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First Hawaiian language Bible published in a single volume

[BIBLE – HAWAIIAN]. Ka Palapala Hemolele a Iehova ko kakou Akua. O Ke Kauoha Kahiko A Me Ke Kauoha Hou i unuhiia mailoko mai o na olelo kahiko ...Including: Ke kauoha hou a ko kakou haku e ola'i a Iesu Kristo oia ka olelo hemolele no ke ola, a na lunaolelo i kakau ai.
Oahu and Honolulu, American Bible Society, 1843. Large 8vo (24 x 14 cm). Later half calf. 1451, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,950
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Smallest edition of the Sixtine Latin vulgate bible, printed by the Plantin-Moretus office in Antwerp,
beautifully bound for the Bishop of Evreux ca. 1700 in 9 gold-tooled morocco volumes

[BIBLE - LATIN - VULGATE]. Biblia Sacra vulgatae editionis Sixti Quinti Pont. Max. jussu recognita atque edita.
Including: Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum, vulgatae editiones, Sixti V. Pont, Max jussu recognitum atque edititum.
Antwerp, "Officina Plantiniana" [= Balthasar I Moretus, grandson of Christoffel Plantin], 1629. 7 volumes bound as 9 (Old Testament I-VII & New Testament I-II). 24mo in 8s (11.5 x 7 cm). With a richly engraved general title-page, 6 volume title-pages (each with the same Plantin-Moretus woodcut compasses device), a smaller woodcut compasses device plus 3 (of 4) repeats (2 appear on the back of the colophon; each of the others on an otherwise blank leaf), woodcut tailpieces, woodcut decorated initials. Set in roman and italic types. The present copy with 3 extra letterpress divisional title-pages, perhaps specially printed for this copy when it was bound. Uniform gold-tooled goatskin morocco (ca. 1700), sewn on 4 supports, richly gold-tooled spines, gold-tooled turn-ins and board edges. Seven volumes with the ca. 1711 engraved armorial bookplate of Jean Le Normand (1662-1733), Bishop of Evreau, and probably bound for him (his bookplate probably removed from volumes II and III as bound). 574; [2], 575-729, [2], [5 blank]; “637” [= 635], [1], [1 blank], [4 blank] (in place of [1], [3 blank]); 192; 479, [1 blank]; 861, [2], [1 blank]; 128, [186], [6 blank]; 336, [2], 337-758, [2], [8 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Beautifully bound mid-17th-century "Visscher edition" of the Dutch Luther Bible with expertly hand-coloured and highlighted in gold illustrations

[BIBLE - LUTHER - DUTCH]. VISSCHER, Adolf (translator). Biblia, dat is, de gantsche H. Schrifture vervattende alle de boecken des Ouden ende Nieuwen Testaments.
(2) De Propheten.
(3) De Apocryphe boecken: dat zijn boecken die der heylige schrifture niet en worden gelijck gehouden ende nochtans nut ende goet zijn om te lezen.
Amsterdam, Rieuwert Dircksz. van Baardt (and his widow), printed on the presses of Lodewijk III Elsevier in Amsterdam, [1648]. 4 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With a full-page portrait of Martin Luther as a frontispiece, an engraved general title-page, a full-page portrait of Adolf Visscher, 6 folding double-page engraved maps, 6 double-page engraved plates showing a total of 96 biblical scenes (16 scenes per plate) printed by Frederick de Witt, and an elaborate engraved tail-piece. With three divisional typographical title-pages for the prophets, Biblical apocrypha and the New Testament, including Van Baardt's detailed woodcut vignette, decorated woodcut initials (at least 3 series) and ornamental woodcut tail-pieces.
Contemporary richly blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, with large brass clasps, catch plates and corner-pieces on both boards, red edges. [18], 278; 112; 70; 132 ll. Full description
€ 42,500
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Monumental and seminal critical edition of the Greek New Testament (1550) with all woodcut devices, headpieces and initials coloured, including much gold and silver and extensive additional colour decorations in a rococo style

