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Reaching Christian truth by studying nature; the final edition of Montaigne's translation

SABUNDE (SEBONDE), Raymond of and Michel de MONTAIGNE (translator). La theologie naturelle ... traduite en François ...
Rouen, Jean de la Mare, 1641. 8vo. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [1], [1 blank], [13], [1 blank], 891, [49] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Rare early Rouen edition of La Salle's Christian courtesy, in civilité type

SALLE, Jean Baptiste de la. Les règles de la bien-seance et de la civilité Chretienne. Divisées en deux parties. Pour l'instruction de la jeunesse.
Rouen, François Oursel, 1729. 8vo. With ornamental woodcut on title-page and some woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces. Main text in civilité type. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine with red label, red sprinkled edges. [16], 240 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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The "Mirror of human life", printed at Rome in 1473, with contemporary marginal manuscript notes:
set in one of the first roman printing types ever produced

SÁNCHEZ DE ARÉVALO, Rodrigo (Rodericus SANCIUS or ZAMORENSIS). Speculum vit[a]e human[a]e.
Rome, Joannes Philippus de Lignamine, 31 July 1473. Small folio (26.5 x 20 cm). With spaces left for 2 large (6-line) and about 80 small (3-line) initials. Text block 19.5 x 11.5 mm with 31 lines per page. Set in a single roman type throughout (Lignamine 125R). Limp sheepskin parchment (ca. 1740/50). [163] ll. Full description
€ 22,500
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Illustrated description of the Duchy of Brabant with a Counter-Reformation programme

SANDERUS, Antoine. Chorographia sacra Brabantiae sive celebrium aliquot in ea provincia ecclesiarum et coenobiorum description, ...
Brussels, Philips Vleugaert, 1658-1660. 24 parts in 1 volume. Folio (43.5 x 28 cm). With 26 double-page engraved plates, 2 engraved portraits (the author's portrait in facsimile), 12 engravings on 6 leaves, a full-page engraving, and 10 engravings in text. Most of these are views of churches, castles and abbeys with their gardens, and many by Lucas Vorsterman the Younger. Further with engraved illustrations on 23 (of the 24) title-pages, mostly portraits of saints or coat of arms. 19th-century blind-tooled, tanned sheepskin. Full description
€ 3,500
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Comparing the calendars of the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Jews and others

SCALIGER, Joseph Justus. Opus de emendatione temporum: hac postrema ed., ex auctoris ipsius ms., emend., magnáque acces. auctius. Add. veterum Graecorum fragmenta selecta.
Including: Computus Arabicus ecclesiae Antiochenae.
Geneva, Pierre de la Rovière, 1629. Folio. With title-page printed in red and black and with woodcut printer's device and several woodcut initials. Set in roman and italic types with long passages set in Greek, Arabic and Hebrew and shorter passages in Syriac. The long passages in Samaritan and Ethiopic, printed from meticulous woodblocks. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [9], [1 blank], LII, [4], 784, [46], [2 blank], 59, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Four rare post-incunables in defence of the Catholic faith, printed in Antwerp

SCHENCK DE TAUTENBURCH, Fredericus. Enchiridion veri praesulis secundum apostolicam traditionem.
Antwerp, Michiel Hillen van Hoochstraten, 1526
(2) ISIDORUS Hispalensis. De officiis ecclesiasticis libri duo ante annos D. CCCC. ab eo aediti, & nunc ex vetusto codice in lucem restituti.
Antwerp, Johannes Graphaeus for Johannes Steelsius, 1534.
(3) WICELIUS, Georgius. Loci ex sacris literis de bonis operibus.Ad haec praeconium Evangelicae gratiae. Theies aliquot. Praecatio pro ecclesia. Matth. v. Quisquis fecerit & docuerit, hic magnus vocabitur in regno coelorum.
Antwerp, Johannes Graphaeus for Johannes Steelsius, 1534.
(4) AMBROSIUS. De his qui mysteriis initiantur, cum nonnullis aliis hac tempestate scitu dignissimis. Claruit sub Theodosio imperatore clementissimo. Anno domini CCCLXXX.
Antwerp, printed by Johannes Graphaeus for Johannes Steelsius, 1534. 4 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With the title-page of Enchiridion within a fine woodcut border, with the portrait of Virgilius Maro, and several decorated woodcut initial letters. 19th-century half calf. [48]; 72; [52]; [27], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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Illustrated account of Antwerp at the start of the 17th century

SCRIBANI, Charles. Antverpia.
Including: [SCHONDONCK, Gilles]. Hê prôtogeneia kai epistrephomonê tychê tês Anbersês.
Antwerp, Jan Moretus I, 1610. With an engraved printer's device on title-page and a woodcut printer's device on the otherwise blank page following the main part.
With: (2) SCRIBANI, Charles. Origines Antverpiensium.
Antwerp, Jan Moretus I, 1610. With an engraved printer's device on title-page, woodcut printer's device on the otherwise blank last page, folding engraved map of Antwerp and 6 double-page engraved plates. 2 works in 1 volume; 1st work in 2 parts. 4to. Contemporary vellum. [8], 146, [1], [1 blank]; 1-24; 1-172, [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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First edition of a famous collection of nearly 200 sermons: the earliest dated book printed in Zwolle
and a rare early experiment labelling double-page openings, this copy in an unrecorded variant

[SERVASANCTUS DE FAENZA and others] (spuriously attributed to Saint BONAVENTURA). [Sermones de tempore et de sanctis].
(Colophon: Zwolle, [Johannes de Vollenhoe], 1479). Small (Chancery) folio (27.5 x 20.5 cm). With one 5-line and hundreds of 2- and 3-line spaces left for initials, filled in with manuscript "Lombardic" capitals in red; manuscript paragraph marks in red; and capitals rubricated throughout. Set entirely in a single textura gothic type (103 mm/20 lines) in 2 columns of 39 lines to the page. Early 18th-century tanned sheepskin. [1 blank], [340] ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Rare first and only edition of an important account of the Christian missions, by an Augustinian in Mexico

SICARDO, José (Joseph). Christiandad del Japon, y dilatada persecucion que padecio. Memorias sacras, de los martyres de las ilustres religiones de Santo Domingo, San Francisco, Compañia de Jesus; ...
Madrid, Francisco Sanz, 1698. Folio (31 x 22 cm). With the title in a frame of vine-leaf ornaments and 2 woodcut armorial headpieces plus 1 repeat. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, later lettered spine-title. [16], 448 [= 450], [13], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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First and only edition of a Catholic devotional work with nearly 700 Van Sichem woodcuts

SICHEM, Christoffel II van. 't Schat der zielen, dat is: Het geheele leven ons Heeren Jesu Christi naer de vyer Evangelisten. Naer vervolgh des tijdts by een ghevoeght, in seven stucken verdeelt. Met seer schoon figuren verciert, gesneden door C. van Sichem, voor P. J. P[aets].
Amsterdam, Pieter J[acobsz]. P[aets], 1648. With 686 woodcuts, many full-page, by Christoph van Sichem (many with his monogram), after his own designs and after drawings and paintings by Aldegrever, Goltzius, Dürer, Bloemaert, the Wierix brothers, Lucas van Leyden, Maarten van Heemskerck, Joannes Stradanus, etc. 17th-century vellum, manuscript title on smooth spine. 800, [4] pp. Full description
€ 8,000
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