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Natural History / Floras & Flowering Plants

Rare practical manual for cultivating bulbous plants

KLEEMANN, C.H, Johannes Augustinus Bernardus KUYPER VAN WASCHPENNING, transl. Kort en grondig onderwijs, in het kweeken der meest gezochte bolgewassen. Gevolgd naar het Hoogduitsch van C.H. Kleeman, systematisch gerangschikt, met de geslachts- en soortkenmerken en eenige bolgewassen vermeerderd door J.A.B. Kuijper van Wäschpenning, voorafgegaan van het geslachtsstelsel van Linnaeus.
Breda, F.P. Sterk, 1829. 8vo. Original publishers printed stiff paper wrappers. [2 blank], [4], III, [1 blank], V, [1 blank], 127, [1] pp. Full description
€ 950
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The first Dutch flora: a botanical work of epic proportions

KOPS, Jan. (With: P.M.E. GEVERS DEYNOOT; Jhr. F.A. HARTSEN; F.W. van EEDEN; L. VUYCK; and others). [Title volumes I-VI:] Flora Batava, afgebeeld door en van wegens J.C. Sepp en Zoon; beschreven door Jan Kops. [Title volumes V-XXIV:] Flora Batava of afbeelding en beschrijving van Nederlandsche gewassen.
Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp en Zoon; Leiden, De Breuk & Smits; Haarlem, De Erven & Vincent Loosjes; Den Haag, Martinus Nijhoff, [1800], 1807-1915. 24 volumes and 2 index volumes. Large 4to (30 x 24 cm). With 11 engraved title-pages for volumes 1-11 (the first with a hand-coloured vignette and with letterpress title pages for volumes 12-24) and with 1920 full page (and some double-page) engraved and lithographed botanical plates, all beautifully coloured by hand. With:
(2) TRAPPEN, J.E. van der. Algemeen register op de thans uitgegeven acht deelen van de Flora Batava met eenige aanmerkingen.
(Preface:) Utrecht, 1844. [Probably published in Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp & Zoon, 1844].
(3) [KOPS, J., F.W. van EEDEN and others (eds.)]. Flora Batava. Afbeelding en beschrijving der Nederlandsche gewassen. ... Alphabetisch register, deel I-XIV.
Leiden, De Breuk & Smits, 1874.
Contemporary(?) uniform half gold-tooled tree marbled calf portfolios, marbled paper sides, with gold-tooled red morocco spine labels bearing the general title and the volume number, all with (remnants of) green ties at all edges. Loose as issued in the portfolios. Full description
€ 17,500
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First edition of Labillardière's famous voyage in search of La Pérouse, with 44 plates, including 14 after Redouté

LABILLARDIÈRE, Jacques Julien Houton de. Relation du voyage a la recherche de la Pérouse.
Including: Atlas pour servir à la Relation du voyage à la recherche de la Pérouse, ...
Paris, H.J. Jansen, An VIII [= 1799/1800]. 3 volumes. 4to (2 text volumes) and folio (atlas). Atlas with engraved title-page, large folding map (59 x 86.5 cm) and 43 full-page engraved plates (numbered 2-44), including 14 botanical plates drawn or completed by Pierre-Joseph Redouté. Modern mottled half calf. XVI, 442; 332, 113, [1] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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"One of the more delightful flower books of the 18th century"

L'HÉRITIER DE BRUTELLE, Charles-Louis. Stirpes novae, aut minus cognitae, quas descriptionibus et iconibus illustravit.
Paris, Philip Dionysius Pierres, "1784"-"1785" [= 1785-1788]. Parts 1-4 (of 6) in 1 volume. 1mo (full-sheet leaves, ca. 37 x 54 cm). With 50 engraved plates: 22 after Pierre Joseph Redouté, 17 after L. Freret, 4 after Fossier, 2 after P. Jossigny, 2 after J.G. Bruguiere, and 1 each after James Sowerby, Cl. Aubriet and Prévost. Original publisher's pink paste-paper wrappers over boards. Preserved in a professionaly handmade box, made for this book. [2], VI, 1-20; [2], VII-VIII, 21-40; [2], IX-X, 41-62; [2] XI-XII, 63-102 pp. Full description
€ 8,000
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Rare flower art book which describes some exotics for the first and only time

L'HÉRITIER DE BRUTELLE, Charles-Louis. Sertum Anglicum, seu plantae rariores quae in hortis juxta Londinum, imprimis in horto regio Kewensi excoluntur, ab anno 1786 ad annum 1787 observatae.
Paris, Pierre-François Didot, 1788 [= after 1800]. 1mo (full-sheet leaves, ca. 34 x 53,5 cm). With 35 engraved botanical plates (8 folding), including 20 drawn by Pierre-Joseph Redouté and 10 by James Sowerby. Contemporary half red roan (sheepskin). Preserved in a professionaly handmade box, made for this book. [4], 20 pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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The most important 18th-century work on the plants in the Alsace region

MAPPUS, Marcus and Johan Christian EHRMANN (editor). Historia plantarum alsaticarum.
Strasbourg and Amsterdam, Johann Daniel Dulsecker and Pieter Mortier, 1742. 4to. With 7 folding copper-engraved plates of plants, an engraved printer's device on the title-page, an engraved coat-of-arms of François-Joseph de Klinglin, baron de Hattstatt etc. as a headpiece above the dedication, 3 woodcut initials, a headpiece made up of typographical ornaments at the start of the main text and the index, a woodcut tailpiece at the end of the main text, and the title-page is printed in red and black. Contemporary gold-tooled, mottled, polished calf. [8], 335, [32] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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With colour-printed frontispiece cactus, mostly white on blue

MITTLER, Ludwig. Taschenbuch für Cactusliebhaber. Auf neue Erfahrungen gestützte Kultur und Uebersicht der im teutschen Handel vorkommenden Cactuspflanzen.
Leipzig, Ludwig Schreck, (colophon: printed by Friedrich Andrä), 1841. Small 4to or imperial 16mo (17.5 x 13 cm). With colour-printed frontispiece. Plain beige boards. X, 98 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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