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Religion & Devotion / Church History & Missions

Two accounts of the Far East and the Malabar region in India

CARDIM, Antonio Francesco. Relation de la province du Japon.
Including: BARRETTO, Francesco. Relation des missions de la province de Malabar, de la comp: de Jesus.
Tournay, Adrien Quinqué, 1645. Small 8vo (14.5×9 cm). Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, later endpapers. [10], 308 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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10 etched plates after drawings by a pupil of Rembrandt

CAYLUS, Anne Claude Philippe Comte de. Histoire de Joseph, accompagnée de dix figures, rélatives aux principaux evenemens de la fils de ce fils du patriarche Jacob, et gravées sur les modèles du fameux Reimbrandt.
Amsterdam, Jean Neaulme, 1757. Folio. With title-page printed in red and black, and 10 full-page etched plates. Contemporary boards. [26] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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First edition of a rare work about the Orient and the crusades

CENTENO, Amaro. Historia de cosas del oriente primera y segunda parte...
Cordoba, Diego Galván, 1595. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With a woodcut coat of arms on the title-page and the divisional title-page for part 2, an elaborate Jesuit woodcut IHS vignette on the verso of the last leaf above the colophon and woodcut initials throughout, with a few typographical or woodcut tail-pieces, al text is set within a simple woodcut frame. Later tree marbled sheepskin. [8], 138, [4] ll. Full description
€ 28,000
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Rare portrayal of the socio-religious landscape of late 19th-century Calcutta, by a Christian missionary

CESARY, Reverend C. Indian gods, sages, and cities.
Calcutta, printed at the Catholic orphan press, 1881. 8vo. With ornamental tail-pieces at the end of every chapter. Contemporary burgundy blind-stamped cloth with the title in gold on the front board. X, 189, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 400
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Emblematic view of the Eucharist

CHESNEAU, Augustin. Orpheus Eucharisticus ... Tomus primus [all published].
Paris, Florentin Lambert, 1657. 8vo. With an engraved title-page, a typographical title-page with a small woodcut ornament, 101 engraved emblems by Albert Flamen in the text (1 unnumbered on page 5, 100 numbered I-C), further with woodcut initials and woodcut tail-pieces. Late 17th- or early 18th-century gold-tooled red morocco. 699, [33] pp. Full description
€ 19,500
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Paris manual for priests, by the Bishop of Condom with Clichtove’s work on the priesthood, inaugurating Parisian Renaissance typography: two Paris first editions (1519) bound for a relative of Clichtove’s editor

CLICHTOVE, Josse (Judocus CLICHTOVEUS). De vita et moribus sacerdotum, opusculum: singularem eoru[m] dignitatem oste[n]dens, & quibus ornati esse debea[n]t virtutibus: explanans.
Paris, Henri Estienne I, 1519 (colophon: 4 August). With woodcut title-page with the letterpress title and imprint in the central opening; further with about 21 woodcut initials (4 series, mostly criblé) plus about 4 repeats.
With: (2) MARRE, Jean. Enchiridio[n] sacerdotale concinnatu[m] ad salutarem eruditionem Christifideliu[m] ab lo[n]ge revere[n]do in Christo patre d[omi]no Ioanne Mare Co[n]domien[sis]. episcopo. In quo haec sunt capita. ...
[Paris], (colophon: Jodocus Badius Ascensius, 25 November 1519). With numerous woodcut decorated initials (4 series, the largest 45-47 mm. criblé initials). 2 works in 1 volume. 4to (20 x 14 cm). 16th-century blind- and gold-tooled calf, each board in a panel design, with the owner's name "D. Ioa[n]mes[!] Lassere" on the front and motto "memento mortis" on the back, the motto and fleurs-de-lis on the back in gold. 75, [1 blank]; “LXI” [= LXXI], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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A late call for a crusade

COPPIN, R.P. Jean. Relation des voyages faits dans la Turquie, la Thebaïde, et la Barbarie. Contenant des avis politiques qui peuvent servir de lumières aux Rois & aux Souverains de la Chrétienté, pour garentir leurs etats des incursions des Turcs, & reprendre ceux qu'ils ont usurpé sur eux.
Lyon, les frères Bruyset, 1720. 4to. Vignette on title-page, interesting woodcut head- and tailpieces showing fruits and flowers, and 4 plates visualising the position of soldiers, divisions, army and artillery. Contemporary brown calf, gold-tooled spine in 6 compartments, red morocco label, lettered in gold. [6], 496, [6] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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History of Goa, printed there

COTTINEAU DE KLOGUEN, Denis Louis and Miguel Vicente d'ABREU (translator). Bosquejo historico de Goa escripto em inglez ... vertibo em Portuguez, e accrescentabo com algumas notas, e rectificações ...
Nova-Goa, Imprensa Nacional, 1858. 8vo. With a small illustration of one of the gates of Goa. Later half red morocco. VII, [1 blank] 5-"202" [=203], [1] pp. Full description
€ 950
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181 books found / Show all