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Science & Technology

The state of microscopy in the 1850s

HARTING, Pieter. Het mikroskoop, deszelfs gebruik, geschiedenis en tegenwoordige toestand. Een handboek voor natuur- en geneeskundigen.
Utrecht, Van Paddenburg & Comp.; Tiel, Gebr. Campagne, 1848-1854.
With: HARTING, Pieter. De nieuwste verbeteringen van het mikroskoop en zijn gebruik, sedert 1850.
Tiel, H. C. A. Campagne, 1858.
5 volumes bound as 4. 8vo. With 5 folding tables, and 24 folding lithographed, including one plate coloured by hand. Contemporary, gold-tooled red morocco presentation bindings from the Antwerp Botanical Society to its director, Jan Ignatius de Beucker (1827-1906), gold and blind fillets on the boards with the presentation inscription in gold on the front board: "Het Antwerpsch Kruidkundig Genootschap aen zynen achtbaren bestuurder J.J.[!] de Beucker. Oogstmaend 1864", gold-tooled turn-ins, marbled edges and endpapers. X, [2], 415, [1]; IX, [3], 356; XVII, [3], 542; VII, [1], 325, [30]; VIII, 176 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Much cited work on geology, with more than 500 illustrations

HAUG, Émile. Traité de géologie.
Paris, Armand Colin, 1908-1911. 2 parts in 3 volumes. Large 8vo. With 135 plates with half-tone reproductions of photographs (some with 2 photographs) and 485 illustration figures (some in the text, some full-page and including several folding maps). Contemporary half brown morocco, top edges gilt. [2], 538; [6], 539-1152; [4], 1153-2024 pp. Full description
€ 300
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Introducing the Dutch standard method of calculating latitude in the 19th century

HAZEWINKEL, Abraham Cornelis. Handleiding om op verschillende wijzen de breedte buiten den middag of meridiaan te vinden, door waarnemingen aan de zon of starren.
Groningen, R.J. Schierbeek, 1827. 8vo. With a lithographed folding plate and numerous letterpress tables (numbered I-VI, but some spread over several pages). Contemporary boards, covered with red sprinkled paper, rebacked with brown paper tape. 10, [2], [42], 66 pp., 3, [1] ll. Full description
€ 850
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Guide to the Dutch standard method of calculating latitude in the 19th century

HAZEWINKEL, Abraham Cornelis. Handleiding om op verschillende wijzen de breedte buiten den middag of meridiaan te vinden, door waarnemingen aan de zon of sterren; ... Tweede druk.
Amsterdam, widow of Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1839. 8vo. With a lithographed plate and several letterpress tables. Contemporary boards. [4], 53, [3 blank], 31, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Two Elzevier editions of important works on medicine and chemistry

HELMONT, Johannes Baptista van. Ortus medicinae.
Amsterdam, Lowijs Elzevier, 1648. With engraved portrait of Helmont and his son Franciscus Mercurius, surrounded by eight coat of arms of related families.
With: (2) HELMONT, Johannes Baptista van. Opuscula medica inaudita. Amsterdam, Lowijs Elzevier, 1648. 4to. 2 works in 1 volume. Contemporary calf, both sides elaborately blind-tooled. [36], 800; [8], 110; 115, [1]; 88 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Preparing black, coloured and metallic inks, etching marble and metal, etc., 2nd copy located of 1660 edition

HELMREICH, Andreas. Kunstbüchlein. Wie man auff Marmelstein, Kupffer, Messing, Zihn, Stahl, Eisen, Harnisch und Waffen, &c. etzen, und künstlich vergülden soll. Mit vorgehendem Bericht, wie man Dinten, Dintenpulver, Prisilgen, und alle Metallfarben zum schreiben. Mancherley Farben, Pergament, Federn zu färben. Alle Metallen aus der Federn zu schreiben, Gold und Silber, Fundamentlein und Goldwasser auff allerley Ballerey, und dergleichen mehr, machen und temperieren soll. Zu Dienst und Ehren allen Schreibern, auch den unerfahrnen der Etzkunst, zusammen gebracht. ... Von neuen übersehen, gemehret, und corrigirt, und in Druck gebracht.
[Leipzig?], 1660. Small 8vo (14.5 x 8.5 cm). Title-page printed in red and black. Later marbled wrappers. [92], [4 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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On the relation between plants and minerals

HENCKEL (HENKEL), Johann Friedrich. Flora saturnizans, die Verwandtschafft des Pflanzen mit dem Mineral-Reich, nach der Natural-Historie und Chymie aus vielen Anmerckungen und Proben ...
Leipzig, Johann Christian Martini, 1722. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece showing a mining operation, and 9 engraved plates. 18th-century vellum. [10], 671, [17] pp. Full description
€ 2,800
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Extremely rare first edition of a paleontological work on the fossil remains of an elk found in Maslów (Poland)

HERMANN, Leonard David. Relatio historico-antiquaria de sceleto seu ossibus alcis maslae detectis. Das ist: historischer Bericht aus der Antiquitaet von einem Elends-Thier-Körper oder Knochen ...
Hirschberg, Dietrich Krahn, 1729. 4to. With 1 full-page engraved plate showing in the upper part a reconstructed image of the elk and below some of its bones, antlers and other fossil remains. 19th-century red-pink decorated paper over stiff paperboards, new endpapers. [14] ll. Full description
€ 3,750
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