[BIBLE - NEW TESTAMENT - GREEK]. ESTIENNE, Robert, editor. Tῆò Káéíῆò ÄéáèÞêçò ἅπáíôá [Tes Kaines Diathekes Apanta] = Novum Jesu Christi D.N. Testamentum Ex Bibliotheca Regia.
Paris, Robert Estienne, King's printer, 1550. Folio (35 x 24 cm). With a Greek and Latin title-page including Estiennes woodcut basilisk device as Kings printer (and 1 repeat), his woodcut olive tree device on the otherwise blank last page (N6v), 3 single-piece decorated architectural frames with putti, etc. (plus 3 repeats) for the tables of the Eusebian canons for the Gospels, 9 woodcut headpieces and 21 decorated woodcut initial letters (plus numerous repeats). Set almost entirely in the three sizes of Claude Garamonts famous Greek printing types, known as the Grecs du Roi, and the first use of the largest size. The present copy has been richly decorated, probably around the time it was bound, not just by colouring Estiennes woodcut devices (the basilisk in gold), decorative frames, headpieces and initials, but also by adding extensive decorations in rococo style, the whole using a large number of mostly bright colours plus gold and silver. Gold-tooled black sheepskin, the gold-tooled spine with the title, publisher and date in the 2nd and 6th of 7 compartments in roman capitals, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, gilt and richly gauffered edges, Dutch combed and curled endpapers. [32], “272” [= 268], 202, [2] pp. Full description
€ 95,000
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Latin New Testament printed by Plantin, in an attractive binding with elaborately gauffered edges

[BIBLE - NEW TESTAMENT - LATIN]. Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum.
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1564[-1565].
With: (2) [INDEX]. Hebraea, Chaldaea, Graeca, et Latina nomina virorum, mulierum, populorum, idolorum, urbium, fluviorum, montiu[m], caeterorumq.; locorum quae in Bebliis sparsa leguntur ... cum Latina interpretatione: additis etiam Bibliorum locis in quibus ita scripta legu[n]tur: qua in re interpretationem quae in Bibliis Compluti excusis erat ....
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1565. With Hebrew and Greek types.
2 works in 1 volume, the 1st in 2 parts. 16mo (11.2 x 7.2 cm). Contemporary blind- and gold-tooled calf. 316, [68]; [111] [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 2,950
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Pocket-sized Hebrew bible printed by Raphelengius in Leiden

[BIBLE - OLD TESTAMENT - HEBREW]. Hamisah humse Torah ... Nevi'im rishonim ... Nevi'im aharonium ... Sefer Ketuvim ...
Leiden, Franciscus II Raphelengius, [5]370 [= 1610]. 4 volumes bound as 1. 24mo in 8s (11 x 6 cm). Set in sephardic meruba Hebrew types (unpointed), with the imprints in semi-cursive (rabbinical) but the place of publication in meruba. Gold-tooled mottled calf (ca. 1720?). 264; 227, [1 blank]; 238, [2 blank]; 287, [1 blank] pp., vols. 1-2 with arabic numerals, 3-4 with Hebrew. Full description
€ 8,500
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18th-century Dutch New Testament in an Amsterdam VOC binding,
presented by family to a young Dutch widow bound for America

[BIBLE - PRAYERBOOK - DUTCH]. Het nieuwe testament ofte alle boeken des nieuwen verbonds onses heeren Jesu Christi.
Amsterdam, "in Compagnie", 1746.
(2) [PSALMS]. Het boek der psalmen, nevens de gezangen bij de hervormde kerk van Nederland in gebruik ...
Including: [CATECHISM]. Catechismus, ofte onderwysinge in de christelyke leere, ...
Amsterdam, heirs of Hendrik van der Putte, 1788.
2 works in 1 volume, the second in 2 parts. 4to. Ad 1 with an engraved title-page (within collation), woodcut decorated initials (2 series) and woodcut ornamental tailpieces; ad 2 part 1 with an engraved title-page (of the 1774 edition, outside of collation) and the publisher's woodcut device on the typographical title-page, printed musical notations for the psalms and songs, and one woodcut decorated initial; ad 2 part 2 with its own divisional typographical title-page showing an ornamental woodcut vignette and a floral woodcut tailpiece. The text is mainly set in Gothic type, with some incidental Roman type. Contemporary elaborately blind-tooled calf with the gold-tooled A VOC (the Amsterdam Chamber of the VOC) monogram on the front board, with two decorated brass clasps. [4], 312; [8], [276] ll., 71, [1] pp. Full description
€ 7,950
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Bishop Pierre-Daniel Huet's psalmbook with his annotations

[BIBLE - PSALMBOOK]. PSALTERION. Prophetou kai Basileoos tou David [in Greek type] - Davidis Regis ac Prophetae Psalmorum Liber. Ad exemplar Complutense.
Antwerp, Christopher Plantin, 1584. 16mo (11,8 x 8 cm). With woodcut printer's device on the title-page, text is partially printed in Greek. Late seventeenth-century dark brown calf, with gold-stamped coat of arms of Pierre-Daniel Huet on both covers and gold-tooled dubbel-lined borders on covers and spine, (remnants of) red speckled edges. 267, [13] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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