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Natural History / Fishes / Ichthyology

64 papers on fish, especially dealing with the eel's larvae and migration patterns

SCHMIDT, Johannes. Havundersøgelser [A collection of more than 60 papers on fishes].
"1902"[=1904]-1927. 64 papers bound in 1 volume (33.5 x 28 x 15 cm). 4to and 8vo. With a manuscript title-page, portrait of the author in grey washes, manuscript letter, and numerous illustrations in text, plates, tables and maps (many folding). Contemporary fish-skin, with the spine and front boards decorated with bands of eelskin. Approximately 1600 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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14 Chinese colour drawings on pith paper, showing 72 fish and seashells, some in metallic colours

[SUNQUA?]. [Chinese fish and seashells].
[Guangzhen (Canton)?, Sunqua?, ca. 1845/55?]. Oblong folio album (26.5 x 34.5 cm). 14 drawings depicting 72 fish and seashells in coloured gouaches, the fish with gold and silver speckles to give a metallic effect to the scales, executed on pith paper (18 x 29 cm), framed with 4 strips of blue silk, and with a loose tissue leaf inserted before each drawing. Contemporary boards, covered with yellow-green silk. [14] ll. Full description
€ 18,000
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One of the theses defended under the professorship of Thunberg in Uppsala

THUNBERG, Carl Peter (praeses) and Petruus Magnus ACKSELL. Fauna Chinensis. Quam venis. exp. Facult. Med. Upsal. Praeside C.P. Thunberg ... P.P. Petrus Magnus Acksell a Sacris Med. Theolog. Gestricio Helsingus. In Audit. Botanico die XII Junii MDCCCXXIII.
Uppsala, Palmblad et C, [1823]. 4to. Unbound. [4], 8 pp. Full description
€ 1,850
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