire tous les grossissemens qu'on voudra.
St. Petersburg, Académie Imp. des Sciences, 1774. 4to. With 2 folding engraved plates. Contemporary Russian mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. Rebacked (ca. 1810?). [10], 83, [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 7,500
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Spanish pioneer of the use of the chronometer in navigation and mapping

GALIANO, Dionisio Alcalá. Memoria sobre las observaciones de latitud y longitud en el mar.
[Madrid], widow of Joaquin Ibarra, 1796. Narrow 4to (20.5 x 14 cm). With a woodcut crowned cypher monogram (of a Spanish Duke?) on the title-page and 7 folding leaves containing 13 numbered letterpress tables. Early 19th-century gold-tooled tree calf. [2], 87, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Well-illustrated encyclopaedia of astronomical and surveying instruments from the time of Galileo,
with a world map in two hemispheres, and 3 volvelles

GALLUCCI, Giovanni Paolo. Della fabrica et uso di diversi stromenti di astronomia, et cosmografia, ove si vede la somma della teorica, et pratica di queste due nobilissime scienze.
Venice, Roberto Meietti, 1598. 4to (22 x 16.5 cm). With engraved title-page, folding woodcut plate, 3 woodcut volvelles with moving parts, and numerous woodcut illustrations in text. Including a world map in two hemispheres (incl. America and a scattering of islands at the location of Australia) on two facing pages, they reappear with volvelle attachments on both sides of leaf 149 and leaf 153. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [8], 228 ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Description and illustrations of a sundial with a rotating magnetic needle,
bound in a fragment of an early Acta sanctorum manuscript

GEORGES, Pierre. Horologe magnetique elliptique ou ovale nouveau, de facile usage, et tres-commode, pour trouver les heures du jour & de la nuict, . . .
Toul (Lorraine), Simon Belgrand, G. Perin and I. Laurent, 1660. 8vo. With 8 engraved plates (1-7 numbered) with 46 numbered figures, and a letterpress folding table after page 196. Contemporary parchment made from the lower part of a leaf from a Jesuit manuscript (Acta sanctorum, for 25 July, this part not published until 1729). [12], ''296'' [= 298], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 11,500
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Rare science manual from Venlo

GEUNS, Petrus. Memoire sur les aimans. Ou description succinte de tout ce qui est necessaire pour la construction de toute sorte d'aiman imaginable; le changement de pôles suivant l'axe ou suivant les cotés de la pierre d'aiman. La construction & trempe des aiguilles de boussole. Une mémoire sur l'engrenage pour les horloger & autre artisans. Et pour les amateurs de l'histoire naturelle deux méthodes pour fermer les bocaux contre evaporation de l'esprit de vin.
Venlo, au dépens de l'Auteur, 1768. 8vo. With a folding engraved table and 5 folding engraved plates with technical illustrations and figures. Contemporary calf. XXIV, 143, [7] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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The state of microscopy in the 1850s

HARTING, Pieter. Het mikroskoop, deszelfs gebruik, geschiedenis en tegenwoordige toestand. Een handboek voor natuur- en geneeskundigen.
Utrecht, Van Paddenburg & Comp.; Tiel, Gebr. Campagne, 1848-1854.
With: HARTING, Pieter. De nieuwste verbeteringen van het mikroskoop en zijn gebruik, sedert 1850.
Tiel, H. C. A. Campagne, 1858.
5 volumes bound as 4. 8vo. With 5 folding tables, and 24 folding lithographed, including one plate coloured by hand. Contemporary, gold-tooled red morocco presentation bindings from the Antwerp Botanical Society to its director, Jan Ignatius de Beucker (1827-1906), gold and blind fillets on the boards with the presentation inscription in gold on the front board: "Het Antwerpsch Kruidkundig Genootschap aen zynen achtbaren bestuurder J.J.[!] de Beucker. Oogstmaend 1864", gold-tooled turn-ins, marbled edges and endpapers. X, [2], 415, [1]; IX, [3], 356; XVII, [3], 542; VII, [1], 325, [30]; VIII, 176 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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How to construct sundials, with 21 engraved plates

KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Verhandeling van de sphaerische of klootsche zonne-wysers; namelyk, hoe men op een sphaera convexa, of ronde kloot, allerley zonnewysers meetkonstig beschryven kan.
Leeuwarden, Jacques Alexandre de Chalmot, 1761. 8vo. With 50 figures on 21 folding engraved plates by Jan Caspar Philips. Later half vellum, made from early materials. [10], 244, [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Well-illustrated treatise on sundials, by a Dutch defender of Copernicus

LANSBERGE, Philip van. Horologiographia plana: in qua omne genus sciotericorum horologiorum, quae plano cuilibet inscribi possunt, certis evidentibusq[ue]; . . .
Middelburg, Zacharias Roman, 1663. Small folio (28.5×17.5 cm). With 61 woodcuts in the text (1 repeated on the title-page, illustrating a sundial), many more than half-page, including both sundials and diagrams illustrating how they work. With extensive 19th-century manuscript notes on the back of the title-page. Lacking 2 leaves containing Roman's dedication. Modern paper-covered boards. [2], 53 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Richly illustrated collection of writings on aerial photography and photogrammetry, by a pioneer in the field.

LAUSSEDAT, Aimé. Recherches sur les instruments, le méthodes et le dessin topographiques, ... Tome I. Aperçu historique sur les instruments et les méthodes. La topographie dans tous les temps. Tome II. Première partie: Iconométrie et métrophotogravure. Tome II. Deuxième partie: Développement et progrès de la métrophotographie à l'étranger et en France.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1898-1903. 3 parts in 2 volumes. Large 8vo. With more than 300 illustrations in the text, several photographic, and 47 mostly folding or double-page maps, plans, profiles and plates. Contemporary half sheepskin. XI, [1 blank], 449, [1]; [4], 198; [4], 287, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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