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Natural History

The first systematic account of Australian flora, including the supplement on Protaeceae

BROWN, Robert. Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et insulae Van-Diemen exhibens characteres plantarum, quas annis 1802-1805 ... insertis passim aliis speciebus, auctori hucuque cognitis, seu evulgatis, seu ineditis, praesertim Banksianis, in primo itinere navarchi Cook detectis.
Nürnberg, Leonard Schrag, 1827.
With: (2) BROWN, Robert. Supplementum primum prodromi florae Novae Hollandiae: exhibens Proteaceas novas quas in Australasia legerunt DD. Baxter, Caley, Cunningham, Fraser et Sieber; ...
London, Richard Taylor, 1830.
2 works in 1 volume. Large 8vo. 20th-century half brown morocco. xiv, 460; 40; [2] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Finely executed botanical and pomological drawings, coloured with gouache by a pioneering female Swiss alpinist

BRUNNER, Elise. [Botanical and pomological drawings].
[Bern?], 1847-1848. Oblong 4to. Album with 25 botanical and pomological pencil drawings in various sizes, all coloured with gouache, apparently by the artist, and mostly signed by Elise Brunner. All these drawings are mounted on the album leaves of various colours. Also inserted is a black and white sketch in pencil signed by an unknown female artist "Marie Blau fec.". 19th-century half dark red morocco with lighter red morocco sides, gold-tooled spine. [61] album ll., 18 of the first 21 containing 25 colour drawings and 1 pencil sketch. Full description
€ 2,950
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Beautifully illustrated Dutch flower book, with more than 50 hand-coloured plates

[NEDERLANDSCH BLOEMWERK]. Nederlandsch bloemwerk. Door een gezelschap geleerden.
Amsterdam, J.B. Elwe, 1794. 4to. With 54 contemporary hand-coloured engraved plates of flowers, including an engraved title-page signed by Paul Theodor van Brussel and Hendrik Leffert Myling. (Near-) contemporary gold-tooled half calf. [2 blank], [6], 128, [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Complete first series (humans, mammalian quadrupeds, apes) of first edition of Buffon's seminal work

BUFFON, Georges Louis Leclerc. Histoire naturelle, générale et particuliére, avec la description du cabinet du Roi.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1749-1767. 15 volumes. 4to. With engraved frontispiece portrait of Buffon, 19 engraved headpieces (with animals and putti), 2 folding maps ("Carte de l'ancien continent" and "Cart du nouveau continent"), 579 engraved plates (full-page and folding, including 1 unnumbered and 1 bis). Contemporary uniform mottled calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges. Full description
€ 5,000
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The first German edition of a classic zoological work

[BUFFON, Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de, and Louis J.M. DAUBENTON]. Allgemeine Historie der Natur nach allen ihren besondern Theilen abgehandelt; nebst einer Beschreibung der Naturalienkammer Sr. Majestät des Königes von Frankreich. Mit einer Vorrede Herrn Doctor Albrecht von Haller.
Hamburg and Leipzig, Georg Christian Grund and Adam Heinrich Holle, 1750-1772. 8 (of 11) volumes (divided into two parts each). 4to. With engraved vignette on 16 title-pages, engraved headpiece to the dedication, engraved headpieces to each part, 2 engraved maps, folding engraved genealogical table, 1 folding letterpress table and 575 engraved plates. Contemporary vellum (not strictly matching). Each vol. ca. 650 pp. Full description
€ 6,950
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Rare, finely hand-coloured set of Buffon’s Histoire naturelle in its rarest and most luxurious form

BUFFON, Georges-Louis Leclerc de. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du cabinet du roi. Nouvelle édition.
Dordrecht, Abraham Blussé, 1766-1799. 38 parts in 21 volumes. Large 4to. With more than 1100 hand-coloured engraved plates, 10 maps, 1 folding engraved table, and an engraved portrait of Buffon (by Houbraken, with an extra-added uncoloured portrait pasted on the verso). Contemporary, uniform half tanned sheepskin. Full description
€ 125,000
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The complete supplement volumes to Buffon's seminal work, including his new theory on the earth

BUFFON, Georges Louis Leclerc. Histoire naturelle, générale et particuliére . . . Supplément [Tome premier - septième].
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1774-1782 (vols. 1-6); Dordrecht, A. Blussé and son, 1799 (vol. 7). 7 volumes. 4to. With 2 folding engraved maps and 218 plates (full-page and folding and including 2 bis), all engraved. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges (vols. 1-6, uniform), 19th-century half calf, gold-tooled spine (vol. 7). Full description
€ 2,250
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