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Natural History

Popular work with many medicinal and household recipes, also including a chapter on magnetism

DIGBY, Kenelm, Nicolaus PAPINIUS and Athanasius KIRCHER. Theatrum sympateticum, ofte wonder toneel der natuurs verborgentheden. ... Benevens twee waardige vervolgen, van veele zeldsame antipathien en sympathien. Als mede, hoe dat de dieren, planten, metalen, &c. zonder zaad of voortteelinge konnen voort komen, ... Vierde druk.
Amsterdam, Nicolaas ten Hoorn, 1727. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece by Jan Luyken. Contemporary vellum. [12], 528, [24] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Linnaean edition of the illustrated catalogue of Sherard's great botanical garden

DILLENIUS (DILLEN), Johann Jakob. Horti Elthamensis plantarum rariorum icones et nomina.
Leiden, Cornelis Haak, 1774. 2 volumes bound as 1. Folio. With 325 engraved plates, numbered 1-147, [1], 148-324. 4 plates misbound: 6/7 and 273/274. Contemporary boards. Preserved in a professionaly handmade box, made for this book. [12] pp. Full description
€ 12,000
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First edition of Ruel's translation of a foundational work on pharmacology

DIOSCORIDES, Pedanius. De medicinali materia libri quinque. De virulentis animalibus, et venenis canerabioso, et eorum noti, ac remedijs libri quattuor.
(Colophon: Paris, Henri Estienne, 1516). Folio. With the title within a decorative metalcut( ?) panel. Set in roman types. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment; rebacked in calf, with new endpapers, but preserving the original paste-downs. [12], 157, [2], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 18,000
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Fossils from the Triassic and Cretaceous period in Sussex

DIXON, Frederick. The geology and fossils of the tertiary and cretaceous formations of Sussex.
London, Richard and John Edward Taylor, 1850. Large 4to (32 x 24.5 cm). With a hand-coloured lithographed frontispiece and 44 lithographed and engraved plates (including 2 coloured by hand and 2 double-page). Contemporary green cloth, new endpapers. XVI, I-XVI, 422, [2] pp. Full description
€ 700
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Definitive edition of a classic Dutch herbal

DODONAEUS (DODOENS), Rembertus. Cruydt-Boeck ...
Antwerp, Balthasar II Moretus in the Plantin printing office, 1644. Large folio (ca. 25 x 41 cm). With an integral, richly engraved title-page, with 1470 botanical woodcuts in the text, woodcut decorated initials, woodcut tailpiece with the Plantin compasses device at the end of the index and larger woodcut publishers device with the compasses and motto on the last, otherwise blank leaf. Set in textura types with extensive roman, italic and civilité. Contemporary gold- and blind-tooled calf over boards, with brass catch- and anchor-plates and one brass clasp. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [32], 1492, [59], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Original drawing relating to an important work on Brazilian plants

[DRAWING - RIO DE JANEIRO]. [MARY, Benjamin (attributed)]. [Ink drawing of Guanabara Bay].
[Rio de Janeiro?, 1837?].
With: (2) [LEBSCHÉE, Carl August (attributed)]. [Drawing of Guanabara Bay].
[Germany?, 1837?].
Ad 1: 19 x 32 cm. Passe-partout: 36,5 x 47 cm. Sepia ink on paper. Ad 2: 24,5 x 34 cm. Passe-partout: 37 x 44 cm. Sepia ink on paper, with blue and sepia ink washes. Full description
€ 6,500
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Beautiful watercolour and gouache paintings of birds,
together in a magnificent 1784 binding from the famous "First Stadholder Bindery" in The Hague

[DRAWINGS - BIRDS]. Konst tekeningen. [Detailed illustrations of birds].
[The Netherlands], binding dated 1784. Large folio (52 x 33.5 cm). With 18 large, beautifully hand-drawn and coloured illustrations of birds.Contemporary richly gold-tooled red morocco over boards, sewn on 8 supports, each board with a round, gold-tooled, green morocco inlaid centre piece, gold-tooled board edges, 2 pairs of green cloth ties, gilt edges, and block-printed paste-paper endpapers in red and yellow. The spine is also richly gold-tooled with 2 different rolls to frame the compartments and underline the leaf and flower stamps. The front and back boards match, except for the gold lettering: on the front board "konst tekeningen" and on the back board "anno 1784". The tooling shows 4 different rolls, used for multiple frames, and numerous stamps of leaves, flowers, vases, birds and other decorative elements. 90 ll. Full description
€ 28,000
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Land and fresh-water molluscs of France, with 31 plates, presentation copy

DUPUY, Dominique. Histoire naturelle des mollusques terrestres et d'eau douce qui vivent en France.
Paris, Masson, 1847-1852. 2 volumes (text and atlas). 4to. With a letterpress folding table and 31 lithographed plates. Contemporary green half sheepskin. XXXI, [1 blank], 737, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 575
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