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Religion & Devotion

Extremely rare Dutch translation of one of the most frequently printed works
on demonology by Ludwig Lavater

LAVATER, Ludwig and Sibrandus VOMELIUS (translator). Een boeck vande spoocken ofte nacht-gheesten ...
Amsterdam, Jan Evertsz. Cloppenburgh, 1610. 8vo. With an oval woodcut vignette on the title page, a large 8-line woodcut decorated initial at the start of the preface and smaller woodcut decorated initials throughout. Contemporary vellum, sewn on three tapes laced through the joints, with the manuscript title and a precious shelfmark(?) in brown ink on the spine, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [14], 287, [1 blank], [8] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Beautiful prints of early Christian hermits living in the desert

LEU, Thomas de (or de LEEUW) [drawn by Marten de VOS]. [engraved title:] Solitudo sive vitae patrum eremicolarum per antiquissimu[m] Patrem D. Hieronimu[m] eorundem primarium olim conscripta iam vero primum aeneis laminis. 1606. Thomas de Leu. excudit.
[Paris], Thomas de Leu, 1606. Small oblong folio (19 x 25.5 cm). With an engraved allegorical title-page including a 2-line quotation from Hebrews 11:37-38, and 29 engraved prints (plate size ca. 15 x 19 cm: mostly numbered, but a few unnumbered or irregularly numbered) illustrating the lives of the early Christian hermits living in the desert, 7 signed by Thomas de Leu as printer-publisher, in 2 cases accompanied by the monogram "NB" (the engraver Nicolaes de Bruyn). Gold-tooled blue goatskin morocco (ca. 1890?) by Bernard David (or his son Salvador David) in Paris (signed with a stamp - in sans-serif capitals - in the corner of the first free endleaf "DAVID"). [1], 29 engraved ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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Predicting the future: copy from the Broxbourne Library of the rare 1511 edition
of one of the most important prophetic astrologies of the 15th and 16th century

LICHTENBERGER, Johannes. Pronosticatio in latino rare & prius non audita: quae exponit & declarat nonnullos coeli ifluxus: & i[n]clinatione[m] certaru[m] constellationu[m] magne videlicet co[n]iunctionis & eclipsis: quae suera[n]t istis annis: quid boi maliue hoc tempore & in futuru[m] huic mu[n]do porte[n]dant: durabitq[uam] pluribus annis.
[colophon:] Venice, [Niccolò & Domenico dal Gesù = Nicolo & Domenico Sandri dal Jesus], 23 August [1511?]. 4to. With the large Dal Jesus white-on-black woodcut device, 45 half-page or nearly full-page woodcuts in the text, most with letterpress captions above or below, the first showing Ptolemy, Aristotle, the Sibyl, Birgitta of Sweden and Brother Reinhart receiving divine inspiration, with an explanation on the facing page in a 4-piece ornamental floral woodcut frame. Modern half red morocco. 39, [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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The Jesuits in India and China: adapting to local practice

LUCINO, Luigi Maria. Esame, e difesa del decreto publicato in pudisceri da monsignor Carlo Tommaso di Tournonpatriarcha d'Antiochia, commissario, e visitatore apostolico, con Podesta do legato a letere delle Indie Orientali, Impero della Cina, e Isole adjacenti. Di poi Cardinale della S. R. Chiesa.
Rome, nella stamperis Vaticana, 1729. 4to. With with the title-page printed in red and black, showing an engraved printer's device, engraved initials and head- and tail-pieces, 3 full-page and one folding engraving, with the second and third coloured by hand. Contemporary parchment, spine lettered in gold, blue edges. LXIII, 492, [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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Extremely rare work by Jan Luykens father on profit without loss, here for the first time including the second part

LUYKEN, Caspar. Onfeylbare regel van winste sonder verlies... Hier is noch achter gevoeght De wissel-banck, geopent door den selven autheur. De derde druck.
Amsterdam, Christoffel Luycken, 1663. 2 parts in 1 volume. 12mo. With small woodcut vignette on 2 title-pages. Contemporary vellum with manuscript title on spine, red speckled edges. 212; 52 pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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A great compendium of canon law, finely printed in Antwerp for the English market

LYNDWOOD, William. Provinciale seu constitutiones Anglie: cum summarijs, atque justis annotationibus, politissimis caracteribus, summaque accuratione rursum reuise, atque impresse.
Including: BADIUS, Jodocus (Josse BADE). Tabula indices.
London, Franciscus Bryckman (colophon: Antwerp, printed by Christoffel van Ruremund, 20 December 1525). 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With two title-pages, each in a woodcut border. The first shows above heaven with the holy trinity surrounded by the heavenly population, and below the world with the pope and the king kneeling before the church, surrounded by the clergy; on the second title-page the coat of arms of England, a Tudor rose with the "IHS" and Saint George and the dragon. Printed in black and red throughout. Contemporary calf in modern slipcase. CCLV [= CCLVJ], [28] ll. Full description
€ 7,000
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Standard work on Hindu and Muslim law

MACNAGHTEN, William Hay (Girish Chandra TARKALANKAR, ed.). Principles of Hindu and Mahomedan law.
Calcutta, Sreenauth Banerjee and brothers (back of the title-page: printed by B.M. Sen, "Tomohur" Press, Serampore), 1873. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 8vo. 20th-century half black morocco, black cloth sides, title and author in gold on spine, new endpapers. [6], LXIII, [1 blank], [10], 139, [1 blank]; [4], 88, XX pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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