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Natural History

Colourful Dipodidae

LICHTENSTEIN, Martin Hinrich Carl. Über die Springmäuse oder die sämtlichen bis jetzt bekannten Arten der Gattung Dipus.
Berlin, Druckerei der Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1828. 4to. With 10 numbered hand-coloured lithographs on 6 folding plates by and after J.A. Schmidt. Contemporary marbled boards. [2], 29, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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First western book on bonsai trees

LIEGELSTEINER, George. Wohlgezogener Zwerg-Baum oder Gründlicher Unterricht wie die Frantz-Bäume gewartet werden müssen, ...
Leipzig, Wolffgang Deer, 1747. 8vo. With woodcut frontispiece, 8 engraved figures on 1 folding plate, and about 30 woodcut figures in the text. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [1 blank], [11], 143, [9] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Mid-18th century scientific correspondence

[LIGNAC, Joseph Adrien Le Large de]. Lettres à un Amériquain sur l'histoire naturelle, générale et particuliere de monsieur de Buffon.
"Hambourg" [Paris?], 1751-1756. 9 volumes. 12mo. With woodcut initials, ornaments and decorative lettering. Contemporary uniform mottled calf, gold-tooled spines. [2], 127, [1], 50; [2], 66, [2], 66, [2]; [2], 31, [1], 96, 69, [1]; [2], 78, [2], 92; [2], 185, [1]; 238, [2]; [2], 238, [2]; [2], 258, [2]; [2], 276, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Starting-point of modern systematic botany

LINNAEUS, Carl. Genera plantarum ... Editio secunda.
Paris, M.A. David, 1743. With 2 folding engraved plates, and one folding table.
With: (2) BULLIARD, Pierre. Dictionnaire élémentaire de botanique. Revu et presqu' entièrement refondu par Louis Claude Richard.
Paris, A.J. Dugour et Gabon, An VII 1798. With 10 folding engraved plates. 8vo. 2 works in 1 volume. Contemporary calf, spine richly gold-tooled. 52, 288, [34]; xxxii, [2], 413, [59] pp. Full description
€ 975
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The first comprehensive work on Japanese marine shells, with 37 chromo-lithographed plates

LISCHKE, Carl Emil. Japanische Meeres-Conchylien.
Kassel, for Theodor Fischer (colophon: Elberfeld, by R.L. Friderichs & Comp.), 1869-1874. 3 volumes. 4to. With 37 chromo-lithographed plates. Contemporary blind- and gold-blocked cloth. [4], 192; [4], 184; 123, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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First Dutch edition of one of the greatest herbals, with approximately 2185 botanical woodcuts

LOBEL [also L'OBEL or LOBELIUS], Matthias de. Kruydtboeck oft beschrijvinghe van allerleye ghewassen, kruyderen, hesteren, ende gheboomten.
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1581. 2 volumes bound as 1, the second in 3 parts. Large folio. With an engraved title-page, the author's large "candore et spe" woodcut device on leaf *6r, approximately 2185 botanical woodcuts in the text. The medieval manuscript parchment pastedowns are rubricated in red and ink. The Latin legal text is written in a littera bononiensis (variant of the littera textualis) in brown ink. With three loosely inserted contemporary or near contemporary slips with manuscript notes, in Dutch regarding a recipe and other notes. Tanned sheepskin over thick wooden boards (perhaps partly contemporary but refurbished in the early 19th-century) with brass fastenings. Sewn on 5 double cords supports with corresponding raised bands on the spine creating 6 compartments, with a black morocco title label lettered in gold in the second compartment, and with medieval manuscript binding waste parchment pastedowns. [10], 994, [2 blank], "312"[=314, p. 294 + 2 blank], [2 blank], 15, [1 blank], [67], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 22,500
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On German mushrooms, mosses, cereals and grasses, with 111 hand-coloured engraved plates

LÖBE, William. Die Getreidearten und Hülsenfrüchte. Aus Deutschlands Landwirthschaftlicher Flora.
Leipzig, Wilhelm Baensch, 1863. With 28 hand-coloured engraved plates and 2 engraved plates.
(2) LÖBE, William. Die Gräser der Wiese und des Waldes. Aus der Landwirthschaftlichen Flora.
Leipzig, Wilhelm Baensch, 1863. With 19 (of 21) hand-coloured engraved plates.
(3) EBBINGHAUS, Julius. Die Pilze und Schwämme Deutschlands. Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Anwendbarkeit als Nahrungs- und Heilmittel, so wie auf die Nachtheile derselben.Leipzig, Wilhelm Baensch, 1863. With 32 hand-coloured engraved plates.
(4) REDSLOB, Julius. Die Moose und Flechten Deutschlands. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung auf Nutzen und Nachtheile dieser Gewächse.Leipzig, Wilhelm Baensch, 1863. With 32 hand-coloured engraved plates. 4 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary half calf. [8], 54; VI, 72; [6], VIII, 64; [4], 96 pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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One of the chief equesterian works of the early modern period, this edition with 61 newly-engraved illustration plates

LÖHNEISEN (LÖHNEYSS), Georg Engelhard. Neu-eröffnete Hof- Kriegs- und Reit-Schul, das ist: gründlicher Bericht della Cavalleria, oder von allen, was zur Reuterey gehörig und einem Cavalier davon zu wissen gebühret, ...
Nürnberg, Paul Lochner, 1729. 6 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With engraved frontispiece, engraved plate with the elaborately quartered coat-of-arms of the dedicatee, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach, and 61 engraved illustration plates (9 double-page, and many with 2 half-page illustrations per plate). 19th-century gold- and blind-tooled diced light brown calf, gold-tooled spine. [30], 66; 96; 114; 136; 144; 104, [8 (of 10)] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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