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Military History / Military History up to 1700

Spanish artillery manual for the Low Countries, with 9 folding plates

FERNÁNDEZ DE MEDRANO, Sebastián. El perfecto artificial, bombardero y artillero, que contiene los artificios de fuegos marciales, nuevo uso de bombas, granadas, y practica de la artilleria, y mosquete, &c.
Brussels, Lambert Marcht, 1699. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece and 9 numbered folding engraved plates. Contemporary vellum with a later black spine label lettered in gold, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [1], [2 blank], [13], “66” [= 196], [4] pp. Full description
€ 2,800
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25 beautiful ca. 1660 etchings depicting a cavalry battle, animals and landscapes, including 3 complete series

FLAMEN, Albert. [5 etched print series:]
1) Divers combats.
Series of 6 unnumbered prints including title-print.
2) Diverses especes d[']animaus faits apres nature.
Series of 7 unnumbered prints including title-print.
3) Veuës et païsages du Chasteau de Longuetoise et des environs.
6 unnumbered prints, including title-print, from a series of 12.
4) [Views near Paris].
Series of 4 numbered prints, published without title.
5) [Pastoral views].
Series(?) of 2 unnumbered prints without title.
Paris, [Jacques Lagniet (ads 1, 3), Jacques van Merlen (ad 4), unknown publisher (ads 2, 5)], [ca. 1660]. Small 4to (16.5 x 13 cm). Five series of small oblong folio etched views (16 x 21.5-23 cm; plate size: 10 x 17 to 12.5 x 21.5 cm), 3 complete, 1 incomplete and 1 documented only as separate prints. Each print folded to form a double leaf and mounted on a stub so that it can open flat. Gold-tooled, dark green goatskin morocco (ca. 1890). [6]; [7]; [6 of 12]; 4; [2] etched ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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First Dutch edition of an eyewitness account of the 1573 siege of Alkmaar

[FOREEST, Nanning van]. Een cort verhael van de strenghe belegheringhe ende aftreck der Spangiaerden van de Stadt Alcmaer gheleghen in Hollandt. Die welcke de Spaengiaerts nae dat syse int Jaer MDCLXXIII seven weecken beleghert hadden niet sonder haer groote schade ende schande hebben moeten nalaten, uyt het Latyn int Duytsch overgeset.
Delft, Aelbert Hendrickz., "1573" [1580 or soon after?]. Small 4to. With a woodcut illustration of a king on the title page, with his shield bearing an (Irish!?) harp, and 1 woodcut decorated initial (roman capital). Set in textura types except for the italic running heads. 19th-century block-printed decorated wrappers (in blue). 29, [3] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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French-Dutch terms for the treatment and exchange of prisoners of war in 1673

[FRENCH-DUTCH WAR - FRANÇOIS OF MONTMORENCY & WILLIAM ADRIAAN II OF HORNE]. Conditien ende articulen, van het Quartier Generael, aengaende het wisselen ende rantçoeneren der gevangens, over een gekomen ende gheslooten tusschen den Heere Hertogh van Luxemburgh ... ende den Heere Grave van Hornes ...
The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, 1673. 4to. With a woodcut vignette on the title-page. Modern wrappers. 8 pp. Full description
€ 275
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85 precise illustrations of the use of military arms and of French military uniforms in the 17th century

[GIFFART, Pierre]. L'art militaire françois, contenant l'exercice & le maniement des armes, tant des officiers que des soldats, réprésenté par des figures en taille-douce dessinées d'après nature. Avec un petit abregé d'exercice comme il se fait aujourd'hui. Dédié à Monseigneur le Marechal Duc de Boufflers.
"Paris" [printed in the Netherlands?], "Pierre Giffart" [publisher unknown], 1697. Small 8vo (16 x 10 cm). With engraved frontispiece and 85 full-page engraved illustrations (12 x 7.5 cm). Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. [14], 178 pp. Full description
€ 5,750
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A general in the Spanish army on the battles and sieges in Flanders 1601-1609,
during the Dutch war for independence, with 29 folding maps and plans

GIUSTINIANO, Pompeo. Delle guerre di Flandra libri VI. ... Posti in luce da Gioseppe Gamurini ...
Antwerp, J. Trognesio, 1609. 4to. With engraved architectural title-page and 29 folding engraved maps and plans of sieges and fortifications. White sheepskin (ca. 1700 or possibly later). [4], 329, [1 blank], [15], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Illustrated instructions for drawing fortification plans and perspective views, printed by the Elzeviers

GOLDMANN, Nicolaus. La nouvelle fortification ...
Leiden, Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier, 1645. Folio. With architectural title-page engraved by Adriaen Matham, 52 half-page engravings plus about 42 repeats in the text, and numerous letterpress tables in the text. Contemporary(?) mottled calf. Rebacked and with restorations in sheepskin. [16], 224 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Honouring Duke Theodosius II, who fought in the Battle of Alcacér Quibir

GUERREIRO, Bartolomeo. Sermam que fez o R. P. Bertolameu Guerreiro da Companhia de Iesu, nas exequias do anno que se fizerao...
Lisbon, Mathias Rodrigues, [1632]. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of Duke Theodosius II on the title-page, two woodcut initials (2 different series) and an ornamental head-piece. Plain paper wrappers with a small label on the front wrapper ("823"). [4], 28 ll. Full description
€ 2,750
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The Ridderschap in the States of Holland and West-Friesland asks Amsterdam
to spent more money on the defense of the country - an old plea

[PAMPHLET - HOLLAND & WESTFRIESLAND]. Circulaire brief, van de Heeren Ridderschap en Edelen, van Hollandt en West-Vrieslant; nevens t antwoort van de Ed. Groot Achtb. Heeren Burgermeesteren en Regeerders der stadt Amsterdam, op de voorsz. Brief.
[Amsterdam,] Jan Cyprianus van der Graft [= Jacobus Hackius?], 1685. 4to. With a woodcut title vignette. Blue modern wrappers, new endpapers. 24 pp. Full description
€ 275
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