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Natural History / Insects & Spiders

Very rare study of European Trichoptera

MCLACHLAN, Robert. A monographic revision and synopsis of the Trichoptera of the European fauna.
London, John van Voorst; Berlin, Friedländer (colophon: printed by Napier, London), 1874-1880. Royal 8vo (25 x 17.5 cm). With 59 lithographed plates. Contemporary half calf. [2], IV, 523, [1 blank], CIII, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Entomological dictionary

MÖLLER, Christian Heinrich. Lexicon Entomologicum, oder entomologisches Wörterbuch, in welchem alle in diese Wissenschaft einschlagende Begriffe und die in den Linneischen und Fabrizischen Schriften vorkommende Terminologien überstezt, erklärt und mit Beyspielen, nach beyden Systemen, erläutert werden.
Erfurt, Georg Adam Keyser, 1795. 8vo. Contemporary blue boards. XVI, 704 pp. Full description
€ 975
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Good copy of a rare entomological bibliography

PERCHERON, A. Bibliographie Entomologique, comprenant l'indication par ordre alphabétique 1. Des ouvrages entomologiques publiés en France et à l'étranger, depuis les temps les plus réculés jusques et y compris l'année 1834; 2. Des monographies et mémoires contenus dans les recueils, journaux et collections académiques françaises et étrangères.
Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1837. 2 volumes bound in 1.. 8vo. Contemporary half calf, spine with gilt lettering. XII, 326; [4], 376 pp. Full description
€ 325
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300x views of compound eyes & a butterfly proboscis

PUGET, Louis de. Observations sur la structure des yeux de divers insectes, et sur la trompe des papillons, contenuës en deux lettres au R.P. Lamy, ...
Lyon, Leonard Plaignard, 1706. 8vo. With 3 folding engraved plates with 16 figures (original-size and microscopic views), woodcut cipher-monogram (JC for Jean Caffin?) on title-page, woodcut head- and tailpieces, decorated initial letters, and cast fleurons. Contemporary French calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [8], 157, [3] pp. Full description
€ 875
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Dutch scientific journal for craftsmen, with folding plates, 20 years before Diderot & dAlembert

RANOUW, Willem van. Kabinet der natuurlyke historien, wetenschappen, konsten en handwerken, geopent met de maanden January en February 1719. Verciert en opgeheldert met kopere plaaten.
Including: MEERSCH, Pieter van der. Register tot alle de deelen van het kabinet ... van W. v. Ranouw.
Amsterdam, Hendrik Strik; Zacharia Moelé and Johannes de Ruiter; Balthasar Lakeman, 1730; 1719-1727; 1732. 21 parts in 9 volumes. 8vo. With an identical engraved allegorical frontispiece in volumes 1-8, different woodcut vignettes on the title-pages and 49 numbered engraved maps and plates, all but one folding. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on the spines. [16], 176, [2], 552, [8]; [4], 564, [8]; [8], 562, [6]; 570, [6]; 570; [9]; [8], 176, [2], 191-380, [2], 563, [6]; [8], 183, [1], 1-192, 1-192, [8]; [16], 176, 1-191, [1], [20], 1-151, [1]; [12], 690 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Beetles in Thuringia, Germany

RAPP, Otto. Die Käfer Thüringens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der faunistisch-oekologischen Geographie.
Erfurt, by the author, 1933-1935. 3 volumes. Folio (30 x 21.5 cm). With 8 plates with half-tone reproductions of photographs (3 group and 57 individual portaits), and 8 maps. Modern cloth. [2], 13, [1], 766, [2]; [4], 790, [2]; [2], 3, [1], 332, [8] pp. Full description
€ 300
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Early study of noxious wood insects that harm trees, with hand-coloured steel-engravings

RATZEBURG, Julius Theodor Christian (Edgar Bourée de CORBERON, transl.). Les hylophtires et leurs ennemis, ou description et iconographie des insectes les plus nuisibles aux forèts, ainsi que des autres animaux causant des dégâts dans les bois, avec une méthode pour apprendre à les détruire et à ménager ceux qui leur font la guerre.
Nordhansen, Leipzig, B.G.H. Schmidt, 1842. Large 8vo. With 4 folding tables, 2 woodcuts in text and 6 full-page engraved plates, one with useful insects and five with harmful insects, all six hand-coloured by the publisher. Original green publisher's printed paper wrappers over stiff boards. XXXIV, 246 pp. Full description
€ 325
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One of the finest works on insects

RÖSEL VON ROSENHOF, August Johann; Christian Friedrich Carl KLEEMANN (transl.). De natuurlyke historie der insecten.
Haarlem and Amsterdam, C.H. Bohn and H. de Wit (vols. 2-4: C.H. Bohn (and son) and H. Gartman), [1765-1788]. 4 volumes (the fourth in 2 parts). Large 4to (27.5 x 21.5 cm). With 3 hand-coloured engraved frontispieces, an engraved author's portrait and 359 hand-coloured engraved plates on 288 leaves, protected by tissue guards. Modern half sheepskin(?) with red 19th-century gold-tooled spine-labels. Nearly wholly untrimmed. [24], 568, [8]; [10], 580, [8]; [2], 573, [6]; [10], XXXI, [1], [4], 220; [4], XXVI, 260 pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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The first scientific work on Hemiptera, with 70 hand-coloured, detailed plates of insects

STOLL, Caspar. Natuurlyke en naar 't leeven naauwkeurig gekleurde afbeeldingen en beschryvingen der cicaden en wantzen, in alle vier waerelds deelen Europa, Asia, Africa en America huishoudende.
Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp, [1780-]1788. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to (ca. 28.5 x 23 cm). With 40 handcoloured plates of insects and a handcoloured floral frontispiece at the start of each volume. Comprising:
(1) STOLL, Caspar. Natuurlyke en naar 't leeven naauwkeurig gekleurde afbeeldingen en beschryvingen der cicaden.
Amsterdam, J. C. Sepp, 1788.
(2) STOLL, Caspar. Natuurlyke en naar 't leeven naauwkeurig gekleurde afbeeldingen en beschryvingen der wantzen.
Amsterdam, J. C. Sepp, 1788. Contemporary gold-tooled brown calf. 124; 172 pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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