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Science & Technology

Two works of B.G. Sage, following his promotion to associé at the French Academy of Science

SAGE, Balthazar-Georges. Élémens de minéralogie docimastique ... Seconde édition. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1777. With an engraved frontispiece portrait of B.G. Sage by J. Beauvarlet after F.G. Colson and 2 tables (1 folding).
With: (2) SAGE, Balthazar-Georges. Mémoires de chimie. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1778. With 1 folding table. 2 works in 3 volumes (ad. 1 in 2). 8vo. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spines with red and black labels, marbled edges, marbled endpapers. XLVII, [1], 339; [2], 400, XLVI, [2]; VII, 262, XXXVIII pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Treatise on a special medicament against various kinds of poisons,
by the personal physician of Count Johann Ludwig von Nassau

SALA, Angelo. Ternarius Bezoarticorum ou trois souverains medicaments Bezoardiques, contre tous venins et empoisonnements tant externes que internes: corruption de sang, & autres humeurs.
Leiden, Govert Basson, 1616. 4to. With engraved allegorical title-page in architectural setting with Andromachus and King Mithridates flanking the title. Modern vellum. [28], 91, [1] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Stockholm

SANDAHL, Oskar Theodor. Des bains d'air comprimé. Court aperçu de leurs effets physiologiques et thérapeutiques précédé d'une description de l'établissement médico-pneumatique de Stockholm.
Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt & Söner, 1867. 8vo. With 1 double-page lithographed plate and 1 mounted illustration, (possibly an original photograph of a lithograph), 1 illustration in text. Publisher's original grey wrappers with illustration on front wrapper. [8], 60 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Pioneering work on ophthalmology and eye surgery, the first ever published in Portugal, with 3 plates

SANTA ANNA, Joaquim José de. Elementos de cirurgia ocular oferecidos a sua Alteza Real o Senhor D. João Principe do Brazil.
Lisbon, Simão Thaddeo Ferreira, 1793. Small 4to (20.5 x 15 cm). With the woodcut coat-of-arms of Portugal on the title-page and 3 engraved illustration plates, printed on fold-out leaves so that they can be viewed while reading the book. At least the first was drawn by (Henrique José da?) Silva (1772-1834) and engraved by Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz (1768-1845). Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. VIII, 279, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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Cranes, hoists, clocks, water wheels and cannon carriages, with 12 engraved plates

SCALETTA, Carlo Cesare. Scuola mecanico-speculativo-pratica in cui si esamina la proporzione, che ha la potenza alla resistenza del corpo grave; per l'uso civile, e militare utile e necessaria ad ogni matematico, ingegnerio, architetto, machinista, e bombardiere, ... Edizione prima Veneta.
Venice, Antonio Mora, 1745. Folio. With engraved frontispiece and 12 numbered engraved plates with hundreds of figures. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [16], 204 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Treatise on the equinox by the "Light of Leiden University"

SCALIGER, Josephus Justus. De aequinoctiorum anticipatione diatriba. Nunc primum edita.
Paris, Jérôme Drouart, 1613. 4to. With 5 woodcuts with astronomical diagrams in the text, a woodcut headpiece (pus 1 repeat) and 2 woodcut decorated initials (2 different series, the larger containing a portrait of an astronomer). Contemporary flexible sheepskin parchment, [8], 96 pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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With 42 emblems revolving around the human body and body parts

SCARLATINI, Ottavio. Homo et eius partes figuratus & symbolicus, anatomicus, rationalis, moralis, mysticus, politicus, & legalis, collectus et explicatus cum figuris.
Augsburg & Dillingen, Johann Caspar Bencard, 1695. 2 volumes bound as 1. Large folio (37 x 23 cm). With a finely engraved emblematic frontispiece by the Augsburg engraver Leonhard Heckenauer (1655-1704), 2 title-pages with the same large engraved brooding chicken emblem and 42 engraved emblems in decorative cartouches in the text (plate size mostly 14 x 13 cm, but that on p. 232 of vol. 1 3.5 x 8.5 cm) perhaps also by Heckenauer. Contemporary vellum. [52], 342, [44]; [28], 249, [29] pp. including the frontispiece. Full description
€ 7,500
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Dutch translation of Griffiths's classic manual on shipbuilding, with 69 white on black lithographed plates

SCHOKKER, H.W. [and John W. GRIFFITHS]. Handboek voor de kennis van den scheepsbouw, voornamelijk met het oog op het Amerikaansche stelsel, naar de geschriften van John W. Griffiths en andere bronnen, ... Met eenen atlas van 60 [=69] platen.
Amsterdam, Kraay brothers, 1861. 2 volumes. Large 4to (32 x 25 cm). With a chromolithographed view of the ship Nightingale as frontispiece, 2 folding tables, and 8 white on black lithographed illustrations and numerous tables in text. Further with 69 white on black lithographed plates (numbered as 60: I-LX) in the atlas volume, lithographed by Emrik & Binger, Haarlem. Contemporary half morocco, gold-tooled spine. XI, [1 blank], 805, [1 blank] pp. text Full description
€ 850
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