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Religion & Devotion

Fierce Jesuit attack responding to a 1605 polemic by the great Leiden professor J.J. Scaliger

[DELRIO, Martin Antonio]. Peniculus foriarum elenchi Scaligeriani pro Societate Iesu, Maldonato, Delrio. Auctore Liberio Sanga Verino Cantabro ad Clarum Bonarscium Belgam.
"Metelloburgi Mattiacorum" [= Antwerp?], "apud haeredes Matthianos" [printed by Hendrik Swingen?], 1609. 12mo (14 x 9 cm). Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. “103” [=203], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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First edition of an account of the qualities required of a ruler, written by a Franciscan in Goa

DEOS (DEUS), Jacinto de. Brachilogia de princepes, ...
Lisbon, António Craesbeeck de Mello, printer to "Sua Alteza" [= Prince Regent and future King Dom Pedro II], 1671. Small 8vo (15 x 9.5 cm). With 2 woodcut decorated initials (2 series). Contemporary sheepskin parchment without boards. [16], 299, [1 blank], [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Two religious emblem books: A mixture of humor, intelligence, and protestant severity

DILHERR, Johann Michael. Heilig-Epistolischer Bericht, Licht, Geleit und Freud. Das ist: emblematische Fürstellung, der heiligen sonn- und festtäglichen Episteln.
Nuremberg, Johann Andreas Endter and the heirs of Wolffgang der Jüngere, 1663. With engraved frontispiece and 85 large engraved emblems by M. Küsell after G. Strauch.
With: (2) DILHERR, Johann Michael. Augen- und Hertzens-Lust. Das ist emblematische Fürstellung der Sonn- und festtäglichen Evangelien.
Nuremberg, Johann Andreas Endter and the heirs of Wolffgang der Jüngere, 1661. With engraved frontispiece and 91 large engraved emblems by M. Küsell after G. Strauch. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary calf with the coat of arms of the Nuremberg patrician family Holzschuher Von und Zu Haszlach in gold in the centre of each board, gold-tooled spine, gilt edges. [8 blank], [30], 631, [33]; [8], 234, [4], 235-365, [31], [8 blank] pp. Full description
€ 11,500
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1558 declaration signed by the great botanist Dodoens in his capacity as Mechelen churchwarden

[MANUSCRIPT]. DODOENS (DODONAEUS), Rembert. [Declaration of financial and other documents received as incoming churchwarden of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Mechelen].
[Mechelen], 27 December 1558. Oblong 4to (19 x 21.5 cm). A document written in dark brown ink on paper, with the opening words filled in afterwards in light brown ink and the signature in light brown ink. [1] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Eight year old King Sebastião's speech for the Council of Trent

[DOM SEBASTIÃO, King of Portugal and Giovanni STROZZI (attributed)]. Oratio habita serenissimi Portugaliae Algarbiorumque Regis Sebastiani Nomine, in Concilio Tridentino. Die IX. februarij. M.D.LXII. Unva cum responsione Sanctae Synodi.
Ripae [= Riva del Garda], Italy, Pietro Antonio Alciatis, 1562. 4to (18.2 x 13.4 cm). With the woodcut coat-of-arms of the Medici popes and a woodcut head-piece on the title-page, 2 large woodcut decorated initials in the text, a woodcut head-piece at the start of the text and two ornaments at the start and end of the text. Mid 19th-century marbled paper wrappers. [1], [1 blank], [6] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Censored copy of works on the language of the Holy Scripture by the orientalist Johannes Drusius

DRUSIUS, Johannes. Opuscula quae ad Grammaticam spectant, omnia, in unum volumen compacta.
Franeker, Gilles van den Rade, 1609.
(2) DRUSIUS, Johannes. De litteris mosche vechaleb libri duo.
Franeker, Gillis van den Rade, 1608.
(3) DRUSIUS, Johannes (junior). Lachrymae, Iohannis Drusii Iunioris, tribus carminum generibus expressae, in obitum illustriss. et incomparabilis Heroïs Josephi Scaligeri.
Franeker, Gillis van den Rade, 1609.
. 3 works in 1 volume. 4to. Each title-page with a woodcut vignette (ad 1 and 2 the same, ad 3 different) and with some woodcut decorated initials (3 series). The text is set in roman and Hebrew type. Contemporary limp vellum, with the author and title in manuscript on the spine, remnants of ties. [8], "152" [= 160]; 55, [1 blank]; [8] pp. Full description
€ 6,000
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Attacking Anabaptism: first edition of an apologetic work
by a leading Dutch Catholic of the Counter Reformation

DUNCAN, Martin. Anabaptisticae haereseos confutatio, et vere Christiani baptismi, ac potissimum paedobaptismatis assertio in duos libros divisa, quorum prior veram Christiani baptismi energiam declarat, posterior paedobaptismatis Christianam institutionem ex sacris literis demonstrat, contra Mennonis Simonis Frisii Anabaptisticae pravitatis summi antistitis verulentas blasphemias.
[part 2 title:] Liber posterior de paedobaptismate seu parvulorum baptismo, contra Menonis Simonis Frisii Anabaptisticae pravitatis summi antistitis verulentas blasphemias.
Antwerp, Johannes Gravius, 1549. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With printer's device on the title of the second part, many interesting woodcut initials. 17th-century boards covered with marbled paper. [15], [1 blank], 227 ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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1486 edition of the most influential work about Mediaeval liturgy
in contemporary blind-tooled pigskin for Georg Waser, a patron of the Scheyern Abbey

DURAND, Guillaume (Guillelmus DURANDUS or DURANTI). Rationale divinorum officiorum.
Strasbourg, [Johann Prüss], 1486. Chancery folio (32.5 x 22 cm). Printed in 2 columns, with 48 lines to the column. Set in 2 sizes of rotunda gothic types, Prüss types 2 (180G) and 3 (90G), with spaces left (some with and some without printed guide letters) for manuscript initials (1 8-line, 2 7-line, 4 6-line, 3 5-line and numerous 3- and 4-line). From the beginning to h3r these spaced have been filled in with manuscript lombardic initials in red and the text has been rubricated (the first fifth of the book). Contemporary blind-tooled pigskin over wooden (beechwood?) boards by an Augsburg bindery (Eindbanddatenbank workshop w002998, active ca. 1488-1497). [3], 272 ll. Full description
€ 13,500
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